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1 空間模擬. 2 eM-Workplace NT You can use the eM-Workplace NT module to easily perform 3D layout planning and workplace design. 3D Layouting allows early.

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Presentation on theme: "1 空間模擬. 2 eM-Workplace NT You can use the eM-Workplace NT module to easily perform 3D layout planning and workplace design. 3D Layouting allows early."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 空間模擬

2 2 eM-Workplace NT You can use the eM-Workplace NT module to easily perform 3D layout planning and workplace design. 3D Layouting allows early error recognition and facilitates communication, documentation and presentation.

3 3 Block Layout Structure Layout Detailed Layout eM-Workplace NT eM-Workplace NT enables structured top-down planning in 3D: Customizable 3D component libraries allow fast and efficient layout design.

4 4 eM-Workplace NT Example: Electronics Assembly Line Layout of an assembly line for electronic parts

5 5 eM-Workplace NT Example: Plant Layout Layout of an assembly line for mechanical parts produced by a tier-one automotive supplier.

6 6 eM-Human You can use the eM-Human module to design, analyze and optimize manual workplaces with the help of human models. Simulate human tasks with human models available in various body sizes and both genders MTM I analysis for cycle time optimization Various ergonomic analysis methods available, such as: posture analysis, energy expenditure, lifting force analysis, etc. Use simulation as documentation and for animated work instructions

7 7 Original workplace design eM-Human Example: Electronics Industry Workplace  Workplace design leads to bad worker posture.  Cycle time is not optimized.  Improved workplace design enables correct worker posture  Optimized cycle time due to shorter reach distances Improved workplace design

8 8 eM-Human Example: 汽車坐椅 Assembly Assembly study of a seat to evaluate the assembly time and verify feasibility.

9 9 eM-Human Example: Water Pump Implementation of ergonomic and assembly time analyses for the assembly of a water pump.

10 10 eM-Workplace(RobCAD) 機器人作業空間模擬 可將 eM-Workplace NT 之 Layout 資料 轉至 RobCAD ,在針對 Robot 之模擬做 更精細之規劃

11 11 RobCAD OLP 之應用

12 12 模擬在交通運輸業的應用 發展軌道運輸 整合公路網路 運輸管理決策 發展大眾運輸 加強運輸安全 研發運輸技術 派車模擬 交通工具排班模擬 停車場設施規劃 車流、人潮模擬 物流中心動線規劃 快遞服務業模擬 農產運銷模擬

13 13 模擬在軍事上的應用 兵棋作戰模擬 派車模擬 醫務管理模擬 運輸補給模擬 後勤支援模擬

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