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W ELCOME TO K INDERGARTEN O RIENTATION 2013-2014 Your Kindergarten Team: Ms. DodsonMrs. McDonald Mrs. ElizaldeMrs. McNair Mrs. LoyaMrs. Stephens.

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME TO K INDERGARTEN O RIENTATION 2013-2014 Your Kindergarten Team: Ms. DodsonMrs. McDonald Mrs. ElizaldeMrs. McNair Mrs. LoyaMrs. Stephens."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME TO K INDERGARTEN O RIENTATION 2013-2014 Your Kindergarten Team: Ms. DodsonMrs. McDonald Mrs. ElizaldeMrs. McNair Mrs. LoyaMrs. Stephens

2 O UR M ISSION HERE AT B LANTON : We will work collaboratively to ensure high levels of learning for ALL students, while inspiring and empowering them to become safe, respectful, and caring learners. Everything we do here at Blanton is directly linked to our mission.

3 M ORNING D ROP O FF P ROCEDURES Cross walk Front Parking Lot for Parents Back parking lot for staff only

4 A FTERNOON D ISMISSAL P ROCEDURES Car Tag Numbers: Please practice these with your child. Each number is read individually Enter via Stacee Lane Buses and cars must be seperated Pulling behind during dismissal is illegal

5 A FTERNOON D ISMISSAL P ROCEDURES Children that are Walkers: Students must walk off campus. Home or community center. May not walk to a car parked on the street or parked in Madison. Parents may wait at the crosswalk by the stop sign. Please do not wait by the bike racks or the playground for safety reasons.

6 D ISMISSAL C HANGES Send a signed, dated note from a parent explaining the change. Call the office to notify them of the change in transportation. Email the change to your teacher by 1:00, get a “GOT IT” email back If you do not hear back from your teacher, please call the office to confirm the change.

7 W HILE ON C AMPUS Cell phones in school zone and on campus. Checking out after 2:20 Visitor badge visible

8 B RINGING S IBLINGS ON C AMPUS Younger, non-school aged kids at parties. If you are volunteering at the party. Snacks for younger siblings. Students going to other Blanton sibling parties.

9 T HE ABC S OF K INDERGARTEN A is for attendance & assessments B is for birthdays & behavior C is for car tag, call & concerns D is for dismissal & deliveries E is for expectations & email

10 F is for field trips & flip-flops G is for grades H is for homework I is for independence J is for journal writing

11 K is for kind words L is for lunch M is for math stations and medications N is for notes & newsletters O is for open house

12 P is for parent conferences & PTA Q is for quick good-byes R is for Reading & Recess S is for snack, shoes, sport-top bottles & stations T is for TEKS, Toys, and tying

13 U is for units V is for volunteer & voicemail W is for weather, writing, websites & WE X is for eXperiences Y is for year Z is for z-z-z-z

14 For more information, please check your teacher’s website. We communicate a lot of information through our websites, so please check them often. T HANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING !

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