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Student-led IEPs Presented by: Madison Rowlison and Lori Comallie- Caplan.

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Presentation on theme: "Student-led IEPs Presented by: Madison Rowlison and Lori Comallie- Caplan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student-led IEPs Presented by: Madison Rowlison and Lori Comallie- Caplan

2 Did you know you have an exceptionality? What are your strengths? What are your weak areas? What do you need school to do for you? Think about these questions:

3 IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. Your IEP talks about: your special needs, what skills you need to improve, what you’ll do in school this year, what services your school will provide, and where your learning will take place. What is an IEP?

4 What is the purpose of the IEP?  The IEP is a blueprint for your educational program. The IEP is to make sure that you, your family, and school staff knows what your educational program will be this year.

5 Why do you need an IEP? Because it is the law. Because your IEP helps your school to meet your needs. Because everyone needs to know what your education plan is.

6 Where is the IEP developed? The IEP is developed during an IEP meeting, where the people who are concerned with your education meet, discuss, and develop your IEP goals and objectives for the next year.

7 Who comes to the meeting? You Your parents Your teachers Your counselor Your principal Your friend Anyone you want to invite!

8 Other things about IEPs IEP meetings must be held at least once a year. You, or anyone who cares about your education, can ask for a meeting whenever they want. Meetings usually last an hour but can take longer.

9 What is different about a Student-led IEP? Students learn more about themselves and become more responsible for their learning. Students are able to express what they want in their own words. Students help to write their IEP. Students lead their own meeting. Students help teachers to challenge them in class.

10 What should I do if I want to participate in my IEP? Tell your teachers and parents. Review last year’s IEP Think about your strengths and weaknesses in school Help write new goals. Practice what you want to say at your meeting.

11 11 What does my IEP look like? Review each section Ask clarification questions Highlight statements that you disagree with Add your own ideas for things you think need to be added

12 12 Cover Page (IEP Page 1) Demographics-Name, address, phone number, parents name, grade, school Exceptionality – Gifted, Disability or Twice Exceptional – Gifted with a Disability

13 13 Student Profile (IEP Page 2) Your Strengths Your Educational Needs What your parents think about your strengths and needs Your vision for your future

14 14 Present Levels of Performance (3 and 4) Intellect/Aptitude/Cognitive Achievement/Academics Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Creativity/Divergent Thinking Learning Preferences/Styles/Overexcitabilities Classroom Performance Interests/Passion Areas

15 15 Transition (IEP Page 5,6,7, and 8) Post Secondary Goal Graduation Pathway Services for Gifted Children Only : Describe diverse learning opportunities, alternative coursework, and flexible instructional arrangements unique to the student’s capabilities? NM High School Competency Transition Services/Linkages 4 Year Plan

16 16 Annual Goals and Objectives What do I want to be able to do by this time next year? As you review your goals and objectives += completed goal/objective - = incomplete goal/objective ?=disagreement with goal/objective

17 17 Special Factors (IEP page 9) Assistive Technology? Communication Needs? Need for Braille? Limited English Proficiency? Behavior? ESY/State Tests Extended School Year – not for gifted State Tests – Gifted students do not get accommodations

18 18 Gifted Options and Modifications Instructional Organization Options Grouping, clustering, acceleration, pullout, individual advisement, etc Instructional Delivery Options Compacting, Critical Thinking Curriculum, Creativity Curriculum, Differentiated Curriculum, Independent Learning Curricular Accommodations/Modifications Class discussion, Creative Problem Solving, Critical Thinking Skills, Portfolio Development, Problem Based Learning, Service Learning, Flexibility in Scheduling, etc Process Accommodations/Modifications Flexible project deadlines, Higher Order Thinking, systematic Feedback, Progress Monitoring, etc. Product Accommodations/Modificat ions Real World, Learning-Real Audience Feedback, etc.)

19 19 Schedule of Services (IEP Page 11) What services do I need to achieve my goals and objectives? Least Restrictive Environment (IEP Page 12) LRE means that gifted students are not removed from their general education peers unless their needs cannot be met in that environment. Signatures (IEP Page 12) Related Services

20 20 Before the IEP Prepare a meeting invitation with your case manager Prepare an agenda with your case manager Know what to do if you have a question during the meeting Know what to do if you have a disagreement during the meeting Know what to do if you become uncomfortable during the meeting

21 21 Before the IEP Prepare a meeting invitation with your case manager Prepare an agenda with your case manager Know what to do if you have a question during the meeting Know what to do if you have a disagreement during the meeting Know what to do if you become uncomfortable during the meeting

22 22

23 23 AGENDA Introductions Ground Rules Where is the student now? (PLP) Where does the student need to be a year from now? (AG&OBJ) How are we going to get there? Considerations/Accommodations/ Educational Options State and District Wide Assessment Services ESY LRE Debrief the IEP

24 24 You will be provided with support During your IEP Although you are facilitating, your Gifted facilitator will be the record keeper When discussing difficult topics, your facilitator will help you to keep the focus on what you CAN do Your facilitator will help you to create a visual signal to use if you become overwhelmed The facilitator will call a time-out if you need a break

25 25 At the IEP Make Introductions State the Purpose of the Meeting Review the Agenda Set the Ground Rules Begin the IEP You may follow a script or a power point presentation if it is more comfortable for you

26 26 Ground Rules The IEP will start and end on time. Don't interrupt when another participant "has the floor." (This includes no “sidebar” conversations.) Don't criticize the ideas of others. (No put downs) Build on the ideas shared by others. Remain open-minded and non-judgmental. Everyone participates, no-one dominates. Complaints are okay when they come packaged with a solution. Make compromises when necessary. Stick to the Agenda and time frames. The Facilitator is empowered to enforce ground rules.

27 27 The IEP Script – Elementary Sample Hi, my name is _________________________. I am here to lead my IEP today. This is my mom/dad _____________________ and she/he is here to tell you how I’m doing at home. This is my teacher, _________________________ and he/she is here to tell you how I’m doing in class. This is Mrs. Lucht and she is here to tell you how I’m doing in my gifted services. My strengths are_________________ I need to work on___________ Here’s a little more information about me. My learning style/preferences are_______________________________________ My thinking style is __________________. My passions and interests are ____________________________________.

28 28 The IEP Script – Elementary Sample Mom/Dad, what do you think my strengths are? What do you think I need to work on? Mr./Mrs. _____________________ what do you think my strengths are? What do I need to work on? These are my goals for this year ( See goals sheet) Here are the things I need to be successful in school this year (p. 9, 11, or 13) Now Mrs. Lucht will explain the legal papers. Thank you for coming to my IEP.

29 Welcome to my IEP_Madison.ppt

30 51 Ending the IEP Everyone signs that they were at the IEP Thank everyone for attending

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