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American Red Cross. First, there was Clara…. Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross On May 21, 1881.

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Presentation on theme: "American Red Cross. First, there was Clara…. Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross On May 21, 1881."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Red Cross

2 First, there was Clara…. Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross On May 21, 1881.

3 Fundamental Principles  Humanity  Impartiality  Neutrality  Independence  Voluntary Service  Unity  Universality

4 Our Mission “The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement, will provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies.”

5 Congressional continue and carry on a system of national and international relief in time of peace and apply the same in mitigating the sufferings caused by pestilence, famine, fire, floods, and other great national calamities, and to devise and carry on measures for preventing the same. –Congressional Charter, 36 U.S.C. §30010

6 Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988...nothing contained in this Act shall limit or in any way affect the responsibilities of the American National Red Cross under the Act of January 5, 1905.

7 Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996 Dept. of Homeland Security National Response Framework

8 We’re There When You Need Us Every year the Red Cross responds to more than 73,000 disasters—including approximately 150 home fires every day.

9 Initial Response Meet immediate needs: –Temporary housing – Food – Clothing – Disaster caused medical needs

10 Recovery Essential Household Needs Housing Assistance Information & Referrals

11 Volunteers constitute 96% of our total work force to carry on our humanitarian work.

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