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NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 2008 1 Geodetic Data Model: Discussion Paper Kevin M. Kelly, M.A.Sc., OLS Geodesist NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit Corbin,

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Presentation on theme: "NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 2008 1 Geodetic Data Model: Discussion Paper Kevin M. Kelly, M.A.Sc., OLS Geodesist NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit Corbin,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 2008 1 Geodetic Data Model: Discussion Paper Kevin M. Kelly, M.A.Sc., OLS Geodesist NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit Corbin, VA December 3 - 4, 2008

2 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 20082 How can ArcGIS Help Geodesy? Motivation is to support geodesy and geophysics with GIS By building a comprehensive geodetic data model: ArcGeodesy* By building a suite of computational geodesy applications: Geodetic Analyst* (*Neither of these products exists, nor are they approved ESRI development projects – yet!) By facilitating “new science” by bringing together datasets that may have never before been studied together

3 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 20083 Geodesy Impacts Many Disciplines And all of these are also studied to some extent using GIS

4 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 20084 © GGOS (Pages still under Development, welcome to comments, text and picture content, which should be sent to or post comments into the Open Forum), Last update: 14:53 26/10 2005 IAG's Global Geodetic Observing System IAG's Global Geodetic Observing System GGOS is the Global Geodetic Observing System of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). It provides observations of the three fundamental geodetic observables and their variations, that is, the Earth's shape, the Earth's gravity field and the Earth's rotational motion. GGOS integrates different geodetic techniques …to maintain a stable, accurate and global reference frame …crucial for all Earth observation and many practical applications. GGOS contributes … observations related to the global hydrological cycle, the dynamics of atmosphere and oceans, and natural hazards and disasters. These data are processed into forecasts, maps, and other decision support tools, providing valuable and often life-saving information to end users. Contribution of Geodesy to GEOSS Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS)

5 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 20085 ArcGeodesy - Geodetic Analyst CONCEPT

6 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 20086 Paper: Designing a Data Model for the Virtual Observatory Volume: 314, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII Authors: Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; DePonte Evans, J.; Evans, I.; Harris, M.; Lowe, S.; McDowell, J.C.; Rots, A.H. Abstract: The goal of the Virtual Observatory is to make astronomical data more accessible and to provide the means to more easily analyze that data. Currently, archives hold analogous data in a variety of different representations, which impedes interoperability at the data analysis stage. An important element of the VO is a data model that can unambiguously represent the relationships between data values and physical properties. At the CfA we are developing a data model design that can support the representation, analysis and display of data collected on different types of instruments. This model is a common, high-level framework of general-purpose components for fusion of heterogeneous data sources. From this framework, we have focused on a subset of components required to meet selected science objectives on spectral and image data. Why do we need a Geodetic Data Model Data interoperability is crucial in GEOSS/GGOS and surveying

7 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 20087 ArcGeodesy – Geodetic Data Model Define a comprehensive data model Reference Systems Horizontal Vertical Three-dimensional (VLBI, SLR, LLR, GPS) Gravity Field Orbit analysis Gravity gradiometry Gravimetry Gravity Field Determination Earth Geometry GPSAltimetryInSAR Remote Sensing LevelingSea-level Earth Rotation VLBISLRLLRGPSAstrometry Ringlaser gyros

8 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 20088 ArcGeodesy – Geodetic Data Model Example from GGOS Data Portal

9 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 20089 Facilitate geodesy data portals and virtual observatoriesFacilitate geodesy data portals and virtual observatories –Streamline transfer and consumption of geodetic data –Facilitate new data combinations and studies  NEW SCIENCE! Improve geodetic workflowsImprove geodetic workflows –Up the efficiency of geodetic workflows such as geoid modeling –Avoid iterative data transfer and runs through distinct “Fortran” routines –Provide tools to improve Q/C and analyses of geodetic data Facilitate “field-to-finish” survey projectsFacilitate “field-to-finish” survey projects –Streamline transfer and consumption of geodetic data Open and extensibleOpen and extensible –Transfer model only, model+data or model+data+processes to colleagues –Use and extension by the broader Earth Science and/or survey community Why ArcGeodesy? We all use data models. Some are more organized and effective than others!

10 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 200810 Nearly all geodetic data is georeferencedNearly all geodetic data is georeferenced –Uniquely suited to the geodatabase Visualization is key to much geodetic data analysis and Q/CVisualization is key to much geodetic data analysis and Q/C –Uniquely suited for tools such as 3D Analyst Statistical analysis is crucial for assessing geodetic dataStatistical analysis is crucial for assessing geodetic data –Uniquely suited for tools such as Geostatistical Analyst GIS can support many computational geodesy tasksGIS can support many computational geodesy tasks –Uniquely suited for a tool such as “Geodetic Analyst” Why ArcGIS? Uniquely suited to geodetic data and the geodesists workflows

11 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 200811 ArcGeodesy / Geodetic Analyst Benefits to ESRI and its users Provide sophisticated scientific software toolsProvide sophisticated scientific software tools Capture and document new geodetic workflowsCapture and document new geodetic workflows Create a new geodetic data modelCreate a new geodetic data model Expand GIS user baseExpand GIS user base –Geodesists, geophysicists and Earth scientists Who benefits?Who benefits? –National Geodetic Agencies (e.g. NGS, Geomatics Canada) –Geodetic Research Centers –Space Agencies –Geophysical and petroleum companies –Surveying and mapping companies –Survey equipment and software manufacturers –Academia

12 NGS-Geomatics Vendor Summit, 3-4 Dec. 200812 Contact Information ESRI 380 New York St., Redlands, CA Kevin M. Kelly, Geodesist 909-793-2853 x1162

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