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Published byAlberta Morgan Modified over 9 years ago
1 The Framework of the WMO/WWRP FROST-2014 Forecast Verification Setup and Activities The Framework of the WMO/WWRP FROST-2014 Forecast Verification Setup and Activities Pertti Nurmi et al. (*) Pertti Nurmi et al. (*) (*) Acknowledgements : WWRP FROST-2014 Expert Team & FMI Verification System Development Team Other FROST-2014 Presentations in this Session (10 Sep 2015) 2.Operational Forecast Verification, by D. Kiktev et al 3.End-user Precipitation Forecast Verification, by L. Nikitina et al 4.Deterministic NWP Verification, by A. Bundel et al 5.High-impact Weather Forecasts Verification, by A. Muraviev et al 6.Spatial Verification of Precipitation Fields, by A. Bundel et al
2 Forecast & Research in the Olympics Sochi Testbed - FDP & RDP - Forecast & Research in the Olympics Sochi Testbed - FDP & RDP - FROST-2014FROST-2014 FDP ~ Forecast Demonstration Project RDP ~ Research Demonstration Project 2
3 Focus : High-impact Weather Forecast Verification Here : High-impact Specific Forecast Thresholds End-users Olympics Participants, Audiences Outline : 1.FROST-2014 goals and general setup 2.FROST-2014 components and participants: Observations Nowcast Systems Deterministic NWP Probabilistic EPS 3.Verification FMI Verification System Some Results Impacts 4.Future visions Focus : High-impact Weather Forecast Verification Here : High-impact Specific Forecast Thresholds End-users Olympics Participants, Audiences Outline : 1.FROST-2014 goals and general setup 2.FROST-2014 components and participants: Observations Nowcast Systems Deterministic NWP Probabilistic EPS 3.Verification FMI Verification System Some Results Impacts 4.Future visions More details in next talks Much more results in next talks 3
4 4 FDP ~ Forecast Demonstration Projects RDP ~ Research Demonstration Projects World Weather Research Program
Goals of FROST-2014 : RDP + FDP 1.To develop a comprehensive data resource of high altitude winter weather observations Testbed 2. To exploit and improve in complex terrain winter environment : o Now-cast systems of high-impact weather phenomena - wind, precipitation type and intensity, visibility, etc. o High-resolution deterministic meso-scale forecasts o Regional, meso-scale ensemble forecasts 3.To improve the understanding of physics of high-impact weather phenomena End-users 1.To deliver deterministic and probabilistic forecasts Olympic weather forecasters and decision-makers real-time 2.To assess the benefits of forecast improvement Verification 5
COSMO, Env. Canada, FMI, KMA, METN, NOAA, ZAMG + Roshydromet, IRAM supervision by WWRP WGs on Nowcasting, Mesoscale Forecasting & Forecast Verification Research COSMO, Env. Canada, FMI, KMA, METN, NOAA, ZAMG + Roshydromet, IRAM supervision by WWRP WGs on Nowcasting, Mesoscale Forecasting & Forecast Verification Research Participants of FROST-2014 6
FROST Nowcast Systems 6 RDP : Green / FDP : Blue FROST Deterministic Forecast Systems 5 FROST Ensemble Forecast Systems 7 7
8 8
XXII Olympic Winter Games 10 Some Forecast Verification Issues … #1 All modelers always verify their own fc products General practice ! … BUT can be biased NOT sufficient / adequate in FROST context Centralized by Roshydromet AND ”External” verification by FMI … also to “validate verification results” enables comparisons Due to our FMI Harmonie model runs, FMI was not “external” anymore FMI : Point Verification User needs Users require thresholds for their decisions Impacts Sports activities and events take place at (or along) points Enhanced observation network by using 31 selected stations Formal verification period : 15 January – 15 March = 2 months FMI state-of-the-art, on-line, point verification package was “tuned” for Sochi HUGE undertaking
11 Properties & Features Web-based; Interactive; Menu-driven; 2 languages Daily forecast vs. observation comparison Monthly, seasonal and annual statistics All basic – and some novelty - verification metrics Comparison: Forecaster end-product vs. model + model vs. model Database : Gridded data + stations over Finland Sochi Olympics version XXII Olympic Winter Games FMI Operational Real-time Point Verification System 11
12 XXII Olympic Winter Games Feb - Mar 2014 FMI Operational Verification System Web User Interface 12
13 Verification User Interface Adapted for Sochi 2014 Olympics 13 NB : NOT used in real-time
14 FMI Verification User Interface Adapted for Sochi 2014 Olympics User: sochi Pwd: d8jJ-ZbBS 14
15 Valley (c. 600m) Ski Jump Ski Biathlon (Laura, top 1400m) Alpine Ski (Rosa Khutor, top 2300m) FMI Verification User Interface Adapted for Sochi 2014 Olympics 15
16 XXII Olympic Winter Games Model Analysis / FC hoursContributorFMI VerificationNotes Deterministic Forecasts COSMO-RU - 7 km 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC / + 78 hrHMC,Russia *** COSMO-RU - 2 km 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC / + 42 hr ” *** COSMO-RU - 1 km - ” to be considered as RDP GEM - 2.5 km 23 UTC / + 27 hrEnv. Canada *** GEM - 1 km 21 UTC / + 25 hr ” *** GEM - 0.25 km 00 UTC / + 24 hr ” *** Processing difficulties HARMONIE-Sochi - 1 km 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC / + 36 hrFMI, Finland *** NMMB - 1 km 00, 12 UTC / + 24 hrNOAA,USA *** KMA - KMA, S-Korea to be considered as RDP ARPA (Sochi-mini) 00, 12 UTC / + 72 hrARPA SIMC, Italy *** INCA - ZAMG, Austria Joint (also now-casts) Hourly / + 48 hr“consensus” *** Ensemble Forecasts Aladin-LAEF-EPS - 11 km -ZAMG,Austria GLAMEPS - 11 km 06, 18 UTC / + 54 hrHIRLAM, Norway *** GLAMEPS - updated T Hourly / + 48 hr ” *** HarmonEPS - 2.5 km 06, 18 UTC / + 30 hr ” *** to be considered as RDP COSMO-RU-EPS - 2 km -HMC,Russia to be considered as RDP COSMO-S14-EPS - 7 km -ARPA SIMC, Italy NMMB-EPS - 7 km -NOAA, USA Nowcast systems MeteoExpert 10 minutes / + 4 hrIRAM,Russia *** INCA ZAMG,Austria INTWEnv.Canada CARDSEnv.Canada to be considered as RDP ABOM Env.Canadato be considered as RDP RW Model ( Harmonie-driven ) FMI, FinlandVerification within external CoMoSeF project FROST-2014 : FMI Verification - Models – Contributors 16
17 XXII Olympic Winter Games 17 FROST-2014 : Weather variables – Potential Impact Thresholds Temperature ( O C )T < -20-20 ≤ T < -5-5 ≤ T < -2-2 ≤ T < 00 ≤ T < 22 ≤ T < 5T ≥ 5 Wind speed ( m/s )WS ≥ 3WS ≥ 4WS ≥ 5WS ≥ 7WS ≥ 11WS ≥ 15WS ≥ 19 Horizontal visibility ( m )V < 100V < 300V < 1000V < 10 000 Precipitation amountRR < 0.3RR ≥ 0.3RR ≥ 1.0RR ≥ 5.0RR ≥ 10.0RR ≥ 15.0 1-hr and 24-hr (mm) Photo © johnny9s on FlickrPhoto © Prentice Korea on Flickr High-impact What is High-impact ? Thresholds
18 Mountain cluster Determ. models HARMONIE best during day, worst during night is the feature in the mountains COSMO worst XXII Olympic Winter Games 18 T MAE 00UTC forecast runs (available for Olympics forecasters in the morning) used in verification statistics FROST Verification : FMI examples
19 XXII Olympic Winter Games 19 Determ. models GEM 0.25km and JOINT best HARMONIE ”in the middle” Lo-res model, COSMO 7km, worst Mountain cluster WS SEDI 00UTC forecast runs (available for Olympics forecasters in the morning) used in verification statistics FROST Verification : FMI examples
20 EPS models Calibrated + hourly T-updated GLAMEPS best Raw GLAMEPS worst Mountain cluster NB: Actual Olympics two-week period XXII Olympic Winter Games 20 PoT ROC A All forecast runs used in the EPS verification statistics FROST Verification : FMI examples
21 XXII Olympic Winter Games 21 Sochi 2014 Road Weather Pilot: End-user Feedback Scale : 1 = Fully disagree / 2 = Disagree / 3 = Neutral / 4 = Agree / 5 = Fully agree Date Friction forecast gave a good estimate of slipperiness FC storage terms (water, snow, ice) are realistic Road weather forecast was useful Notes (free text) 16.2.2014 54 Precipitation, however road surface dried towards Adler 20.2.2014 552 Dry road surface, i.e. No real need for RW forecast 21.2.2014 53 Variable road surface humidity 23.2.2014 552 Dry road surface, i.e. No real need for RW forecast End-user = Finnish skiing service team, Feedback : ” HARMONIE was superior ” ” HARMONIE visibility forecasts were excellent ” ” HARMONIE precipitation and cloud height fcs were highly useful ” ” HARMONIE five-panel user interface was really good ” ! Impacts to End-users ! FROST Verification : FMI examples
22 XXII Olympic Winter Games 22 Subjective Evaluations Model Overall usefulness Forecast accuracy Visualization (appearance) Timeliness and reliability TempPrecipWindGustsVisib COSMO-RU 7 km 1.9 2.3 2.1 x2.9 COSMO-RU 2 km2.7 2.3 2.1 x2.9 COSMO-RU 1 km 1.52.0 2.3 x NMMB 1 km GEM 250 m 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.2 1.3 2.0 1.3 2.0 1.8 Harmonie 1 km 2.3 2.0 ( * ) Forecast quality assessment : 10 HMC Russia forecasters / team leaders Scale : 0 = Not useful / 1 = Partly useful / 2 = Useful / 3 = Excellent Acknowledgement : Michael Tsyrulnikov et al. HMC Russia ( * ) : Harmonie DID produce (good) visibility forecasts which were not used by Sochi forecasters ( not disseminated as XML ) FROST Verification
23 23 Re-run statistics now that full, final data sets are available Roshydromet… Comprehensive diagnostic verification and inter-comparison of the participating forecasting systems, case studies, numerical experiments, assessments of predictability Ongoing / Roshydromet… Open FROST-2014 data access for international research community Joint reporting-publishing-presentations by FROST-2014 Partners WWOSC, Montreal, Aug 2014 IUGG, Prague, June 2015 EMS-ECAM, Sofia, 10 Sep 2015 Special Issue in “Russian Meteorology and Hydrology”, Aug 2015; English version issued by Allerton Press in the US AMS Special Collection in Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Weather and Forecasting & BAMS, Feb 2016 Dedicated FROST-2014 Verification Session ! Further Steps !
Durban, South Africa, 6 July, 2011 RDP & FDP RDP & FDP @ 2018 Winter Olympics Thank You Questions?
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