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PHYSICS OF THE CITY OR/AND COGNITIVE CITY? Giovanni A. RABINO 1 1 Di.A.P. – Dept. of Architecture and Planning, Politechnic of Milan, Leonardo da.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYSICS OF THE CITY OR/AND COGNITIVE CITY? Giovanni A. RABINO 1 1 Di.A.P. – Dept. of Architecture and Planning, Politechnic of Milan, Leonardo da."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYSICS OF THE CITY OR/AND COGNITIVE CITY? Giovanni A. RABINO 1 1 Di.A.P. – Dept. of Architecture and Planning, Politechnic of Milan, Leonardo da Vinci 32, I-20133, Milan, Phone: +39.02.2399.4102, Email:, Website:

2 SUMMARY Why natural scientists/professionals and human scientists/professionals are reasoning so differently? A frame for interpretation Differences explained An example: physics of the city and cognitive city Econophysics and psychological economy. What are they? Antithesis and recomposition.

3 WARNING! For sake of clarity, in the following slides I go to the extremes in describing epistemological, methodological … positions, BUT all of us know that in the real world scientists and professionals have not so schematic minds

4 To begin: A closer look to knowledge nature

5 Conscious knowledge Whole knowledge Inconscious use * Conscious use * * of own knowledge type Natural Scientist Human Scientist

6 Three kinds of divergence: 1. Divergence at epistemological level A forma mentis rooted in a HOLISTIC CULTURE Examples: focus to phenomenology intentionally rough definition of concepts … A forma mentis rooted in a REDUCTIONIST SCIENCE Examples: focus to ontology attempt to an exact definition of concepts …

7 Three kinds of divergence: 2. Divergence in methodological approaches A preference for a real and generalist knowledge Examples: focus to decoding reality non formal methods for design … A preference for abstract and specialistic thinking Examples: focus to encoding models formal models for analysis …


9 Three kinds of divergence: 3. Divergence in practical applications A mind orientation to exploitation of professional expertise Examples: looking at empathy with the customer on the problem searching the most passable solution for the customer … A mind orientation to scientific discovery Examples: looking at the best setting of the problem searching the most rational solution …

10 An example of “physics of the city” approach: D. Helbing’s modelling of traffic or stampede in panic situations

11 An example of “cognitive city” approach: G. Rabino’s modelling of tourists movements

12 D. Helbing’s modelling of traffic or stampede in panic situations Focus to the SYSTEM of Agents  attention to: configuration of the system (agents’ density, etc.) physical “geometry” of the environment interactions between actions of agents  characteristics of agents as control variables

13 G. Rabino’s modelling of tourists movements Focus to the system of AGENTS  attention to: psychology of agents (rationality, learning, …) interactions agent-system (perception, decision …) interactions between actions and psycho of agents:  interactions of agents as control variables

14 Physics of the city as a case of ECONOPHYSICS Econophysic websites (example):

15 Physics of the city as a case of ECONOPHYSICS Econophysic books (examples):

16 Physics of the city as a case of ECONOPHYSICS Econophysic: the principles

17 Cognitive city as a case of COGNITIVE SCIENCES Cognitive science websites (example):

18 Cognitive city as a case of COGNITIVE SCIENCES Cognitive science books (examples):

19 Cognitive city as a case of COGNITIVE SCIENCES Cognitive science: the principles

20 ECONOPHYSICS and COGNITIVE ECONOMY: the differences On the background, 2 (untill now) open questions: are consciousness and intentionality epi-phenomena? can “rational modelling” simulate non-rational behaviour? Differences in methods: ECO: Refined analytical apparatus (master equation, network theories, …) COG: Algorithmic procedures to handle not-explicit knowledges Differences in theories: ECO: to use “universal” principles (eq. of continuity; concept of “field”; …) COG: to make agents real “human” agents

21 ECONOPHYSICS and COGNITIVE ECONOMY: a possibility for reconcilement THERE IS NO PROBLEM AT METHODOLOGICAL LEVEL e. g. : Multi-level – multi-agents modelling: System of agents Agent as a system 1 2 11 2 32 THE REAL PROBLEM IS IN “FORMAE MENTIS”: The need (the hard task) is that each other know and truly understand the other culture and scientific paradigm

22 Conscious knowledge Whole knowledge Inconscious use * Conscious use * * of knowledge type Natural Scientist Human Scientist A new kind of Scientist In conclusion, what we need is ….

23 Email: Websites: My site: Site of geographical models and methods: Thanks for your attention


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