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Cloud Computing New Technology Presentation Riley Woldt EDT 661.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Computing New Technology Presentation Riley Woldt EDT 661."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Computing New Technology Presentation Riley Woldt EDT 661

2 What is Cloud Computing? Having the ability to access a network of resources, software programs and data, without actually having to possess or own them.

3 All the user has to have is the cloud computing interface software, which could be as simple as a web browser, to access the network of resources the user needs or wants.

4 What’s in the Cloud? Things like: DocumentsPresentations PicturesAddress Books SpreadsheetsBlogs EmailVideos CalendarsMusic

5 Another way to think of Cloud Computing Front End – the side the computer user sees, equipped with application to access the cloud. Back End – “cloud” section of the system, equipped with various computers, servers and storage systems. Connected by a network, usually the Internet DocumentsPresentations PicturesAddress Books SpreadsheetsBlogs EmailVideos Calendars

6 Benefits of Cloud Computing? 1. Cost Efficient Users can access the cloud from multiple sources (laptop, tablet, desktop and/or smart phone) without actually having to purchase and equip each device with the software.

7 Benefits of Cloud Computing? 1. Cost Efficient Users don’t have to purchase the fastest computer or one with the most memory because the network takes care of that. All one really needs is a monitor, an input device and enough processing power to access the cloud.

8 Benefits of Cloud Computing in Education? 1. Cost Efficient School districts and other businesses don’t have to fight budget constraints by upgrading hardware or software.

9 Benefits of Cloud Computing? 2. Accessibility and Mobility Users would be able to access the cloud anytime and anywhere with Internet connection.

10 Benefits of Cloud Computing? 2. Accessibility and Mobility In theory, users would have access to unlimited applications from word processing to game play.

11 Benefits of Cloud Computing in Education? 2. Accessibility and Mobility Fits well with the 21 st Century student and shift in education today. With Internet access, educators and students have the opportunity to take education on the move and create a unique learning environment.

12 Benefits of Cloud Computing in Education? 2. Accessibility and Mobility In theory, educators and students would have access to unlimited applications to assist them in teaching and learning.

13 Concerns of Cloud Computing? 1. Security – Some people are unsure about handing over important data to another company for secure storage.

14 Concerns of Cloud Computing? 2. Privacy – Because users are able to log in from anywhere, it’s possible for the user’s privacy to be compromised. There should be some form of privacy protection format available for users.

15 Concerns of Cloud Computing for Schools and School Districts I’m wondering with all the privacy and protection we currently have in place, what types of measures will school districts go to protect the children/families if they choose to go to cloud computing?

16 Resources Strickland, J. (2011). How Cloud Computing Works. Retrieved from computing.htm Tadjer, R. (2010, November). What is Cloud Computing. Retrieved from,2817,2372163,00.asp computing.htm,2817,2372163,00.asp

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