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Unit 5: In Search of Good Data 5.1.2 Developing a Thesis: Analysing the question.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5: In Search of Good Data 5.1.2 Developing a Thesis: Analysing the question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5: In Search of Good Data 5.1.2 Developing a Thesis: Analysing the question

2 Developing a Thesis Thesis: –A formal question or a statement that a project will answer or discuss A good thesis: –Will define its variables and population –Variables should be measurable statistically –Will have enough data to make an interesting analysis

3 Analysing a Thesis Question What are the main variables in my question? Can these variables be measured statistically? Is there enough data to make an interesting analysis?

4 Ex: Analysing a Thesis Question Q #Main Variable(s)Can these be measured? 1 Percentage of CO 2 in America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe 2 Rate of increase of CO 2 in the last 100 years 3 Factors contributing to CO 2 : Industry Automobile Power Generation Yes Easily? Not easily

5 Ex: Analysing a Thesis Question Q #Main Variable(s)Can these be measured? 4 Change to be done to reduce CO 2 5 This change can reduce CO 2 by what amount? Yes Not easily

6 Make some thesis questions… Gord loves to watch TV and would like to study the TV-watching habits of his classmates. Create five questions related to this topic that can be statistically studied. Ensure they will provide enough data to make Gord’s project interesting. NOTE: These are not survey questions!

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