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AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 ICT Tools for Searching, Annotation and Analysis of Audio-Visual Media Lancaster University (Institute for.

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Presentation on theme: "AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 ICT Tools for Searching, Annotation and Analysis of Audio-Visual Media Lancaster University (Institute for."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 ICT Tools for Searching, Annotation and Analysis of Audio-Visual Media Lancaster University (Institute for the Contemporary Arts & Institute for Cultural Research): Alan Marsden Adrian Mackenzie Adam Lindsay Oxford University (Phonetics Laboratory): John Coleman Greg Kochanski Harriet Nock

2 AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 Motivation Increasing access to and interest in audio- visual materials Emerging technologies:  Speech annotation and retrieval  Music information retrieval  Video annotation Benefits to arts & humanities researchers  Facilitating existing types of research?  Enabling previously intractable research?  Engendering new types of research?

3 AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 Domain Speech, music & video  All extended in time  Use similar technologies and often occur in combination Searching, annotation & analysis  But not focusing exclusively on these activities Materials  Collections and sources of audiovisual materials  Developments reported in technological literature  Investigation of specific technologies  Contacts with arts & humanities researchers—the ultimate beneficiaries

4 AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 Audiovisual collections Over 300 UK film collections (Enser+Sandom, 2001 citing 1997 figure)  Academic, commercial, private, public British Library Sound Archive  Over 550,000 hours of audio and moving imagery in multiple categories Specialised archives and corpora:  Imperial War Museum  South-East Film and Video  Oxford Performances of Greek and Roman Drama  SFSU Poetry Center (readings by original poets)  Oxford Devon English  Oxford East Timorese oral histories  etc. Web:  Public-domain/Creative Commons audiovisual digital libraries (e.g. open-video, freesound)  Institutional archives of digital research material, lectures, meetings (e.g. MIT dSpace, Tate Modern Online Events Archive)  Audio blogs (podcasts), video blogs, moblogs (from portable devices)  Commercial music download and subscription services (e.g. iTunes, Naxos Music Library)

5 AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 Technology Landscape Goal: identify current and emerging technologies of potential use to humanities researchers Survey:  Literature  Technologist interviews (9 so far) Broad classes of technology:  Analysis and annotation e.g. audio type (speech, music, …), speaker, topic  Search and browse  Summarise individual items or collections  E.g., FERRET, match (next) Challenges:  Identifying limitations and/or pre-requisites to deployment within arts & humanities  E.g. digitisation, data quality and system adaptation requirements, language issues, deployment requires research project/services engagement, copyright issues




9 AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 A&H Researcher Interviews Goal: identify researcher needs and potentially helpful technologies Phase 1: short interviews to identify interested fields (currently 10 scheduled)  Current audiovisual and ICT usage  Canned demonstrations of existing Web tools (post-interview handout lists actual sites for later exploration, if wished)  Potential usage scenarios in research (and possibly teaching)  Anecdotal egs: “ramadan advertising” or “overconsumption during ramadan”, finding novel speech or film examples for class Phase 2: in-depth interviews to identify usage scenarios  Identify model scenarios for tool deployment  Format dependent upon Phase 1 output Challenges:  Identifying arts & humanities researchers with both interest and time to meet

10 AHRC ICT Strategy Projects Meeting 14/12/05 Outcomes Report  Existing tools and technologies  Likely tools and technologies within 5 years  Usage scenarios  Impediments to research (e.g. access and copyright issues)  Areas for future development Website  Contents as in report, but searchable and linked Weblog  communication and recording tool for dual-site project  material will be mutated into website and report  publicly accessible:


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