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INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 1 Click to edit Master title style 1 Analysis of the planning process Why and how? Session.

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Presentation on theme: "INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 1 Click to edit Master title style 1 Analysis of the planning process Why and how? Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 1 Click to edit Master title style 1 Analysis of the planning process Why and how? Session 2 Jiri Dusik

2 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2 Click to edit Master title style 2 Aim of this session To be able to analyse the planning process To understand the importance of doing that.

3 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 3 Click to edit Master title style 3 Why analyzing the planning process? It creates basis for the whole undertaking of IAP It helps to identify key strengths and weaknesses of the current planning process: –Treatment of environmental, social and economic (ESE) issues –Treatment of inter-linkages between ESE issues and of any applicable sustainability benchmarks –Process management It helps to design appropriate focus and steps of IAP

4 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 4 Click to edit Master title style 4 Why: Common arguments against new assessments All substantive issues and stakeholder consultations are already sufficiently treated within the planning process Assessment will not bring any additional information Assessment will not fit into decision-making – it will prolong or complicate the planning process --- Without analysis of the planning process, it is often difficult to design IAP and explain it (its added value and relationship to the planning process)

5 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 5 Click to edit Master title style 5 Common elements of strategic planning Usual purpose InitiationStart-up of the process, sometimes accompanied with clear ToR for the planning process Analysis of current situation Review of key issues and concerns that should be considered in the planning process Design of strategy (strategic planning) Choice of specific development objectives (often based on chosen scenario of desired development) Design of actions (operational planning) Choice of specific actions (often incl. conditions to maximize benefits and minimize negative effects) Implementation Arrangements Tasks, timeline, budgets Monitoring, supervision and reporting

6 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 6 Click to edit Master title style 6 Example: PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers Common elementsUsual purpose InitiationOfficial decision to start PRSP, overall objective of PRSP, who is in charge and who should be consulted and timeline Analysis of current situation Formal analysis of trends in poverty, root causes and of relevant policies Design of strategy (strategic planning) Formal determination of specific targets for poverty reduction and determination of priority sectors/regions for intervention Design of actions (operational planning) Design of specific actions to achieve given targets, determination of budget Implementation arrangements Formal decisions on implementing agencies, monitoring, supervision and reporting – mainly for donors

7 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7 Click to edit Master title style 7 Example: Trade Negotiation Common elementsUsual purpose InitiationDecision to begin negotiation and broad negotiating mandate, responsibilities and consultation arrangements Analysis of current situation Ad hoc studies and consultations Design of strategy (strategic planning) “Start-up” positions on specific issues (external – ambitions, internal – bottom-lines) Design of actions (operational planning) Detailed negotiations on specific issues - discussion on compromises, possibly discussion about impacts of various compromises Implementation arrangements Specific decisions and changes in legal frameworks, possibly programs to minimize negative impacts or to maximize benefits

8 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 8 Click to edit Master title style 8 Example: Energy Policy Common elementsUsual purpose InitiationInternal beginning of the planning process Analysis of current situation External studies to map trends in demand and supply (often not official part of the planning process) Design of strategy (strategic planning) Scenarios for energy demand (pricing) and energy supply (mix of supply) Design of actions (operational planning) Specific programs and projects to implement chosen scenario Implementation arrangements Tasks, responsibilities and timeline, No real monitoring, strong supervision by industrial sector and limited reporting

9 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 9 Click to edit Master title style 9 Analysis of the planning process Each planning process is different Its analysis helps to identify –Key strengths and weaknesses –Corresponding entry points for IAP (where it can play useful role)

10 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 10 Click to edit Master title style 10 How to analyze the planning process Comprehensive set of questions in Section 3 of the UNEP Guidance for Pilot Projects needs to be considered Simplified questions for this workshop: What is the logic of the planning process? Describe its different elements Which ESE issues are considered? Are any linkages between various ESE issues taken into account? How are sustainability benchmarks (goals or bottom- lines) taken into account? Who participates and when?

11 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 11 Click to edit Master title style 11 Simple framework for analysis of the planning process Key elements (stages) of strategic planning Main ESE issues within the strategic planning Linkages between ESE issues and relations to SD benchmarks Consultations within strategic planning …..

12 INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 12 Click to edit Master title style 12 Tasks for the group work Work in national teams Fill-in the matrix – logic of the planning process, treatment of ESE issues (Economy – trade, social – poverty, environment), treatment of linkages between ESE issues and of SD benchmarks, and use of consultations Prepare presentation on key benefits and difficulties of this exercise (incl. questions that you could not answer) This exercise can be followed up by detailed review (at home) using UNEP review framework

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