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Tips for Creating a Literature Review Presented by Dr. K. Scott Fall 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips for Creating a Literature Review Presented by Dr. K. Scott Fall 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips for Creating a Literature Review Presented by Dr. K. Scott Fall 2010

2 What is a literature review? Comprehensive & up-to-date Inform intellectual framework Synthesis Past & Present

3 Purpose of a Literature Review Focus Scholar’s Identity via conceptual frame New direction Suggestive Gaps & flaws Avoid repetition Highlights controversy Tests assumptions

4 How it fits/shapes within your paper? Abstract One-page or les overview Essence No footnotes or citations

5 Introduction What are you studying? Why is it important? How original is it? Will it fill an empirical void? Extend theory? Cause action? How will you unpack your argument?

6 Main Body/Literature Review Longest Part Citations Developing the thesis—what should the reader learn (clearly stated in Introduction) Clear focus

7 Conclusion What does it all mean? Read independently… Podcast Link :

8 Final Suggestions… One-sentence thesis Support your thesis 100% Figures Stringy Sentences Proofread Passion Consider feedback not the grade

9 The Story Line Introduction – foreshadow the story Theoretical framework Big Arena 1Big Arena 2Big Arena 3 Why are these three arenas so critical? How does this story end? What do we need to know? What do you want your learners to have learned?

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