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The Contribution of Drama To Entrepreneurship Education Joan and Allan Gibb.

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Presentation on theme: "The Contribution of Drama To Entrepreneurship Education Joan and Allan Gibb."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Contribution of Drama To Entrepreneurship Education Joan and Allan Gibb

2 The Objectives To argue ‘why’ it is is important To provide a context To demonstrate how To indicate how one might assess/react to results Reflection (As little talk and as much action as possible!)

3 WHY?

4 Drama and Research All research ‘reduces’ the real world It often fails to recognise that information is from interviews is not objective Important to see information through the eyes of the interviewee Important to see the information through the eyes of other stakeholders

5 Developing leadership and ability to ‘act out’ different situations Developing empathy Realising importance of Power in Exchange relations Scenario setting- imagining Seeing oneself through others Creativity Giving meaning to others Personal development - confidence Drama and Entrepreneurial Attributes


7 The Entrepreneurial Society The rationale for concern with Entrepreneurship in society - global pressures - uncertainty and complexity - up front discussion Explore how and who it effects examples and mini cases Interviews with community stakeholders Identifying Uncertainties/complexities and Entrepreneurial behaviours Reports as basis for drama


9 The Drama - The How Small Groups Warm ups Techniques Group hot spot activity Key uncertainties/behaviours agreed for projection Messages agreed and written down on flip chart Metaphor’s sought Story Board and production Production - 10 minutes


11 Assessment/Reaction Audience feeds back the Messages received - are compared Creativity and Entertainment scored Discussion of what has been learned about entrepreneurship in the society Personal development factors discussed Later feedback and further discussion


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