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Marching Band Class Mr. Ryan Moseley 302-449-3840 ext. 6158.

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Presentation on theme: "Marching Band Class Mr. Ryan Moseley 302-449-3840 ext. 6158."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marching Band Class Mr. Ryan Moseley 302-449-3840 ext. 6158

2 AHS Vision Statement Appoquinimink High School is a school committed to fostering personal growth through positive character development and the use of state of the art tools and practices to enable students to make a positive impact on today’s global society

3 Course Objectives To learn the basics concepts of instrumental music and how they relate to the music being performed To perform a wide range of repertoire from various cultures and genres which are engaging and challenging for the students To analyze, describe, and evaluate musical pieces through various activities and listening examples To learn the basics of music theory

4 Music Standards #2. Performing on instruments independently and with others a varied repertoire of music. #3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments #4. Composing and arranging music within specific guidelines #5. Reading and Notating Music

5 Music Standards #6. Listen to, describing, and analyzing music and musical performances #7.Evaluating music and musical performances #8.Making connections between music, the other arts and other curricular areas #9. Understanding music in relation to diverse cultures, times, and places

6 Required Materials –Pencil –Lined Paper or Notebook *Music and folders will be provided to all students at the beginning of the school year.

7 Required Materials Cont. All music and folders must be turned in at the end of the semester. Students will be charged $2.00 for every piece of music missing, and $4.00 for a missing folder. *This will count as a student obligation and will follow the school’s policy on how to settle a student obligation.

8 Grading Policy Performances:40% Performance/Written Tests, Quizzes: 30% Classroom Participation/Required Materials: 25% Performance Evaluations/Homework:5% District Grading Guideline: 70% Product; 30% Process

9 Course Requirements Students are required to be at All performances. A list of all performances will be given to the students and a contract will need to be signed by the student and his/her parent or guardian. Students must bring all required materials to class. Bringing the required materials to class is a daily portion of your classroom participation grade.

10 Requirements Cont. Be on Time to class. Students should be in their seats 3 minutes after the bell rings. This will allow students the time to No Food, Gum, Candy, or Drinks in the classroom Homework must be turned in on the assigned day. No late work will be accepted, unless students are absent or prior arrangements have been made.

11 Concert Uniform Attire –Women: Girls will be issued a maroon concert blouse. They will need to wear a “nice” pair of full length pants for the concert –Men: Will be issued a tuxedo for concert attire. The tuxedo will contain a jacket, pants, and maroon tie. Students are responsible for wearing their own long sleeve white shirt, black socks, and black dress shoes

12 Concert Uniform Attire A concert band uniform has been issued to all students to wear for our performances. Each student is responsible for the care uniform while in his/her possession. At the end of the school year, the student is required to return the uniform as it was issued, along with a $9.00 cleaning fee.

13 Concert Performance Dates: Winter Concert: December 16, 2013 –Report Time: 6:15 p.m. Spring Concert: May 12, 2014 –Report Time: 6:15 p.m. Graduation: May 22, 2014 –Report Time: TBA

14 Marching Band Info September 11, 2013= Joe Corbi Fundraiser Due September 14, 2013=Competition @ Lake Forest HS –See Mr. Moseley for tickets October 2, 2013= 5th Annual Appoquinimink HS T.O.B. Marching Band Competition (Need Chaperones)

15 Please Note  Throughout the year, we may be asked to perform at events in the community. When these events are presented and the dates for these events are set, I will provide them to you. Although these types of events will not be graded, I ask that you make every effort to attend.

16 Music Boosters Meeting: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 –6:30 p.m. in the Band Room –

17 Final Thought “The life of the arts, far from being an interruption or a distraction, in the life of the nation, is close to the center of the nation’s purpose- and is a test to the quality of the nation’s civilization.” President John F. Kennedy

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