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Planning and Implementing Your Firm’s Retreat Rex Gatto, Ph.D. Gatto Associates, LLC 412-344-2277

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Presentation on theme: "Planning and Implementing Your Firm’s Retreat Rex Gatto, Ph.D. Gatto Associates, LLC 412-344-2277"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning and Implementing Your Firm’s Retreat Rex Gatto, Ph.D. Gatto Associates, LLC 412-344-2277

2 Outline Getting ready the right way to achieve the desired goals Planning Putting into action the key objectives for the retreat Implementing Acting to ensure success based on the decisions made at the retreat Follow-up

3 Outline Create a planning team of staff, admin, and managers to give insights as to strengths and areas for firm development; retreat to goals Don’t just have partners do the planning Establish no more that 3 very clear goals for the retreat (ex: succession, mentoring, and performance & feedback) Planning

4 Outline Date, location, time allocations (working and social) Who will be invited: partners, managers, and ? Purpose for the Retreat Expected Results and the impact to the firm Planning Format Time for discussion Who or what niche/depart. will lead discussion Decision(s) Actions, people involved, and timeframe Discuss agreement and commitment to take action Outcomes – desired results Don’t let your retreat be words in the wind Topics 1 - 3

5 Outline Before the retreat, hold a meeting to discuss with partners/managers their commitment to implement and take action based on the points of agreements at the retreat Implementing

6 Outline The most important aspect of the retreat Many firms hold a retreat and follow up action rarely occurs Retreats are viewed as golfing or social events If you want to have a retreat, then make it meaningful Report back to everyone in the firm what was accomplished and goals of enhancement for the firm Or, have a social event and let everyone know: “We are going to play golf for two days.” Follow up

7 Planning and Taking Action system process to achieve an objective; method of doing something that is worked out in advance, arrangements Planning To accomplish something, perform it without restraint See it - solve it - own it - to enhance it Implement Seclusion from the normal activities, meditation, quiet time, avoid danger Retreat

8 Let’s Change the Name From Firm Retreat to Firm Advancement Advancement: promotion (staff), moving ahead, progress or development (of your firm) Use of money for a beneficiary before the person is entitled to it (money used in the right way to support your firm, staff and clients i.e. CPE)

9 Questions for partners/managers as part of the planning  Are the Advancement Meeting Goals clear and agreed to?  Are partners ready for a physically, mentally, and emotionally Advancement Meeting?  Is there a willingness to be open and express, listen to ideas, and take enhancement action (change)?  Will partners be held accountable to take action based on the agreement at the Advancement Meeting?

10 Questions for partners/managers as part of the planning  Willingness to bring up difficult issues and work through deadlocked issues (partners face each other)?  Identifying the right people to lead the firm?  Creating an environment that we at this firm are the role models for the firm?  Identifying the right people in the succession plan?  Discussing staff’s readiness for: promotion and/or development, and discussing those who need to leave the firm?  Will we agree to put every service the firm offers on trial for its life?

11 Why Hold a firm Advancement ?  Continue to ensure partners are doing the right things  Address serious firm issues or problems  Creatively address issues together (build a team)  Have an open environment for information exchange  Make decisions about the firm and/or partners and staff  CPE

12 Why Hold a firm Advancement ? #2  Establish a plan for success  Discuss and focus on needed change  Improve relationships within the firm  Steer the firm toward the North Star

13 Do not Hold a firm Advancement: If you are:  Having a meeting because we always have (play golf)  Making a partner problem a firm problem  Permitting the managing partner to make a day-long presentation  Meeting to reward partners for a profitable year  Creating a hidden agenda (blindside)  Not going to follow up

14 Logistics and preparation  Create a Meeting Advancement Committee (MAC)  Ensure the purpose for the Firm Advance Meeting is Clear  Establish meeting expectations and results (partners, managers, staff and admin)  Establish whether or not an outside facilitator is needed  Collect information about the firm and or partners (firm survey)  Find the right location ( meeting space, dinner, networking and events)  Establish a clear Agenda with topics and time (ensure partners understand the common purpose for this meeting)

15 Logistics and preparation #2  Appoint topic leaders and indicate their responsibilities  Ensure topics will be adequately covered and discussed  MAC should discuss possible outcomes, ramifications and consequences of topics (i.e. merger, staff)  Send the agenda, expectations and all info (facilitator’s background) to everyone in the firm (no secrets)  Decide on record keeping process: how will notes be kept and memorialized (flip chart or index cards)  Collect notes, type the notes, and distribute after the meeting as is appropriate

16 Logistics and preparation #3  Meeting process: large and small discussion groups and reporting back (flip chart or index cards), identify points of agreement and disagreement  Hold the meeting, collect and memorialize notes, debrief and send general discussion outcomes to everyone in the firm  Partners communicate to staff what was accomplished (if this is playing golf, then don’t call it a meeting)  Accountability and follow up actions

17 Collecting information  Write goals for the Advancement meeting (what will be the results – measured – projected outcomes)  Use a survey to assess the present levels of performance within the firm  Use a 360˚partner assessment to measure partner performance

18 Collecting information #2  Compile all of the reported data, write a summary prior to the advancement meeting  Ask for strengths and areas of development  Identify follow up action for partners, committees, and niches  Is the firm ready for growth?

19 Let’s Explore We will discuss each of the following points:  Goals  Firm Survey  Partner 360˚ feedback  Data on the firm (CPA affiliate association)  Follow up action

20 Goals  Succession planning (developing future leaders, present leadership)  Find and retain the right people for our firm  Marketing – Practice Development  Managing engagements (performance and efficiency, WIP)  Partner accountability  Clients (who should we keep)

21 Firm Survey questions on Partners and staff Preparation for the Firm Retreat or Advancement Meeting Based on Firm Survey Results

22 Firm Survey questions on staff

23 Firm Survey questions on Partners

24 . 360° Assessment Preparation for the Firm Retreat or Advancement Meeting Based on Partner/Manager Performance Feedback

25 Partner/Manager Assessment

26 Narrative response

27 Summary

28 Data Compiled Feedback

29 Action Plan  What will you now do differently?  What actions can you maintain or enhance?  What actions can you change?

30 Setting goals

31 . Present Performance within Your Firm Preparation for the Firm Retreat or Advancement Meeting Based on your Firm’s Culture

32 firm Performance Based on the survey feedback, you can plan for the firm focusing on maintaining strengths and addressing enhancements at the Advancement Meeting Question: if we maintain this strength or enhance this area, why will the firm be a better place to work? How does the culture of your firm support the vision and mission of your firm? Examining the performance within your firm

33 Three Stages to Build a Firm Culture Three Stages to Build a Firm Culture Firms can be placed in one or a combination of the three stages of firm development. Think of your firm: in which stage or combination of stages is your firm NOW? The stage your firm is in impacts your firm Advancement! It is important to know which stage your firm is in to plan for your Advancement Meeting and hold effective discussions.

34 Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 1: Improving the firm  Improving the firm through planning and hiring the right people; planning for growth (merger/acquisition or expansion), niche development  Energizing the firm through: the ability to develop people and inspire them to move mountains (mentoring process), succession planning

35 Stage 1 Actions Stage 1 Actions Stage 1: Improving the firm  Set clear firm goals for the next year – communicate quarterly (getting staff and admin buy-in)  Each partner is to submit 1-3 areas of development  Have continual updates and individual and firm accomplishments in each niche or department

36 Stage 2 Stage 2: Firm culture is strong  Through each partner’s work, a one- culture firm is created  Structure of the firm is established and working well (what and how of your work)

37 Stage 2 Actions Stage 2 Actions Stage 2: Firm culture strong  Succession plan is established (people are mentored and in preparation of promotion)  Clarify niche goals and how they support firm goals (internal communication is strong – lunch and learn)  Focus on client development (our approach to marketing is clear) (training our staff to network and involvement in the community)

38 3 Stages to Build a Firm Culture Stage 3: Firm is Growing  Growth and development of all the people in the firm; developing future leaders of the firm (mentoring)  Morale within the firm is high; firm is profitable, there is a sense of we can as a firm…….

39 Stage 3 Actions Stage 3 Actions Stage 3: Firm growth  Look for expansion opportunities (merger/acquisitions or a strong internal development program)  Ensure the partners are continually and consistently using feedback as a developmental tool motivating staff  Focus and capitalize on maintaining the strong firm presence (partners, managers and staff are on boards and involved in the community)  Practice development is strong, there is an excitement about the future of the firm

40 . Present Performance within Your Firm Preparation for the Firm Retreat or Advancement Meeting Based on Key Initiatives

41 Discussing the Four Key Initiatives within a Firm Individuals Talent Personality Initiative Business Opportunities Skills Development Job engagement experience CPE Assess skills Practice Development Communication /morale Partners Direction of the firm Making decisions Optimize firm - investment Leadership/role model Business ability Firm Community relationships Retention of right people Profitability Niche – staffed correctly Culture

42 Topics for Planning your firm advancement Meeting Are Partners Role Models:  Leadership, not managerial  Work Life Balance  Competent  Compassionate  Confident  Ethical (integrity)

43 Topics for Planning your firm advancement Meeting  Do partners appropriately leverage their work and effectively utilizing staff?  Are right Billing Rates established for estimating work?  Is right Realization being achieved for work?  Is WIP in line?

44 Balancing Work, Family, Self

45 Discussion on “Why Staff Stay with a Firm” A strong relationship between partner and staff, loyalty, job satisfaction and retention; and ethics, values, and integrity Review reasons given to join your firm General responses  Values and culture 58%  Compensation 23%

46 Competitive Edge for your firm  Open lines of communication  Have better understanding of perceptions and sentiments of managers and staff  Ensure key people are retained  Continue desired firm culture  Create greater success in development of future leaders

47 . Present Performance within Your Firm Preparation for the Firm Retreat or Advancement Meeting Based on Follow-up Actions

48 Outline Action to ensure success Follow- up

49 Measuring the Results Did the Advancement Meeting:  Help change the firm’s strategic direction?  Resolve conflicts or address confusion?  Create solutions to address problems?  Put partners on the same page?  Put partners/managers/staff/admin on the same page?  Improve working relationships

50 Measuring the Results #2 Did the Advancement Meeting:  Give partners the opportunity to demonstrate maturity to continue as a partners in the firm?  Create a common bond, language, point of view or framework established through engaging conversation? Did people listen?  Establish a clear collective vision for the firm?

51 Follow up actions Present and future leader development is on going Present and future leader development is on going Responsibilities focus on Accountability Responsibilities focus on Accountability Achieve a strategic, competitive edge in the marketplace through your people Achieve a strategic, competitive edge in the marketplace through your people Develop a talent pool for succession planning and firm consistency Develop a talent pool for succession planning and firm consistency Retain and motivate your staff and admin Retain and motivate your staff and admin

52 Empower staff development Empower staff development Ask questions, listen and empathize key actions Ask questions, listen and empathize key actions Reinvent the firm through mentoring; continue to focus on success Reinvent the firm through mentoring; continue to focus on success Leverage the team process Leverage the team process Mentor-Coach Mentor-Coach Follow up actions #2

53 Partner and staff should have an opportunity to: Develop a career plan Develop a career plan Develop an enhanced work plan (job enrichment) Develop an enhanced work plan (job enrichment) Be rewarded the right way Be rewarded the right way Personnel Development

54 Action Planner Set clear and measurable Goals Set clear and measurable Goals Plan for the unknown Plan for the unknown Weekly self-updates Weekly self-updates Career Plan Career Plan Coaching phases Coaching phases

55 Outline Getting ready the right way Planning Discussion during the meeting Implement Action to ensure success Follow-up

56 Summary Purpose for the Advancement Meeting is to create a direction for the firm Purpose for the Advancement Meeting is to create a direction for the firm Ensure the firm strengths and development process are established and clear Ensure the firm strengths and development process are established and clear Longevity of the firm is assured Longevity of the firm is assured Network, relax and have fun Network, relax and have fun

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