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Managing Organisational Change Getting started: preparing your journey to implement transformational change.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Organisational Change Getting started: preparing your journey to implement transformational change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Organisational Change Getting started: preparing your journey to implement transformational change

2 Introduction to change

3 Why change? What if… 1968 First Heart Transplant 1969 First internet invented 1972 CT scans revolutionise the way doctors examine the body 1980 MRI Scans and key hole surgery introduced 1982 The first cellular telephones 1990s NHS Trusts and NHS Direct established 2002 National Programme for IT 2007 Robotic arms used in heart surgery “Imagine life without change. It would be static...boring...dull.”

4 “Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have—and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.” James Belasco and Ralph Stayer “Flight of the Buffalo” Introduction to change Reactions to change

5 How did we get here? Change management process

6 How did we get there? The change management process Why do we need a change management process? Need clear ownership and direction to achieve the desired vision. A management framework that focuses on the impact of the business and its required objectives. Formal process for identifying, managing, realising and measuring benefits. Co-ordination and control of the complex range of activities. Holistic view to identify and resolve risks, manage and control costs.

7 How did we get there? The change management process The change management process Goals—what do you want to do? Why are you making a change? Required by commissioner? Good for business? Better for client? Understand your strategic goals Think of the end result and then understand what do I need to get there Lots of tools available— process mapping, as is / to be, S Model, SWOT analysis What can IT do? What must IT do? (reports, interoperability with other services) Planning how to get there Implement the change Way of working Ensure everyone on Board Risks identified and mitigation plans in place Implement the change Is it working? Did we get there? Confirm the benefits

8 How did we get there? The change management process Creating the conditions for success Having a shared understanding of what ‘efficiency’ means Thinking creatively and acting innovatively Being open to a range of skills and techniques Recognising the ‘wicked’ nature of the problem Responding to local needs and priorities Getting people engaged Being proactive and starting early Seven key principles for leaders to approach the challenges of a new environment. Source: CIPFA Leading in Hard Times

9 Key lessons to avoid

10 What to avoid: lessons learned Lessons learned Reactive, not reflecting on challenges. Lack of leadership and Senior Management ownership. Lack of effective engagement with stakeholders. Underestimating delivery of capability.

11 Supporting tools & reference material

12 Supporting tools The Organisational Readiness Assurance Guide Assurance model to implement IT enabled change. 11.pdf Roadmap for Transformational Change Framework which enables change leaders and change agents of health and social care organisations to design, plan and deliver integrated change The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Leading in Hard Times Guidance for everyone involved in the leadership of public services. Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Resource Centre Change and Benefits Resources

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