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Communities and the Commission “Redrawing the Maps: Redistricting, Race, and Representation in the Next Decade” Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos January 28,

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Presentation on theme: "Communities and the Commission “Redrawing the Maps: Redistricting, Race, and Representation in the Next Decade” Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos January 28,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communities and the Commission “Redrawing the Maps: Redistricting, Race, and Representation in the Next Decade” Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos January 28, 2012

2 California’s Community-of-Interest Criterion  Applies only to geographic communities o “The geographic integrity of any... community of interest shall be respected....” o “A community of interest is a contiguous population....”  Defines communities in objective terms o “A community of interest is a... population which shares common social and economic interests....” o “Examples of such shared interests are those common to an urban area, a rural area, an industrial area, or an agricultural area, and those common to areas in which the people share similar living standards, use the same transportation facilities, [or] have similar work opportunities....”  Excludes political considerations o “Communities of interest shall not include relationships with political parties, incumbents, or political candidates.”

3 Spatial Diversity Diagrams High Spatial Diversity; Low Community Congruence Medium Spatial Diversity; Medium Community Congruence Low Spatial Diversity; High Community Congruence

4 Drivers of California Residential Patterns American Community Survey AnalysisPopular Initiative Analysis

5 California Plans’ Spatial Diversity Averages American Community Survey AnalysisPopular Initiative Analysis

6 California Plans’ Spatial Diversity Outliers American Community Survey AnalysisPopular Initiative Analysis

7 California Versus Its Peers (Congress; ACS Data)

8 Improvement Example 1 (Congress; Socio-Economic Status)

9 Improvement Example 2 (House; Asian-American Population)

10 No Improvement Example 1 (Senate; Socio- Economic Status)

11 No Improvement Example 2 (Congress; African- American Population)

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