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Part Five, Issue 13 Motor Vehicles and the Environment II: Global Trends.

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1 Part Five, Issue 13 Motor Vehicles and the Environment II: Global Trends

2 Objectives After reading the assigned chapter and reviewing the materials presented the students will be able to understand: What are the major trends in motor vehicles outside the United States? What impact will China have on the global motor vehicle fleet and the environment? Are there sustainable transportation alternatives to internal combustion vehicles?

3 The Environment and the Social Cost of Motor Vehicles In the United States these impacts include: More than 40,000 deaths a year in motor vehicle crashes. More than 2,000,000 serious injuries annually in motor vehicle crashes. Health care costs associated with these injuries in the tens of billions of dollars. Air and water pollution. Dependence on foreign oil from undesirable sources.

4 Automotive Use in China Approximately 1.2 million personal motor vehicles (PMVs) were sold in China in 2000. 2005 sales were reported to be around 4 million vehicles. Eventually there will be around 300 million vehicles in China, which will increase pollution and the demand for oil, which will increase oil prices.

5 Global Transportation Trends By 2025 there could be 1 billion vehicles operating on the world’s roads. There are some hopefuls signs – banning old buses in Delhi (India) and Beijing (China). Rapid rise of fuel efficient and hybrid car sales. Brazil meets most of its fuel needs with alcohol grown from sugar cane.

6 Summary More than 40,000 deaths a year in motor vehicle crashes. Dependence on foreign oil from undesirable sources. Eventually there will be around 300 million vehicles in China, which will increase pollution and the demand for oil, which will increase oil prices. There are some hopefuls signs – banning old buses in Delhi (India) and Beijing (China). Rapid rise of fuel efficient and hybrid car sales. Brazil meets most of its fuel needs with alcohol grown from sugar cane.

7 Home Work 1. What impact will China have on the global motor vehicle fleet and the environment? 2. Are there sustainable transportation alternatives to internal combustion vehicles?

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