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State of the ITRC 2005 A Report to the Members October 25, 2005 Memphis, Tennessee.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the ITRC 2005 A Report to the Members October 25, 2005 Memphis, Tennessee."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the ITRC 2005 A Report to the Members October 25, 2005 Memphis, Tennessee

2 October 2005ITRC 20052 Membership 575 members in 2005 Annual turnover of 30% Membership is changing with the IAP Will still ask for 10% commitment from states

3 October 2005ITRC 20053 Teams Scaled down from 22 to 14 teams in 2005 Account for 45.4% of ITRC budget Kickoff in Denver; Midyear in Salt Lake Published 6 documents with 4 more by the end of the year

4 October 2005ITRC 20054 POCs Added two new states Some turnover among the POCs Continued high level of support from ECOS commissioners Active group

5 October 2005ITRC 20055 Industry Partners Industry continues to be an important, contributing part of our program We are changing how we engage with industry with the IAP program

6 October 2005ITRC 20056 Board Expanded to nine voting members by adding two new state members Added a national association to the Board Some changes in the federal liaison members Published an Annual Report in April Published a Strategic Plan in October

7 October 2005ITRC 20057 Training Eight new course topics in 2005 Just under 25,000 participants trained since 1999 35% are state and local 44% are consultant and engineering firms Trained people in every state New training contractor

8 October 2005ITRC 20058 Management We established ECOS as the management contractor Determined that we would have one full- time program administrator, and part of a program manager, and program assistant

9 October 2005ITRC 20059 Contracts New support contracts for state engagement, outreach, team support, and training are in negotiation All contracts have now been awarded competitively

10 October 2005ITRC 200510 Travel Constitutes 23.2% of ITRC budget Working to reduce costs even in light of rising gas and transportation prices Processing all vouchers through ECOS Continue to work on cost saving strategies

11 October 2005ITRC 200511 Meetings Had to cancel spring meeting Had to move fall meeting Continued team meetings Working to get ahead of the meeting planning cycle

12 October 2005ITRC 200512 Expenditures Spending for the most part is linear With 58.3% of the year gone (i.e., through July) –Teams = 57.9% –State Engagement = 60.4% –Training = 43.6% –Outreach = 69.3% –Management = 55.1%

13 October 2005ITRC 200513 Expenditures by Function With 58.3% of the year gone: Contracts = 65.5% Travel = 34.0% Facilities = 31.5% CPM = 55.1% Grants = 33.3%

14 October 2005ITRC 200514 Funding Same level as 2005 DOE = $1.0M DoD = $615K EPA = $375K IAP = $250K TOTAL = $2.24M

15 October 2005ITRC 200515 Outlook for 2006 Same rate of funding and activity as 2005 Continued support from our federal and industry partners Board will be making funding, budget, and meeting decisions today and tomorrow We will have our plan in place during this quarter so we are ready for CY2006

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