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 Pitch  Rhythm  Breath  Voice  Diction.

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2  Pitch  Rhythm  Breath  Voice  Diction

3  The notes or sounds that we hear when someone sings, and it determines if the song is going to sound great or not.  Pitch determines whether you are in tune or not.  When singing it is important to listen to the music to stay in tune.

4  The beat of a song.  Need to stay on beat and keep up with the tempo so that you are not catching up or lagging behind.

5  Without breath, without air, we have no voice… we have no sound!

6  Vocal cords are the origin of a strong and healthy voice! Without them, we would have NO voice, even if we have a strong diaphragm and lots of breath in our lungs.  Our vocal cords are actually housed in what we call our 'voice box' or larynx, also commonly known as our 'Adam's Apple', which is most easily seen as a bulge in most men's throats.  These cords produce sound through rapid vibration with the passage of air between the set of cords. When the air passes through the cords, forcing them apart, the cords immediately close back, creating multiple vibrations at a certain frequency, and this creates what our human ear perceives as the sound of our voice. This also means that our vocal cords bear the brunt of the air pressure created when we sing!

7  The need to shape our voice and form words so that people understand what is being said.

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