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NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. The.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. The Research Process Steps, Procedures and More!

2 Research Topics  Persuasive or Argumentative Topic  Make a claim and then use research to prove it. (THESIS)  The claim needs to be arguable.  Possible Topics: Make a list. Resources Available/Needed  Use the SIRS Lead Issues Function.  1.  2.  3.  4.

3 Web the Topic Background & Statistics & Data on Breast Cancer Cases Surveys & Data on People’s Current Awareness of the Disease Increasing Breast Cancer Awareness Moving Beyond Awareness: Motivating People to Take Action Effective Methods of Increasing Awareness Draft Thesis: _______________ ____________________________ Sources Research Revise & Change as You Research

4 Web the Topic Part 1Part 2 1st Choice Topic Part 4 Part 3 Draft Thesis: _______________ ____________________________

5 How to Use Noodletools  CSD Website + Tennent + Our School + Library + Research  Noodletools link is there.  You have to make YOUR OWN account on there, but you need the school username and password. willths and panther  Create new project and name it: Last name, English 2 Research.  My Dropbox name to share with me: Christine English 2 2014 5

6 How to Use Noodletools  I will show you the highlights on the site.  Capabilities: Notes, Works Cited, Outlining, Sharing w/ Me & classmates…and much more!  Start using it today!  Goals: 12/9 and HW: Make a noodletools account & type your research plan into the googledoc. Don’t forget to share it out with me! 6

7 Developing Your Research Plan 7 DUE: 12/10

8 Gathering Sources  Read a variety of sources for research on your topic.  Obvious Choices: books, articles, databases  Consider These: reliable video clips or documentaries, interviews...  Read only the relevant portions of the research, and cite it in your Works Cited that way.  Use Noodletools, googledocs, notecards or paper to keep track of your sources AND notes.  See your packet for sample cards. Keep going back to your draft thesis to revise and edit, as needed!

9 Developing Your Thesis Statement 9 DUE: 12/11

10 Gathering Sources  Read a variety of sources for research on your topic.  Obvious Choices: books, articles, databases  Consider These: reliable video clips or documentaries, interviews...  Read only the relevant portions of the research, and cite it in your Works Cited that way.  Use Noodletools, googledocs, notecards or paper to keep track of your sources AND notes.  See your packet for sample cards. Keep going back to your draft thesis to revise and edit, as needed!

11 Keep Gathering Sources & REVISING the THESIS, as needed, in order to match your research. 11

12 Now that you have your sources…and some notes…  Organize the notes in an outline or web format.  You can use Noodletools, googledocs or Word.  Please PRINT or EMAIL/SHARE your good copy.  Put your name on the TOP of the document header. 12

13 Next Steps…Putting It All Together!  Take your notes and organize them according to your web or outline.  Where will the information be included?  What quotes am I going to use, and where in the project, will these be located?  What research do I still need, in order to prove my thesis statement?  Number the notes or code them so that you know where the information belongs.  Start writing the Intro + Genres + Conclusion 13 Update the Works Cited Page. Update your Thesis, as needed.

14 Outline for Research – Period 3  Topic: __________________________________________  Thesis: ____________________________________________________  Introduction – General Background Information for the Topic  Defining the issue, and then backing up your thesis (point) with data.  _______  Body – Point 1 (from thesis)  Body – Point 2 (from thesis)  Body – Point 3 (from thesis)  Conclusion – Final Points/Thoughts: What do you want the audience to do with the information? Future Considerations 14

15 Introduction / Conclusion  Intro should include –  Hook the reader – quote, interesting fact…  General background information about topic  Lead us to your thesis statement (revised).  Only 3 rd person – NO 1 st or 2 nd PERSON AT ALL!!!!!  Conclusion should include –  Future of your topic…  Final quotes, facts, research and points to persuade your reader.  Only 3 rd person – NO 1 st or 2 nd PERSON AT ALL!!!!! 15 Update the Works Cited Page. Update your Thesis, as needed.

16 Picture with Caption Layout Caption

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