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Published byGerard Warren Modified over 9 years ago
Outline of the Presentation Biodiversity & Conservation (B &C) structure Entity Links B&C Strategy Map Progress Report 2011/12 Strategic plan 2016/17 Challenges Sona Implications and Opportunities International obligations and Implementation 2
3 BRANCH BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION CHIEF DIRECTORATE PROTECTED AREAS SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHIEF DIRECTORATE BIODIVERSITY PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT CHIEF DIRECTORATE BIODIVERSITY ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABLE USE CHIEF DIRECTORATE BIODIVERSITY SPECIALIST ADVISORY SERVICES DIRECTORATE ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT DIRECTORATE Transfrontier Conservation Areas DIRECTORATE World Heritage management DIRECTORATE Protected Areas Governance DIRECTORATE Protected Areas Expansion Programme DIRECTORATE Protected Areas Legislation, Compliance & Monitoring DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Risk Management DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Conservation DIRECTORATE International Biodiversity Management DIRECTORATE Sustainable Land Management DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Economy DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Legislation - CITES DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Legislation- Bioprospecting DIRECTORATE Legislation Threatened or Protected Species DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Legislation Alien & Invasive Species SPECIALISTS
Entity links Branch delivers its mandate with the support of three public entities: –SANBI –SANPARKS –iSimangaliso Alignment of strategic plans between DEA and PE done on annual basis Monitoring through quarterly reporting and bilateral engagements A number of specific agreements on areas of work eg Scientific Authority, 4
Learning & Growth BIODIVERSITY & CONSERVATION Strategy Map Promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic growth and poverty alleviation) Information Disemmination, Monitoring and reporting Cooperative Governance, Collaboration, Support & Capacity Building Conservation Internal Process Fair And Equitable Benefit Sharing Stakeholders Purpose: Sustainable Utilisation Advocacy and Awareness creation Finance Align Budgets to Strategic Objectives Effective Budget & Risk Management Fair access and equitable sharing of benefits from biological resources promoted Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Attract, Develop & Retain Appropriate Human Capital Biological resources sustainably utilised and regulated
Progress Report 2011/12 6
7 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target Progress Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Improve the conservation status of biodiversity by increasing the network of conservation areas, safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity and minimising threats to ecological sustainability. % of land under conservation6.9 % of land under conservation A Total of 121 760 ha (0.087%) have been declared Number of legislative tools to ensure the protection of species and ecosystems developed and implemented Minimum standards for the Management of captive elephants Improve or maintained conservation status of ToPS Increase in number of threatened ecosystems protected The final draft minimum standards for Management of Captive Elephants were referred to the Minister of DAFF for implementation in terms of welfare legislation 2 nd draft TOPS amended Regulations initiated List of threatened terrestrial ecosystems published for implementation
8 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target Progress Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Number of wetlands with management plans 5 management plans Management plan for Prince Edward Islands in place. Management plans for Makuleke wetlands and Orange River Mouth Ramsar Sites finalized. % of GMO applications assessed for environmental compliance 100% applications assessed 100% GMO applications assessed % of CITES permit applications assessed 85% applications assessed 100% CITES applications assessed % of TOPS permit applications assessed 85% applications assessed 100% TOPS applications assessed Number of tools developed and implemented to prevent the introduction of, control and eradicate Alien and Invasive Species (AIS) which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species AIS regulations published and implemented Risk assessment framework and guideline for evaluation developed Draft AIS Regulations and species lists finalised. The process of appointing a service provider to develop guidelines for risk assessments is underway
9 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target Progress Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Reduction in the area (hectors) affected by drought,land degradation and desertification 800 hectares 329 hectares of land was rehabilitated, conserved and restored Number of research programmes developed Species Research –Elephant Research Programme Biosafety research chair appointed Institutionalise the coordination of research on DLDD Elephant Research Programme proponents evaluated. Submission for Environmental Biosafety Research Chair submitted to DST/NRF Work programme for the committee developed
10 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target Progress Biological resources sustainably utilised and regulated Number of sustainable natural resource based projects Operationalisation of Aweleni Ecotourism Lodge facilitated Operator has been appointed and draft operational agreement in place Fair access and equitable sharing of benefits from biological resources promoted System for transformation of the Biodiversity Sector developed Wildlife Sector transformation negotiations initiated Wildlife sector transformation negotiations initiated % of BABS permits applications assessed 100% BABS permits applications assessed Guideline for negotiating, concluding and evaluation of benefit sharing agreements finalised 100% assessed Task deferred to next quarter pending approval of the draft guidelines Number of co-management agreements finalized 1 Co- management agreement facilitated In progress. The following communities have been identified in the Eastern Cape: Double Drift HlulekGqakumba
11 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target Progress Improved compliance with environmental legislation Tools to measure levels of compliance with legislation developed and implemented Compliance Monitoring Framework for NEMBA, NEMPAA finalized Development of a draft compliance monitoring framework for CITES, NEMPAA and WHCA has been initiated. Assessment of Biodiversity Enforcement Strategies of 3 countries undertaken and the best practice model Assessment of the three enforcement strategies ongoing. Two coordinated national and international compliance operations/inspections organised and executed An international enforcement and compliance operation has been identified by INTERPOL and will be executed in the fourth quarter. The national operation which was identified will be executed with the INTERPOL operation, thus both operations on track.
12 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target Progress Improved compliance with environmental legislation Increased level of compliance with biodiversity legislation BABS: 30% TOPS:50% CITES:60% 3 compliance inspections on BABS conducted in both Gauteng and Western Cape TOPS compliance inspections conducted in 2 regions in Limpopo CITES indicators implemented in all provinces Potential negative impacts of all significant developments prevented or managed Number of tools for mitigation of negative impacts of development to biodiversity Process for approval and publication on minimum requirements for biodiversity in land use planning and IEM initiated Minimum requirements for biodiversity in land use planning and IEM consulted Process for approval and publication of mining and biodiversity good practice guidelines for South Africa Mining and biodiversity good practice guidelines approved by WG1, and further consultation with WG2 is ongoing Draft GIS based spatial land use planning tool Draft GIS based spatial land use planning tool developed
13 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target Progress Effective cooperative government and local government support Number of management tools developed and capacity building initiatives to ensure and promote management of biodiversity at local level Framework for mainstreaming biodiversity in local authorities finalised and approved Framework approved by MINMEC Capacity building initiatives to ensure and promote management of biodiversity at local level 2 Workshops for mainstreaming biodiversity into local government conducted Enhanced international governance, instruments and agreements supportive of South Africa environmental and sustainable development priorities Nagoya Protocol on ABS ratified and implemented Initiate Ratification process Four systems in place to implement the Nagoya protocol: User measures Competent authorities Checkpoints Sui generis Intergovernmental stakeholder consultations initiated and competent Authority identified
14 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target Progress Enhanced international governance, instruments and agreements supportive of South Africa environmental and sustainable development priorities Percentage implementation of international conventions 55% implementation43 rd meetings of the standing committee of the RAMSAR Convention, as well as the RAMSAR pre- COP 11 Africa regional meeting prepared for and attended CBD concept document on review of NBSAP drafted SBSTTA- 15 prepared for and attended UNCCD COP 10 prepared for and attended CMS COP10 prepared for and attended
5 Year Strategic Plan and Annual target for 2012/13 15
16 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13Target 2016/17 Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Improve the conservation status of biodiversity by increasing the network of conservation areas, safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity and minimising threats to ecological sustainability. % of land under conservation 7.4 % of land under conservation 9.5% of land under conservation % state managed protected areas with a METT score above 67% 30% of all state managed protected areas with a METT score above 67% 60% of all state managed protected areas with a METT score above 67% Number of IMP’s approved in terms of WHCA 1 IMP approved 7 IMP’s approved Number of tools to ensure the protection of World Heritage Sites revised, developed and implemented 1 tool reviewed (WHCA)4 tools developed (WHCA, Regulations, National Strategy, Norms and Standards,)
17 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Improve the conservation status of biodiversity by increasing the network of conservation areas, safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity and minimising threats to ecological sustainability. Number of legislative tools to ensure the protection of species and ecosystems developed and implemented Draft regulations for the hunting industry developed Norms and standards for the translocation of large herbivores finalized TOPS regulations and lists finalised and submitted for approval for implementation Non-detriment findings and quotas made by Scientific Authority (at least 5 NDFs for 5 species per annum BMP for Black Rhino, Encephelartos Latifrons and Pelargonium sidoides finalized Draft BMP for African Penguin BMP finalized 8 Tools developed and implemented
18 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Improve the conservation status of biodiversity by increasing the network of conservation areas, safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity and minimising threats to ecological sustainability. Number of Ramsar sites with management plans in accordance with the Ramsar Convention requirements developed Five Management plans for Ramsar sites developed 20 management plans for Ramsar sites completed 10 management plans implemented
19 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Improve the conservation status of biodiversity by increasing the network of conservation areas, safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity and minimising threats to ecological sustainability. % of received GMO applications assessed for environmental compliance 100% 100% of received applications assessed for environmental compliance % of CITES permit applications assessed. 85%100% % of TOPS permit applications assessed. 85% 100% Number of tools developed and implemented to prevent the introduction of, control and eradicate Alien and Invasive Species (AIS) which threatens ecosystems, habitats or species developed and implemented -Risk assessment framework and guidelines for evaluation developed -Development of guidelines for Monitoring and Control Plans initiated -National Strategy for AIS developed -Development of Species Management and Eradication Programmes for priority invasive species initiated 5 Tools developed and implemented
20 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Improve the conservation status of biodiversity by increasing the network of conservation areas, safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity and minimising threats to ecological sustainability. Reduction in the area (hectares) affected by drought,land degradation and desertification 1000 hectares of land rehabilitated 4400 hectares of land rehabilitated Number of research programmes developed Appointment of researchers to conduct Elephant research program Additional Biosafety research conducted 10% DLDD research conducted Four research programmes finalised Elephant AIS research Drylands Research Biosafety Research
21 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Biological resources sustainably utilised and regulated Regulate and promote the utilization of biological resources to ensure sustainability of ecosystems, species and genes Number of sustainable natural resource based projects One cross border trail with associated infrastructure operationalised An Integrated development plan for Blyde and Bushbuckridge developed and three other projects identified 5 new projects implemented Fair access and equitable sharing of benefits from biological resources promoted Promote and enhance livelihoods through access, fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of biological resources System for transformation of the Biodiversity Sector developed Environmental Transformational sector situational analysis Report finalised 10% implementation of the Charter and Scorecard % of BABS permits applications assessed 100% Number of Co-Management agreements facilitated One co-management agreement facilitated 4 Co-Management agreement facilitated % implementation of action plan on land claim settlement in protected areas 10% implementation100 % implementation of the action plan
22 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Improved compliance with environmental legislation Improve compliance with environmental legislation by effective compliance monitoring and enforcement and providing capacity- building, legal and information management support. Tools to measure levels of compliance with legislation developed and implemented Compliance monitoring framework completed Compliance with TOPS regulations monitored in 2 provinces Compliance performance indicators for CITES regulations developed and approved Compliance monitoring framework inspections completed on NEMBA, NEMPAA, NEMA and WHCA in 4 provinces National Strategy for the Safety and Security of rhinoceros populations in South Africa implemented 40% of National Strategy implemented 100% of National Strategy implemented
23 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Potential negative impacts of all significant developments prevented or managed Conduct an effective environmental impact assessment and management process which ensures that the possible negative impacts of significant development activities and/ or development patterns are minimized, mitigated or managed in line with government policy,legislation, goals and strategies Number of tools for mitigation of negative impacts of development to biodiversity developed Minimum requirements for biodiversity in land use planning and IEM implemented Draft Mining and Biodiversity-Good Practice Guidelines for South Africa implemented Process to approve and finalise GIS based spatial land use planning tool initiated. 4 tools Minimum requirements for biodiversity management in land-use planning and IEM Mining and Biodiversity- good Practice Guidelines for South Africa Conditions prescribed for existing mining activities in protected areas GIS based spatial land use planning tool Number of tools on mining in sensitive areas developed and implemented Ministers consensus on the draft matrix facilitated 1 tool (conditions established and monitored for mining in protected areas)
24 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Effective cooperative governance and local government support Facilitate intergovernmental planning coordination and implementation with the aim to improve environmental sector performance Number of management developed and capacity building initiatives to ensure and promote management of biodiversity at local level developed LAB guidebook and framework implemented through capacity Train 400 beneficiaries on the Toolkit building workshops 2 tools - Framework for Mainstreaming biodiversity in local authorities - Tool to monitor best practices in biodiversity and decentralised cooperation Conduct capacity building programmes in 9 provinces
25 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic ObjectiveObjective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Enhanced international governance, instruments and agreements supportive of SA environmental and sustainable development priorities. Managing and coordinate the Departments international engagements so that they contribute to addressing our national interest and feed into our national agenda of reconstruction of our country and well being of our people. Nagoya Protocol on ABS ratified and implemented Capacitate national competent authority Facilitate development of s ui generis legislation on Traditional Knowledge Three systems in place to implement the Nagoya Protocol: -User measures -Competent Authorities -Checkpoints Facilitate development of sui generis legislation on Traditional knowledge
26 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic Objective Objective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Enhanced international governance, instruments and agreements supportive of SA environmental and sustainable development priorities. Managing and coordinate the Departments international engagements so that they contribute to addressing our national interest and feed into our national agenda of reconstruction of our country and well being of our people. % implementation of international conventions National consultations on Review of NBSAP completed Preparation for SBSTAA/WGRI CBD COP11, Ramsar COP11, CMS/AEWA completed Secure secretariat for the AEFSC Project proposals prepared by African elephant range States submitted to UNEP to be funded through the African Elephant Fund (AEF) Annual meetings organised, chaired and decisions implemented Preparation for CITES COP 16 completed and proposals for consideration by CITES COP 16 submitted Prepared for and participated in Standing Committee meetings Annual report submitted 55% (Number of national interventions in support of the implementation of Biodiversity related MEAs): Ramsar Convention obligations implemented CMS/AEWA implemented 4 projects funded through the African Elephant Fund Participation in CITES Conference of Parties (16 & 17) Participation and Negotiation of CBD COP 11, 12, 13 Implementation of the Supplementary protocol nationally
27 Goal: (1) Environmental assets conserved, valued, sustainably used, protected and continually enhanced (2) Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment Strategic Objective Objective statement Performance indicator Target 2012/13 Target 2016/17 Enhanced international governance, instruments and agreements supportive of SA environmental and sustainable development priorities. Managing and coordinate the Departments international engagements so that they contribute to addressing our national interest and feed into our national agenda of reconstruction of our country and well being of our people. % implementation of international conventions 20% implementation of WH Committee decisions Audit of all TFCA Ministerial Committee decisions 1 project financed by investors National Action Plan implemented Position paper to COP 11 developed 80% implementation of WH Committee decisions 80% implementation of TFCA Ministerial Committee decisions 4 Tools for the management of TFCAs developed 8 High Level awareness campaigns for Boundless SA 4 Boundless projects financed by investors
Challenges Escalating environmental crime and related prevention expenses Ongoing scourge associated with illegal killing of Rhinos Securing Cooperation from the Asian Countries which are the primary market or end users of Rhino horns Unsustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems Mining in environmentally sensitive areas which provide critical ecosystem services such as water (wetlands) 28
SONA implications and Opportunities New Growth path : Seed funding required to support sector contribution through ecotourism, agriculture (wildlife economy) and the green economy. Use the rehabilitation of ecosystems (wetlands) to create job opportunities whilst improving quality and quantity of water supply Regional Infrastructure Development : the TFCA and Boundless Southern Africa programmes have potential to be incorporated into these large infrastructure programmes. Enhance the existing partnerships on the development of the Transfrontier Conservation Areas in order to tighten the fight against poachers and promote socio-economic development through private-public and community partnership. 29
SONA Implications and Opportunities (Cont) Green Paper on Land Reform: potential impacts on land claims in protected areas, and the role of biodiversity stewardship programmes in land reform sites. Financial and technical resources required to roll out biodiversity related initiativesUse co-management agreement to benefit land claimants and communities through programmes such as People and Parks and Kids and Parks. Mining: Resources (human, financial and technical) required to develop a comprehensive off set strategy to ensure that the growth of the mining sector is not at the expense of ecosystem services 30
International obligations and implementation Convention on Biological Diversity –Preparations for COP 11 and Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety COP/MOP6 –Ratification of the Nagoya Protocol on ABS World Heritage Convention -Celebrate 40 th convention anniversary. The theme of anniversary is “World Heritage and Sustainable Development: The role of Local Communities” -Host a regional expert workshop on heritage conservation and mining developmental activities. -Host an International Meeting on World Heritage and Sustainable Development 31
International obligations and implementation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species –COP16 preparations –Rhino and elephant management RAMSAR Convention - COP 11 Preparations and participation - Develop management plans for identified Ramsar Sites SADC Protocol on Wildlife and Law Enforcement -Enhance the role Transfrontier Conservation initiatives in combating environmental crime -Advance socio-economic development through Ecotourism development and infrastructure development in TFCAs (private-public- community partnerships). -Signing of the Treaty establishing the Greater Mapungubwe TFCA. -Development of management tools for TFCAs 32
Thank You 33
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