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Manzanita village: a case study turning lemons into lemonade jennifer j. bitting, pe central coast water board.

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Presentation on theme: "Manzanita village: a case study turning lemons into lemonade jennifer j. bitting, pe central coast water board."— Presentation transcript:

1 manzanita village: a case study turning lemons into lemonade jennifer j. bitting, pe central coast water board

2 outline what is manzanita village? project setting project history water quality results beneficial outcomes sustainabliliy review lessons learned

3 manzanita village: ucsb housing complex 6 acre site eleven 3-story buildings six 4-story buildings houses 800 students opened september 2002

4 project setting mediterranean climate marine terrace deposits on sisquoc shale clay subsoil degraded grassland and vernal pool landscape bordered by the pacific ocean and campus lagoon

5 original design traditional underground storm sewer system buildings too close to vernal pools no treatment - discharge of phosphorus and nitrate polluted water to the beach, surfer-filled waters? no volume reduction increase rate of bluff erosion habitat for endangered species designed to meet federal wetland guidelines but not state requirements plans needed to be modified – ecology professors and research students used the opportunity to recommend bioswales and wetlands to aid in site drainage

6 new design 75% of the project area flows through biofiltration systems 1300 linear feel of swales 4 swale systems with 43 bioswale basins 8 experimental plant palettes 2 stormwater wetlands 1 vernal marsh 3 vernal pools

7 new design bioswales 8 experimental plant palettes using: 3 rushes: juncus mexicanus juncus patens juncus phaeocephalus 3 sedges: carex praegracilis eleocharis macrostachya scirpus maritimus single species basins rush basins sedge basins rush and sedge basins control basins bioswale planting september 2002 bioswale vegetated august 2003

8 results water quality results 99.5% reduction in nitrates 81.8% reduction in phosphates

9 beneficial outcomes potable water vs. reclaimed water bioswale clippings make nutrient rich mulch for university landscaping bioswales watered with reclaimed water grew faster during the plant establishment phase and consequently were able to treat storm water more effectively. using reclaimed water reduced the use of potable water and reduced the water bill.

10 sustainability review environment –provides habitat for endangered species –reduces pollutants discharged to campus lagoon –does not contribute to bluff erosion economics –reduces $ spent on mulch –reduces potable water bill (used reclaimed water for plant establishment) –takes the place of ordinary landscaping (not irrigated) –does not contribute to loss of real estate (bluff erosion) –less $ spent on underground storm sewer installation and maintenance social –boardwalks, viewing terraces and bike trails control traffic and restrict access to the fragile habitat –entirely wheelchair accessible –educational signs inform students about animal and habitat sensitivity –public health benefit: water is treated before discharge to the beach and ocean

11 lessons learned design low impact development into the project in the first place! –design cost savings not realized; project had to be designed twice. utilize design change opportunities to make projects more sustainable! take advantage of mistakes –potable vs. reclaimed water

12 sources & more info more info: –ucsb cheadle center for biodiversity and ecological restoration (805) 893-2401 sources: – – –

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