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What Caused the Cold War? Type 2 Data Set Analysis 13a.

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Presentation on theme: "What Caused the Cold War? Type 2 Data Set Analysis 13a."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Caused the Cold War? Type 2 Data Set Analysis 13a

2 Directions: Put on back of question sheet Focus Question: Who Caused the Cold War (US or Russia) and Why? My answer: WRITE WHAT YOU THINK HERE Class Answers: WRITE LIST OF CLASS ANSWERS

3 As you examine each document and answer questions, think about the class answers and add or subtract answers as needed When finished, we will go over answers Hwk: Craft an essay that answers the question, Who Started the Cold War 7. GREEN-Due on Thursday March 20 th GOLD-Due on Friday March 21 st

4 Data Set 1 1. Economic system in which prices are determined by seller and buyer 2. In communism the resources are controlled by the worker. In capitalism the resources are controlled by the buyer/seller.

5 Data Set 2 1. Authoritarianism is power resting with one person and democracy is power resting with the people.

6 Data Set 3 1. Sent spies in 2. That they are untrustworthy

7 Data Set 4 1. Divide Berlin 2. Seek democracy 3. Viewed it as a threat/feel America is trying to take over

8 Data Set 5 1. Spread it to other countries 2. Conflict

9 Data Set 6 1. US 2. Policy of the US to support anti-communists 3. A threat

10 Data Set 7 1. Create peace, support freedom, develop capitalism 2. Russia; Upset

11 Data Set 8-9-10-11 DATA SET 8 1. Policy of the US to stop communism from spreading 2. Threatening DATA SET 9 1. America is seeks to dominate (imperialism) DATA SET 10 1. Worried DATA SET 11 1. Being attacked 2. His land in E. Europe 3. To counter America’s bomb 4. As a threat.

12 Date Set 10-11 DATA SET 10 1. Worried DATA SET 11 1. Being attacked 2. His land in E. Europe 3. To counter America’s bomb 4. As a threat.

13 Data Set 12 1. We seek to control 2. Think of how the Russian’s view our actions

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