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1 Online Customer Council Jennifer Ruffino Dealer Portal Product Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Online Customer Council Jennifer Ruffino Dealer Portal Product Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Online Customer Council Jennifer Ruffino Dealer Portal Product Manager

2 2 Online Customer Council 1.Concept 2.Objectives 3.Participants 4.Agenda Topics 5.Results 6.Meeting Tactics 7.Logistics and Planning

3 3 Online Customer Council Concept Provide a regular forum for Enabling Technology Operations to obtain qualitative input and feedback from our customers (growers and dealers) on current web applications and future needs.

4 4 Online Customer Council Objectives Establish an ongoing, “just-in-time” sounding board for new concepts, designs, business processes, communications. Establish a forum for in-person suggestions -- forwarded to other groups if not ETO actionable. Give our online presence a “face.” Be transparent about our online evolution. Ensure that we know our end-users and are familiar with their ever-changing needs

5 5 Online Customer Council Agenda Topics Agenda topics have included:  Order process and redesign  FarmSource redesign  Online forms and workflow  Communication improvements  Company discount program Using an “investment” activity for agenda setting has proven very effective and allowed customers to own the meeting.

6 6 Online Customer Council Results Very positive reaction to FarmSource / GOA redesigns Online MTSA & Company Discounts: Thumbs up! Communication could be consolidated and improved: ”We have a saying about you – Whenever a new piece comes in, we say ‘They’re killing another tree.’” (Cheryl Edwards) Personalization is on the right track: “I’d like to remove stuff that I don’t need to see so I’m not overwhelmed; if I can go in and enable/disable certain things.” (Robin Bradley) Field Knowledge of FarmSource: “I would like to see your Field Sales have more training so that when I have a question, they can help me.” (Robin Bradley) Validated need to educate dealers in the south in more detail on the tools available and benefits of using FarmSource System performance remains a complaint: “Early morning and evenings are great. During the day is bad. In the early morning or evening, I can cut my time in half.” (Rod Mosier)

7 7 Calendar of Key Dates (dealer idea) Ordering Product (dealer idea) (dealer idea) What do you want to talk about? Where would you spend Monsanto’s money? (dealer idea) (dealer idea) (dealer idea)

8 8 Topic A Topic D (dealer idea) Topic B (dealer idea) Topic E Topic C (dealer idea) What do you want to talk about? Where would you spend Monsanto’s money?

9 9 Online Customer Council Logistics and Planning Start with approval from stakeholders and BUDGET! Work closely with the sales force to select customers. Have a few back up customers selected for recruiting. (6-8 customers is a good group size.) Secure an unbiased facilitator for your meetings. Invite IT and others who have customer-facing goals. Include a team member with a strength in event planning. Ask customers to sign up for a 1 year term. Go to them if possible and then invite them to your office. Utilize council members in between meetings. Allow for down time within the meeting. Make it personal and be sensitive to their time and needs. Always say thank you.


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