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The Age of Exploration 1400-1750.

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Exploration 1400-1750."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age of Exploration

2 Exploration…Why Now? Six Major Reasons
The Renaissance Spirit, why would that lead to exploration? -Curiosity, desire for adventure and fame. -Within man the answers can be found to conqueror anything. (HUMANISM) 2. An increasing competition among European monarchs to be the “super nation”

3 Pepper, cinnamon, & nutmeg. Used to preserve & flavor meat.
3. Riches in Spices, Silk and Porcelain Pepper, cinnamon, & nutmeg. Used to preserve & flavor meat. Perfumes, cosmetics & medicine. Desire for these came from the Crusades and the Silk Route 4. Europeans wanted to find direct access to Asia & India; Believed to be a Northwest Passage Cut out Muslim & Italian middlemen Need to bypass Mediterranean

4 5. New Navigation Technology
An astrolabe 5. New Navigation Technology Better Maps -More accurate Ptolemy’s maps discovered -More durable maps made of sheep skin The compass made it to Europe by the 1200s, from where? The astrolabe measured latitude using angles of sun and stars on the horizon; not accurate in rough seas The compass came from China

5 The Caravel Developed by the Portuguese but a combination of Arab and European sail design. -Triangle-shaped sails enabled ships to sail against wind. -Multiple masts increased speed.

6 The Ultimate Reasons to Explore…. 6. The Three G’s Gold God Glory

7 Gold New Nation-States of England, France, Portugal & Spain desire power and a need to fill their treasuries Needed money to pay for their expanding governments & armies

8 God After the Crusades a strong desire to spread Christianity and halt the spread of Islam Eventually a race between Catholics & Protestants for New World souls Spain took up the cause very early because of Queen Isabella of Spain

9 Glory Increases the power of the rising monarchs
Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands and England all wanted be the super power of the era! A chance for a country and an individual to become great.

10 Portuguese Explorations

11 Prince Henry the Navigator
Superstar of the maritime history, yet he only sailed on two voyages. He financed many voyages His explorers discovered new lands: Azores, Madeira Islands and the Cape Verde Islands

12 First School for Oceanic Navigation
About 1418, Prince Henry started the first school for oceanic navigation along with an astronomical observatory at Sagres, Portugal. Sailors were trained in navigation, map-making, and astronomy From this school come two greats: Dias and da Gama Remains of Navigation School

13 Bartholomeu Dias 1487 Discovered the Cape of Good Hope.

14 Vasco de Gama In 1497 led four ships on an expedition to India.
Found Hindus and Muslims trading extravagant jewelry, fine silk, and spices Considered a national hero in Portugal

15 Spanish Explorations

16 Christopher Columbus: Discover the “New World” in October of 1492
In 1492, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand financed an expedition for Columbus to find a new route to India heading west. First Voyage of Columbus

17 Second Voyage of Columbus 1493-1496

18 Third Voyage of Columbus

19 Fourth Voyage of Columbus

20 Portuguese Explorations
Take the lead in finding routes and new lands So why aren’t the people speaking mostly Portuguese in the Western Hemisphere? Because Spain and Portugal wanted to protect their claims in America and they agreed to call on the Pope for help. BUT… it backfires on Portugal!

21 Whose Land Was It? In 1494 Pope Alexander VI draws an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean from the North Pole to the South Pole called the line of demarcation in the Treaty of Tordesillas Spain to control west territories; Portugal to control east territories.

22 Boldest Undertaking of the Age
Boldest Undertaking of the Age! First Circumnavigator of the Globe Ferdinand Magellan Sponsored by Spain, the Portuguese explorer set out to find a western route to India in 1519 with five ships Charted a narrow waterway named Strait of Magellan which enabled sailors to cross to Pacific Ocean.

23 Magellan killed in a small skirmish in the Philippines
Magellan killed in a small skirmish in the Philippines. Crew eventually reached Spain in 1522 with only 18 survivors remaining.

24 Henry Hudson Dutch sponsored, English explorer
Made four voyages to the new world Claimed much of modern day Canada and eastern North America for Netherlands The Dutch will settle in the New York City and Hudson River area.

25 Jacques Cartier 1534-35 French Explorer
Explored around the St. Lawrence River Gave France its first land claim in the New World

26 Samuel de Champlain French explorer and navigator who mapped much of northeastern North America and started a settlement in Quebec

27 English Explorers John Cabot - 1497
-Sent by King Henry VII -Explored lands in Newfoundland -His discovery gives England the claim to most of Eastern North America.

28 Land Claims in the Americas
By 1675, Spain, France, Britain, and Portugal possessed sizable overseas empires. Trade ships carried goods between Europe and the Americas and Africa.

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