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3 United Way seeks to improve lives and community conditions


5 ASSESS Create OPPORTUNITIES Identify CHALLENGES Education Food Access Healthy Aging Emergency Services Investments create OPPORTUNITIES

6 of children in the Lehigh Valley are not ready for kindergarten. 65% One in four third graders in the Lehigh Valley do not read at grade-level. Double the number of United Way Community Schools in the Lehigh Valley. Increase enrollment for high- quality preschool ; ensure children are ready for school. Education Food Access Healthy Aging Emergency Services EDUCATION Providing opportunities for students to thrive EDUCATION: CHALLENGES EDUCATION: OPPORTUNITIES

7 Education EDUCATION Community Goal 2022 Increase the number of students reading at grade level by third grade. 50% EDUCATION: GOAL, IMPACT AND RESULTS

8 My challenge is staying in school and succeeding. Education

9 My opportunity is graduating high school and going to college. Education

10 or one in 10 in the Lehigh Valley are hungry 75,000 people Ensure food is available and affordable for all Lehigh Valley families. Education Food Access Healthy Aging Emergency Services FOOD ACCESS Providing opportunities for everyone to have nutritious food FOOD ACCESS: CHALLENGES FOOD ACCESS: OPPORTUNITIES More than half 75,000 Lehigh Valley RESIDENTS 49% Below Poverty $23,000/yr. for a family of four 51% Families not eligible for food assistance are above poverty and hungry UNITED WAY HAS NO INCOME REQUIREMENTS FOR FOOD ACCESS. EVERYONE DESERVES ACCESS. of the Lehigh Valley residents

11 Food Access FOOD ACCESS Community Goal 2022 Increase access and availability of nutritious food to hungry people. 50% FOOD ACCESS: GOAL AND IMPACT

12 Our challenge is choosing between paying the electric bill or eating dinner some nights. Food Access

13 Our opportunity is to put healthy food on the table every day. Food Access

14 28,000 seniors in Lehigh and Northampton Counties have difficulties meeting their own basic care needs $7,000 Average monthly cost for one senior in a nursing home: Provide services for support: transportation, grocery shopping and in-home care and assistance. Education Food Access Healthy Aging Emergency Services HEALTHY AGING Providing opportunities for seniors to stay safe and healthy in their own homes HEALTHY AGING: CHALLENGES HEALTHY AGING: OPPORTUNITIES

15 Healthy Aging HEALTHY AGING Community Goal 2022 Increase the number of seniors whose basic needs are met at home. 50% HEALTHY AGING: GOAL, IMPACT AND RESULTS

16 My challenge is getting to a grocery store. Healthy Aging

17 My opportunity is living comfortably in my own home. Healthy Aging

18 natural disasters homelessness domestic violence elder abuse child neglect Disaster response and relief services emergency housing shelters violence and crisis intervention support Education Food Access Healthy Aging Emergency Services EMERGENCY SERVICES Providing crisis intervention and disaster relief EMERGENCY SERVICES: CHALLENGESEMERGENCY SERVICES: OPPORTUNITIES


20 Emergency Services My challenge is feeling safe when scary stuff happens.

21 Emergency Services My opportunity is being safe and cared for by the community.

22 Be the Opportunity. Your Community. Your United Way. United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley ● 2015 Campaign Serving Carbon, Lehigh and Northampton Counties.

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