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ニュートリノ原子核反応 佐藤 透 ( 阪大 理 ) JPARC Dec. 18 2011 Our previous works on neutrino reaction single pion production(Delta region) nuclear coherent pion production.

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Presentation on theme: "ニュートリノ原子核反応 佐藤 透 ( 阪大 理 ) JPARC Dec. 18 2011 Our previous works on neutrino reaction single pion production(Delta region) nuclear coherent pion production."— Presentation transcript:

1 ニュートリノ原子核反応 佐藤 透 ( 阪大 理 ) JPARC Dec. 18 2011 Our previous works on neutrino reaction single pion production(Delta region) nuclear coherent pion production Plan neutrino induced meson production (W<2GeV) trial : inverse transformation

2 Neutrino induced pion production Dynamical model of pion production in Delta_33 region Pion electroproduction Structure functions (data CLAS from C. Smith,2004)

3 Jones et al. (89) CERN Kitagaki et al. (90) BNLBarish et al.(79) ANL

4 Sealock et al.(89) QE Pion production

5 Our amplitudes are available in Adler-CGLN amplitude structure functions R(Q^2,W) ? home page for amplitudes and …. ??

6 Nuclear effects in resonance region Pion-nucleus interaction  elastic scattering Pion absorption  total, inelastic, absorption cross section Medium effect on pion production, propagation of delta in nuclei  Coherent photo pion production, inelastic pion scattering Neutrino induced coherent pion production (exclusive reaction, bound final nucleus) Delta-hole model

7 Our model of coherent pion production Non-resres use t-matrix from dynamical model of piN and weak pion production for both transition operator and pi-Nucleus optical potential medium modification of pion production mechanism final state interaction: optical potential

8 prediction of coherent pion photoproduction Without medium effect on delta-hole propagator/ FSI of pion Full Only Delta for pion production operator

9 CCpi+ NCpi0 Alvarez-Ruso et al.(07) Hernandez et. al(10) Nakamura et al.(10) Berger Sehgal (09) CCpi+(K2K) 10.8/5.76.1+/- NCpi0(MiniBooNE) 5.0/2.62.6+/-0.52.8 ( Kurimoto et al. PRD81(10) ) Flux averaged cross section agreement among recent theoretical results pi+/pi0 ration ~ 2 due to Delta_33 dominance

10 * pion momentum distribution, angular distribution neutrino energy dependence … are available

11 data :PRC81 055213 F2Model available for vector current, W<2GeV Coupled-channel model of Excited Baryon Analysis Cener(EBAC)  with extension for axial current fill gap between QE and DIS Data: hep-ph/0309052 Increasing importance of 2pion production above delta beyond Delta_33 (N*,Delta region) and DIS

12 Figure: E. Pasyuk’s talk at Hall-B/EBAC meeting

13 Single pion electroproduction (Q 2 > 0) Fit to the structure function data (~ 20000) from CLAS Julia-Diaz, Kamano, Lee, Matsuyama, Sato, Suzuki, PRC80 025207 (2009) p (e,e’  0 ) p W < 1.6 GeV Q 2 < 1.5 (GeV/c) 2 is determined at each Q 2. N*N  (q 2 = -Q 2 ) q N-N* e.m. transition form factor

14 Current neutrino reaction model : Delta_33 region (Sato,Uno,Lee) electroproduction model W< 2GeV (EBAC) Extend to N* region ANN* coupling from piNN* using PCAC Interest for transition (N* DIS) region

15 Reconstruct from Quasi-elastic scattering true only for reaction on free nucleon Can we separate QE?

16 FSI + + … 2 ISI ‘QE’ Quantum mechanical interference among various amplitudes

17 Simple exercise (Inverse problem) Extractfrom Method : MEM Assume reliable calculation available example

18 energy transfer spatial momentum transfer excited states(‘bound’) Giant resonance Delta_33, pion production quasi-elastic (QE) nuclear excitation, Quasi-Elastic, Resonance, Deep Inelastic

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