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Bicycling in Chico. Where can I buy a bike? AS Bike Cart’s Bicycle Auction (Sept. 26) Craig’s List Numerous bicycle shops downtown Don’t forget… Bike.

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Presentation on theme: "Bicycling in Chico. Where can I buy a bike? AS Bike Cart’s Bicycle Auction (Sept. 26) Craig’s List Numerous bicycle shops downtown Don’t forget… Bike."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bicycling in Chico

2 Where can I buy a bike? AS Bike Cart’s Bicycle Auction (Sept. 26) Craig’s List Numerous bicycle shops downtown Don’t forget… Bike helmet Bike lock Bike light

3 Bicycling Safety You are a vehicle o Follow all traffic signs o Ride with traffic, not against o Bicycle must have a front light & reflectors on the back Riding while intoxicated (drunk) is illegal o You will be given a “Bicycling under the Influence” fine o You can be arrested

4 Bike Routes in Chico BIKE LANEBIKE ROUTE Bike only lane Share the road

5 Riding Tips Always lock your bike securely Don’t leave your bicycle overnight on campus Use a bike light after sundown Use hand signals, especially at intersections! HAVE FUN!

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