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Jason Thigpen LEAD 520 Final Project.  Coaching  My style is more of bring you along rather than directive at first.  However, as time goes on expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Jason Thigpen LEAD 520 Final Project.  Coaching  My style is more of bring you along rather than directive at first.  However, as time goes on expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jason Thigpen LEAD 520 Final Project

2  Coaching  My style is more of bring you along rather than directive at first.  However, as time goes on expectations will change and I will expect more, so there will be less coaching.  Open Door Policy  Everyone says that, but I am here for you, if you need me come get me.  I also need to know how I am doing, if there is areas that you see a need for improvement come in and talk.

3  100 Air Refueling Wing Commander  100 Air Refueling Wing Chief of Safety  100 Air Refueling Wing Ground Safety Manager  100 Air Refueling Wing Ground Safety Non Commissioned Officer In Charge (ME)  100 Air Refueling Wing Ground Safety Technicians  100 Air Refueling Wing Unit Safety Representatives

4  Initial Feedback will be conducted after 30 days of supervision.  Midterm feedback will be conducted after 180 days of supervision.  Midterm will be 360 degree feedback. (you will give me feedback on what is working and what is not and how I can improve as your supervisor)  Annual Evaluation will be conducted after 365 days of supervision.  This is where I will evaluate if you made the milestones that were laid out for you.

5  Timely feedbacks will be the key to individual performance development.  Weekly training will be conducted:  Individual that is weakest in weekly subject will be the trainer that week.  Team Leadership opportunities:  There will be projects due and each of you will be expected to take lead on these from time to time.  This is to give each of you the opportunity to lead and to develop you leadership abilities.

6  The Process  When faced with a problem we will discuss what the problem actually is.  We will see who has had similar experiences in the past and find out what they did then.  Research what the regulations say about the situation.  If there are interpretation problems we will ask for clarification from higher Head Quarters.  Then we will implement the solution till completion.

7  Decision Making Responsibility:  Ultimately it falls on my shoulders.  Due to the chain of command we are advisors to the Wing Commander, so we have to be right.  Wrong answers and bad decisions are my fault so if I choose not to use your solution it is not personal, so don’t take it personal.

8  Office Calendar (Outlook)  You need to have your out of office appointments on that calendar so I can know how to accomplish scheduling.  Internal emails  Utilize this as well so that there is a record of communication.  Take Telephone messages  Write down messages and give them to the person who was missed. This is important for timely response to customer questions.

9  I’m a big fan of Face to Face communication, but if you talk to someone face to face, email them the contents of the communication so that there is a record of the communication.  Always be professional:  It does not cost anything to be nice  Always be friendly  Always be courteous, no matter how difficult  Maintain your military bearing at all times

10  Between Co-workers:  I am the front line supervisor so I am the first stop with your conflicts.  Next, if you are unsatisfied with my results, then you will go to the Ground Safety Manager.  If you are unsatisfied with his answer, then you may go to the Chief of Safety.  If you are unsatisfied with that then you may go to the 100 Force Support Squadron First Sergeant.  They will advise you on you options from that point.

11  With you supervisor  You supervisor is not always right, but you always have to respect their authority and rank, if you don’t then you will lose even if you are right.  You options are you may take it to your supervisors supervisor.  If you are unsatisfied then follow the chain of command up.

12  External  If you are involved with a conflict with a member from another organization be professional.  Let me know so I can begin communicating with their supervisor.  From this point you are no longer involved and will be advised on how to proceed from this point.

13  Change is inevitable:  However, there is a process to changing process so that it is as stress free for your co-workers and customers as possible.  If a process is changed then it must be approved by me.  Second there must be a meeting with your co- workers to make them aware and to train them.  Finally, there must be a meeting with the affected customers to answer their questions and to train them on the changes.

14  I am new to this office and there will be an adjustment period for both you and me, but I am confident that this will work well for all of us.  I am happy to be here and looking forward to working with you.

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