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ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague1 JOINT MEETING OF CSSI and LSMG JOINT MEETING.

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Presentation on theme: "ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague1 JOINT MEETING OF CSSI and LSMG JOINT MEETING."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague1 JOINT MEETING OF CSSI and LSMG JOINT MEETING OF CSSI and LSMG ANDRÁS HORÁNYI Hungarian Meteorological Service

2 ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague2 CSSI Coordinators for Scientific and Strategic IssuesCoordinators for Scientific and Strategic Issues Mandate from the Assembly of PartnersMandate from the Assembly of Partners Members: L. Gerard (Be), R. Brozkova (Cz), D. Giard (F), A. Horányi (H), A. Mokssit (Mo), D. Banciu (R)Members: L. Gerard (Be), R. Brozkova (Cz), D. Giard (F), A. Horányi (H), A. Mokssit (Mo), D. Banciu (R) Tasks: coordination, establish priorities, survey relations with other SRNWP groups, follow AROME projectTasks: coordination, establish priorities, survey relations with other SRNWP groups, follow AROME project Actions: meetings (Budapest, de Bilt), proposal of new type of coordination, participation on CIPNActions: meetings (Budapest, de Bilt), proposal of new type of coordination, participation on CIPN

3 ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague3 LSMG LACE (Scientific) Management GroupLACE (Scientific) Management Group Members: Working Group Leaders (G. Bölöni, P. Smolikova, T. Haiden), ALADIN Source Code Coordinator (O. Spaniel), Data Manager (S. Ivatek-Sahdan). Project Leader (D. Klaric)Members: Working Group Leaders (G. Bölöni, P. Smolikova, T. Haiden), ALADIN Source Code Coordinator (O. Spaniel), Data Manager (S. Ivatek-Sahdan). Project Leader (D. Klaric)

4 ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague4 TOPICS OF DISCUSSIONS (physics) Problematics of physics in view of AROME (timestep organisation, diabatic forcing, convection scheme, problems related to the „grey zone”, physics- dynamics interface, first preliminary results, etc.)Problematics of physics in view of AROME (timestep organisation, diabatic forcing, convection scheme, problems related to the „grey zone”, physics- dynamics interface, first preliminary results, etc.) –How to coordinate the different developments (ALADIN, meso-NH, AROME) for a smooth convergence? –How to maintain and merge the different versions?

5 ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague5 TOPICS OF DISCUSSIONS (data assimilation) „Upscaling/downscaling” difficulties, cost issues, longer range plans for 4d-var, new observations)„Upscaling/downscaling” difficulties, cost issues, longer range plans for 4d-var, new observations) –How to distribute (share) the development work (AROME and ALADIN)? –How the coordination between the two teams would be ensured (more general)?

6 ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague6 TOPICS OF DISCUSSIONS (coupling and dynamics) Coupling (progress at HIRLAM for revisiting the Davies scheme, two-way coupling)Coupling (progress at HIRLAM for revisiting the Davies scheme, two-way coupling) –How to tackle the revisit of coupling strategy? Non-hydrostatic dynamics (robust NH dynamics, „chimney” problem)Non-hydrostatic dynamics (robust NH dynamics, „chimney” problem) –No real obstacles foreseen, common for ALADIN and AROME

7 ALADIN/AROME workshop Preliminary conclusions of the joint meeting of CSSI and LSMG 11-12 April, 2003, Prague7 TOPICS OF DISCUSSIONS (general) Upscaling or downscaling (2-3 km to 10 km or reverse)?Upscaling or downscaling (2-3 km to 10 km or reverse)? Cost issue (driven by physics, but applying everywhere)?Cost issue (driven by physics, but applying everywhere)? Maintenance, phasing (who, when)??Maintenance, phasing (who, when)??

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