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1 Diversity of Life Classification Based on Body Plan Body Plans 5.

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1 1 Diversity of Life Classification Based on Body Plan Body Plans 5

2 2 Maryland Science Content Standard Students will be able to provide examples and explain that organisms sorted into groups share similarities in external structures as well as similarities in internal anatomical structures and processes which can be used to infer the degree of relatedness among organisms

3 3 Students will be able to identify the ways to classify organisms based on their body plans. Title:Body Symmetry Date:10/18/2015 Objective

4 4 Warm-Up: How many equal parts can you divide each of the following into?

5 5 Today Students Will… Engage their thinking of different organisms’ body plans by discussing different body plans Explain symmetry by discussing bilateral and radial symmetry. Explore body plans of different organisms using a website Evaluate their understanding of bilateral and radial symmetry by labeling the body plans of different organisms on a worksheet

6 6 Body Plans: Weirdness!! What is the weirdest living thing you can think of? What is its body like? How many legs does it have? How many segments does it have?

7 7 Body Plans Organisms are classified based on many different factors. One of the factors used to group organisms is the way their body is structured, or their body plan.

8 8 What is symmetry? In math class we learn that symmetry is when we can cut an object into two equal and identical halves. Are humans symmetrical?

9 9 Symmetry in Animals Comes in two types –Radial –Bilateral

10 10 Bilateral Symmetry This is the human type of symmetry This is when one single straight line can be created between halves of an organism.

11 11 Radial Symmetry Radial Symmetry is when more than one line can be drawn through the object. Each of these lines creates an identical and equal part.

12 12 Explore Body Plans Read the information on the following link, and try the activity at the bottom of the page: Click Here!!!!Click Here

13 13 Evaluate your understanding On your worksheet:worksheet –Define Symmetry –Identify types of organisms with bilateral and radial symmetry. –Draw a picture of an organisms with bilateral and radial symmetry. –Compare and contrast organisms with No, Radial, and Bilateral symmetry

14 14 Conclusion - Extend your thinking What kind of symmetry do you have? –How do you know? Why do you think scientists pay attention to things like organism’s symmetry?

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