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Saleem Mustafa, Melissa Joseph James &

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1 Saleem Mustafa, Melissa Joseph James &
Biotechnological interventions in aquaculture with special reference to shrimp farming Saleem Mustafa, Melissa Joseph James & Annita Yong Seok Kian Universiti Malaysia Sabah

2 Aquaculture & Biotechnology
Two important areas of R & D in this century: Aquaculture & Biotechnology Aquaculture  Food producing activity BiotechnologyTool of increasing production efficiency

3 Aquaculture-Biotechnology interface
Biotechnolgical intervention in mariculture & marine ranching are considered a most feasible option of meeting qualitative & quantitative seafood security.

4 Production potential of aquatic animals is higher:
Live in multidimensional environment Body density similar to aquatic medium Efficient food conversion Faster growth Most having body temperature similar to environment

5 Comparative production efficiency
Cattle Produces kg (=1 pound) from kg feed Catfish Produces kg (=1 pound) from – kg feed

6 Marine aquaculture more economical than freshwater aquaculture
Short supply Multiple uses - Drinking - Irrigation - Power generation - Sanitation

7 Marine aquaculture more economical
Sea water: - Never in short supply in costal areas. - Can pump it in any volume needed in hatcheries, ponds, raceways, etc. - Can directly stock animals in sea.

8 EEZ promulgation Law of the Sea in the form of EEZ has given maritime countries vast areas in sea for economic exploitation. Malaysia: Marine area more than land area: Marine area = 332,673 Land area = 330,434

9 Vast marine area Potential of vast marine area should be exploited using sustainable methods. Interest in aquaculture is picking up. Annual growth of aquaculture – 9.2% since 1970.

10 Contribution of aquaculture to global food security:
Significant 46 million tons by weight This is quarter of world food supply Production expected to rise to 50 million tons by 2010. Contribution by value = US$ 57 billion

11 Application of biotechnology
Application of biotechnology essential for any quantum jump in aquaculture production. Biotechnology getting more & more intricately linked to aquaculture. Modern aquaculture can be appropriately described as a discipline of ‘Aquaculture Biotechnology’.

12 Biotechnological tools needed:
Environmental remediation to minimize or mitigate the impact of stressors. Efficient artificial feeds - Microencapsulation - Bioencapsulation Disease management-probiotics & vaccines.

13 Main areas of aquaculture biotechnology
Genomics Deals with genetic material of aquaculture animals. Biocomplexity Biological conditions arising from interactions: - within biological systems & - between biological systems & physical environment.

14 Main areas of aquaculture biotechnology
Biocellular technology Application of techniques to exercise control on, hormones, maturation, spawning, fertilization, development, growth & artificial feeding.

15 Main areas of aquaculture biotechnology
Biosecurity Focuses on issues pertaining to culture infrastructure. Environmental security aspects. Diagnostics for specific pathogens. Issues relating to GMOs.

16 Types of aquaculture systems
Based on: Groups of of aquatic animals used in culture Species Combination of single or multiple species Stocking density Culture facilities Other conditions

17 Focus of our current research is on marine shrimp (Penaeus monodon)
Major problems in shrimp farming: Poor seed quality Disease outbreak We focused attention on seed quality.

18 Factors determining egg quality:
Intrinsic qualities of egg. Environment where eggs are spawned, fertilized & develop.

19 Intrinsic qualities of egg:
Genetic heritage Biochemical constituents

20 Inherited genetic material:
Genetic capital of Tiger prawn broodstock was intact. - No. of alleles/locus = 1.7 - Polymorphic loci = 33.3% - Observed heterozygosity, Ho = 0.194 (exceeded He 0.122) Data suggested no genetic degradation.

21 Nutritive & biochemical factors
Egg needs chemicals, nutrients, various raw materials & a regulatory mechanism to direct the developmental processes. It is important to know: - what gets into oocytes - How it gets there - What role it plats there - What is its fate in the oocyte

22 Shortage or inappropriate quantities of these substances:
Poor egg quality. Egg will not be able to sustain development of viable embryo. Non-viability of eggs, & death of eggs & larvae.

23 Broodstock condition If female broodstock is poorly nourished:
inadequate transfer of nutrients to developing ovary.  Poor quality eggs.

24 No de novo synthesis of sterol & HUFA in shrimp:
Sterol & HUFA should be in diet. Both are important in development & maturation of ovary.

25 Our experimental trials: 4 dietary treatments
Squid (40%)+Mussels (30%)+Trash fish (30%) Squid 30%)+Mussel (25%)+Trash fish (25%)+Blood worm (20%) Squid 930%)+Mussel (25%) + Trash fish (25%) + Bioencapsulated bloodworm (20%) Squid (30%)+Mussel (25%)+Trash fish (25%)+Madmac (20%)

26 Findings from feeding trials:
Live bloodworm bioencapsulated with tricalcic phosphate: Ca3 (PO4)2 most effective in development of egg quality. Accelerated RNA & protein biosynthesis. Promoted deposition of cholesterol in oocytes.

27 Improvement in egg quality resulted in significant:
Increase in egg & larval survival. Increase in hatching rate. Increase in metamorphosis of nauplii to zoea stage.

28 Main Biotechnological procedures involved:
Bioencapsulation of live bloodworm collected from low energy coastal bays in the tidelands.

29 Biotechnological procedures involved:
Chemical filtration of seawater - adsorption of toxic metals on charred waste of palm oil industry.

30 Biotechnological procedures involved:
Induced breeding of tiger prawn in captivity: - ablation of one eyestalk to remove X- organ-sinus gland complex  a quick surgical operation.

31 Thank you for your kind attention.

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