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Funding of Public RDI in Norway – A Bird’s Eye View Jan Dietz, Special Adviser OECD Symposium, Madrid, July 3-4 2008.

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1 Funding of Public RDI in Norway – A Bird’s Eye View Jan Dietz, Special Adviser OECD Symposium, Madrid, July 3-4 2008

2 Outline of presentation  Overview of Norwegian funding system  The role of the Research Council of Norway  Some challenges…

3 Research in Norway: Industry, higher education sector and institutes Institutes Higher Education Industry 1970 1980 1990 2000 ’05 Billion NOK (2000- kroner)

4 Strong R&D and Innovation System  Gradual growth in public R&D expenditure the last few years  But Norway falls below OECD average  Yet strong overall economic performance: high productivity, innovation in both old and new industries, etc. The Norwegian puzzle!

5 Research in Norway: Three different research sectors … IndustryInstitutesHigher Education

6 …. With different roles! IndustryInstitutesHigher Education Basic research Applied research Development

7 The Research Council’s roles Research and innovation policy - adviser to the government Research funding  Support basic research  Implement national thematic priorities  Support private R&D Networking and dissemination Internationalisation

8 The Research Council of Norway Division for Administrative Affairs Division for Science Division for Innovation Division for Strategic Priorities Director General Staff

9 Division for Administrative Affairs Division for Science Division for Innovation Division for Strategic Priorities Director General Staff The Research Council of Norway, System of governance Research Board Executive Board

10 Dialogue and Policy Development The Council is a Key Player in the National Research and Innovation System Council Strategy Government White Paper

11 Government White Paper Priorities INTERNATIONALISATION BASIC RESEARCH RESEARCH-BASED INNOVATION Energy and environment FoodOceansHealth ICT New materials Nanotech. Biotechnology

12 The Council distributes about 30 % of public expenditures on R&D and funding received from all the ministries (2008) Trade and Industry Petroleum and energy Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Agriculture and Food Environment Education and Research Administration The Research Fund Total 820 mill. Euro, administration incl. Health and Care Services Transportation and Communication Foreign Affairs Misc.

13 ICT Energy/ environment FoodHealthOceans New materials nanotechnology Biotechnology Thematic priorities Technological priorities Public sector reforms PETROLEUM CLEAN ENERGY CLIMATE ICT NANOMAT Aquaculture GENOMICS Welfare and society Food programme Health programmes CLIMIT Ocean and coast

14 Important funding instrument: Large-scale programmes VERDIKT Core Competence and Growth in ICT  Strategic, long-term knowledge development to meet national research-policy priorities  Strategic and dynamic arena for communication and cooperation NORKLIMA Climate Change and its Impacts in Norway PETROMAKS Optimal Management of Petroleum Resources RENERGI Clean Energy for the Future NANOMAT Nanotechnology and New Materials FUGE Functional Genomics in Norway AQUACULTURE An Industry in Growth

15 Norwegian Centers of Excellence Aquaculture protein Geo- biosphere Theoretical chemistry Economics Mind in Nature Ecology Cancer biomedicine Immune regulation Biomedicine and IT Neuroscience Mathematics Civil wars Physics/Geology Geohazards Ships and ocean structures Biology of memory Medieval studies Theoretical linguistics Petroleum research Communication systems Climate research

16 Centres for Research-based Innovation Statistics for innovation Multiphase flow of complex fluids Natural gas – Processes and products Concrete – new qualities and uses Next generation search engines Aquaculture technology Stem cell based tumor therapy Marine bioactives and drug discovery Industrial measurement technology Integrated operations in the petroleum industry Future manufacturing solutions Medical imaging Telemedicine Structural impact

17 Some Challenges  Encourage greater interest in R&D in private sector  Create incentives for public-private partnerships  Soften existing system of earmarking  Look beyond the Barcelona objective  Improve cooperation and coordination in the innovation system

18 Some Challenges (2)  Strike a balance between the twin needs for decentralisation and critical mass  Address global issues  Improve process of priority-setting Taking the long view…

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