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N ORTH D AKOTA SIS A SSESSMENTS Presented to Project Steering Committee and Stakeholders by The Rushmore Group 2/22/12.

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Presentation on theme: "N ORTH D AKOTA SIS A SSESSMENTS Presented to Project Steering Committee and Stakeholders by The Rushmore Group 2/22/12."— Presentation transcript:

1 N ORTH D AKOTA SIS A SSESSMENTS Presented to Project Steering Committee and Stakeholders by The Rushmore Group 2/22/12

2 R USHMORE A GENDA T OPICS SIS Training Assessor Certification SIS Assessment Process SIS Scheduling Other Topics for Discussion  Involving family and guardians in the assessment process  Scheduling assessments – weekends / evenings  Appeals process  SIS for children under age 16  Other

3 T HE R USHMORE G ROUP Over a decade of consulting experience in human and social service programs Has worked with over 25 state and county governments to improve the quality of their services Designs quality assurance software in use in 12 states / counties (SNAP, TANF, TANF-Work, CPS, CS Enforcement, Child Care, LIEAP, HCBS) DD Systems Improvement (HI, VA, IL, SD, CO, OR)

4 T HE R USHMORE T EAM Albert Van Kleeck, former CQL Director of Accreditation, Consultant Brenda Smith, Spec Ed Educator, ELP Trainer, Parent Dr. Ed Campbell, SIS Co-Author Marcia Bunger, former FSA CED, B.S. in Communications Dr. Laura Colmenero-Chillberg, Professor of Sociology, BHSU Kristen Hanson, Recent College Graduate, family member Jean Tuller, former OTAC Director, Consultant Jennifer Newcomb, MS, SLP, C.C. (consultation) Wanda Seiler, former SD DD Director, Senior Consultant Karen Stengle, Rushmore COO, Partner, former case manager

5 SIS T RAINING AAIDD Trainer – Kathy Varner Three 1 week training sessions  Orientation: 1/31/12 – 2/2/12 – Fargo / Wahpeton  Guided Practice: 2/21/12 – 2/24/12 Bismarck  Practice / Inter-rater reliability certification: 3/19/12 – 3/23/12 Fargo Emphasis on practice interviews  11 volunteers  27 volunteers

6 SIS A SSESSOR C ERTIFICATION AAIDD requires an inter-rater reliability of.85 Inter-rater reliability is certified by AAIDD Rushmore staff failing to meet that criteria will not be certified / will not conduct assessments Wanda Seiler & Karen Stengle will complete inter-rater reliability training to complete quarterly reviews of assessor staff Once certified, staff meeting.85 in four quarterly reviews will be assessed annually Staff falling below.85 will be re-trained and receive quarterly reviews until they meet.85 in two consecutive reviews

7 SIS A SSESSMENT P ROCESS Pilot Study Assessments (by 4/30/12) – 195 adults and 30 children under 16 Implementation (by 6/30/13) – 1,890 total including approximately 150 children under 16 Assessment is a guided interview (approximately 2 hrs.) Requires a minimum of 2 respondents

8 SIS P ARTICIPANTS & R ESPONDENTS It is HIGHLY recommended that the person being assessed participate in the interview There MUST be at least 2 respondents Respondent must know the person for at least 3 months Respondent must have observed the person in one or more environments for a substantial amount of time Respondents can be parents, relatives, guardians, direct support staff, work supervisors, teachers or any other person who works or lives with the person being assessed Respondents should be someone the person being assessed would choose Respondents must be open to thinking with and about the person being assessed in potentially new ways The person being assessed may also serve as a respondent if they meet respondent criteria

9 SIS A SSESSMENT P ROCESS Introduction  SIS Fact Sheet  What SIS Measures  Additional questions  Establish Rapport! Section 3  Exceptional Medical Supports  Exceptional Behavioral Supports Section 3 Scoring  No support needed = 0  Some support needed = 1  Extensive support needed = 2

10 SIS A SSESSMENT P ROCESS Section 1 Support Needs Scale  Home Living Activities  Community Living Activities  Lifelong Learning Activities  Employment Activities  Health and Safety Activities  Section 2 Supplemental Protection and Advocacy Scale

11 SIS A SSESSMENT S CORING Type of Supports  0 = none  1 = monitoring (reminders  2 = verbal/gesture prompting (coaching)  3 = partial physical assistance (help through doing)  4 = full physical assistance (doing for) Frequency of Supports  0 = none or less than monthly  1 = at least once a month but not once a week  2 = at least once a week but not once a day  3 = at least once a day but not once an hour  4 = hourly or more frequently Type of Supports  0 = none  1 = less than 30 minutes  2 = 30 minutes to less than 2 hours  3 = 2 hours to less than 4 hours  4 = 4 hours or more

12 SIS A SSESSMENT P ROCESS SIS Assessment Experience Survey  Did the assessor arrive timely?  Was the assessor organized and prepared?  Did the assessor explain the tool and process?  Did the assessor explain participant roles?  Was the assessor courteous?  Was the assessor respectful? Requests information on assessor / assessment date and time Requests name and “role” Paper / Electronic Submission

13 SIS S CHEDULING Rushmore will contact provider agency to identify program coordinator for each person in the sample served by the agency (on or around 2/27/12) Rushmore will contact the program coordinator to select a time, date and location for the SIS (beginning 3/1/12) Program coordinator will make arrangements for the person with disabilities and two respondents to participate in the SIS assessment Rushmore scheduler will send written confirmation of the SIS interview date, time and location to the program coordinator, program manager and program administrator At least two days prior to the scheduled interview, Rushmore will contact the program coordinator to confirm arrangements First SIS assessments will be held in the Fargo area beginning 3/21/12

14 O THER T OPICS FOR D ISCUSSION Involving family and guardians in the assessment process Scheduling assessments – weekends / evenings Appeals process SIS for children under age 16 Additional questions Other

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