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Exit Strategy for Sustainability and Self Empowerment of OVC’s By Kim Feinberg Tomorrow Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Exit Strategy for Sustainability and Self Empowerment of OVC’s By Kim Feinberg Tomorrow Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exit Strategy for Sustainability and Self Empowerment of OVC’s By Kim Feinberg Tomorrow Trust

2 South Africa’s future – lets take a look Why do we need an exit strategy? By the end of 2005 - 40.3 million people were living with HIV/AIDS around the world Majority in Sub Saharan Africa South Africa has the worst stats in the world Due to HIV, orphan population is expected to boom we now have millions of children affected by HIV/Aids These are children who are growing up without any parental guidance or support and major emotional issues A generation of children who are not developed or educated to deal with the issues of life

3 Unemployment rate in South Africa Unemployment rate in South Africa is one of the highest in the world – approx 30% This has important implications to the poverty level A large number of the unemployed have never held a job – they have been unemployed as they entered the job market – one reason – lack of skills Tight budgets demand top skills Ages 16 – 35 make up the most of our unskilled and unemployed

4 Crime and South Africa HIV/Aids will be a major contributor of crime in South Africa There will soon be 1 in 4 infected Stats are limited due to stigma; lack of reliable data Infection rate is the highest in males age 15-24yrs – sexually active Crime committed is highest at this age – with no parents; no jobs and huge amount of responsibility this is the next best thing or a desperate move !

5 The Problem… Currently approx 3 million AIDS orphans in Africa By 2010 there is going to be estimated 25 million worldwide. By 2020 there will be approximately 40 million You may not be infected but you are affected ! Whose problem?

6 Whose Responsibility? Every person Every corporate Every country Every Society

7 The Solution…. Education Encouragement Life skills Sense of self Responsibility

8 How are you affected ? Roll out of ARVs has been far too slow We have lost far too many parents Criticism has been deafening for an excellent reason Tax payers need to pay approximately R300 per month per person to be treated ! Just over 1 million people are registered for treatment. You do the math! Infected – maybe AFFECTED - for sure !

9 ....? South Africa has close to 3 million Aids orphans Government grants are R200 a month per child per month This is R600 million of tax payers money ! You may not be infected but you are AFFECTED !

10 How does Tomorrow Trust work... The Holiday School Program Done in support of Tomorrow Trust post secondary education initiatives to bridge the gap of education – to raise the level of matriculants Held during the April, June September and December School holidays at private schools Subjects include: English, Maths, Biology, History, Science, Accountancy Currently focuses on Grade 0 – 3 and Grade 10 - 12

11 Post secondary/ Tertiary Education Providing the means for orphan and vulnerable children to receive skills Done through Colleges, Universities,apprenticeship, Learnerships Covering all fields academic, trades and the arts Relationships built with corporate to facilitate vacation work for experience and financial development Builds self sustainability, self reliance and self empowerment Holistic training deals with soft skills – critical thinking; budgeting; CV writing; communication; work ethic; self mastery THE RESULT – A generation with top skills who are proactive members of society and the economy.

12 Success ! Tomorrow Trust has not had a drop out rate from our university or college students National stats show that drop out rate in universities is 50% We are addressing – poverty, crime and skill issues in South Africa today ! Grass roots organisations can release these households and take on others needing help

13 Full Cycle... OVCs enter TT Post Secondary Programme Obtain tertiary qualification Obtain holistic Lifeskills Practical training by doing vacation work with corporate partners OVCs employed by corporate partner Contribute 10% of salary back into TT for a two year period Positive contributers to the overall South African Economy OVCs participate in TT Holiday School Programme Obtain a matric that is reflecting their potential OVCs enter the Tomorrow Trust from various communities OVCsHSP PSCommunity

14 Partnership Challenges are too great in South Africa to be handled alone This is not a time to be arrogant or territorial We need to work together and create a great country !

15 Thank you

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