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Elements of Microbial Growth, Nutrition and Environment

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1 Elements of Microbial Growth, Nutrition and Environment

2 Do different organisms require specific diets and environments?

3 Why do we care about growth?
To Encourage the microbes we want Brewery, winery, food production Vaccine and drug production Microbial fuel cells Bioremediation, Sewage treatment plant, oil spill clean up Resident microbiota-probiotics to aid microbial antagonism and perform other functions To Discourage the microbes we don’t want Pathogens

4 What is Growth? In microbiology, we define growth in relation to the number of cells, not the size of cells. Concentrate on population growth Bacterial cells divide via binary fission, not mitosis.

5 Binary fission The division of a bacterial cell
Parental cell enlarges and duplicates its DNA Septum formation divides the cell into two separate chambers Complete division results in two identical cells

6 Generation Time The time required for a complete division cycle (doubling) Length of the generation time is a measure of the growth rate Growth is exponential not arithmetic Dependent on chemical and physical conditions

7 Generation Time Average generation time is 30 – 60 minutes
shortest generation times can be 10 – 12 minutes E. coli GT=20 min. Mycobacterium leprae has a generation time of 10 – 30 days 11 million cells (20 generations) in 7 hours most pathogens have relatively short generation times

8 Which is bacterial growth curve?


10 Four phases of growth in a bacterial culture

11 1. Lag Phase Cells are adjusting, enlarging, and synthesizing critical proteins and metabolites Not doubling at their maximum growth rate

12 2. Exponential Growth Phase
Maximum exponential growth rate of cell division Adequate nutrients Favorable environment Most sensitive to antibiotics. Why?

13 Exponential Growth Phase
A person actively shedding bacteria in the early and middle stages of infection is more likely to spread it than a person in the later stages. Why? MRSA

14 3. Stationary Phase Cell birth and cell death rates are equal
Survival mode – depletion in nutrients, released waste can inhibit growth

15 4. Death Phase A majority of cells begin to die exponentially due to lack of nutrients or build up of waste Slower than the exponential growth phase

16 How do we measure microbial growth?
Direct measurement Standard Plate counts most common, need to DILUTE to get individual, countable colonies Microscopic Count count with microscope Filtration when # microbes small, water run thru filter and filter applied to TSA plate and incubated Coulter Counter Automated cell counter Indirect (Estimation) Turbidity more bacteria, more cloudiness can measure w/ spectrophotometer or eye Metabolic Activity assumes amount of metabolic product is proportional to # Dry Weight used for filamentous organisms, like molds Genetic Probing Real-time PCR

17 Direct: Standard Plate Counts

18 Direct: Microscopic Count
Advantages Easy and fast Disadvantages Uses special microscope counting slide Does not differentiate between live and dead bacteria

19 Direct: Membrane Filtration

20 Direct: Coulter Counter
Uses an electronic sensor to detect and count the number of cells.

21 The greater the turbidity, the larger the population size.
Indirect: Turbidity Using Spectrometer The greater the turbidity, the larger the population size. Which culture (left or right) has more bacteria?

22 Indirect: Metabolism Activity
The metabolic output or input of a culture may be used to estimate viable count. Examples: Measure how fast gases and/or acids are formed in a culture Or the rate a substrate such as glucose or oxygen is used up

23 Indirect: Dry Weight To calculate the dry weight of cells
cells must be separated from the medium then dried the resulting mass is then weighed

24 Indirect: Genetic Methods
Use real-time PCR to “count” how many bacterial genes there are in a sample.

25 Which techniques distinguish between live and dead cells?
Standard Plate counts Direct Microscopic Filtration Coulter counter Turbidity Metabolic activity Dry weight Genetic Probing

26 Which techniques distinguish between live and dead cells?
Standard Plate counts Direct Microscopic Filtration Coulter counter Turbidity Metabolic activity Dry weight Genetic Probing

27 What are the requirements for microbial growth?

28 Chemical Composition of an Escherichia coli Cell

29 Microbial Nutrition Macronutrients: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
required in relatively large quantities and play principal roles in cell structure and metabolism Micronutrients: present in much smaller amounts manganese, zinc, nickel Inorganic nutrients: Can have carbon OR hydrogen, but not both Organic nutrients: Contain carbon and hydrogen

30 Microbial Nutrition All cells require the following for metabolism and growth: Carbon source Energy source Growth factors (some bacteria are fastidious/picky and require extra supplements)

31 Microbial Nutrition Heterotroph: Organic carbon is carbon source
Autotroph: inorganic CO2 as its carbon source has the capacity to convert CO2 into organic compounds not nutritionally dependent on other living things Phototroph: microbes that photosynthesize Chemotroph: microbes that gain energy from injesting chemical compounds

32 Microbial Nutrition: Autotrophs
Photoautotrophs: Photosynthetic Produce organic molecules using CO2 Ex: Cyanobacteria, algea Chemoautotrophs: Ingest organic or inorganic compounds for energy Carbon source is CO2

33 Microbial Nutrition: Heterotrophs
Chemoheterotrophs: organic compounds for both carbon and energy source derive both carbon and energy from processing these molecules through respiration or fermentation The vast majority of microbes causing human disease are chemoheterotrophs Ex: Most bacteria, all, protists, all fungi, and all animals

34 Diffusion: Review Transport of necessary nutrients occurs across the cell membrane, even in organisms with cell walls Diffusion: Atoms or molecules move in a gradient from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration Diffusion of molecules across the cell membrane is largely determined by the concentration gradient and permeability of the substance

35 Osmosis: Review Isotonic: Equal solutes in cell and in environment
Osmosis: the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane Isotonic: Equal solutes in cell and in environment parasites living in host tissues are most likely to be living in isotonic habitats Hypotonic: More solutes in cell than in environment A slightly hypotonic environment can be favorable to bacteria cells Hypertonic: Less solutes in cell than in environment hypertonic solutions such as concentrated salt and sugar solutions act as preservatives for food (salted ham is an example)

36 Osmosis: Review

37 Chemoautotrophs chemoorganic autotrophs: use organic compounds for energy and inorganic compounds as a carbon source lithoautotrophs: rely totally on inorganic minerals and require neither sunlight nor organic nutrients

38 Environmental (Physical) Factors Effecting Bacterial Growth
Temperature Gas pH Osmotic pressure Other factors Microbial association Survival in a changing environment is largely a matter of whether the enzyme systems of microorganisms can adapt to alterations in their habitat

39 Environmental Factors: Temperature
Effect of temperature on proteins: Too high, proteins unfold and denature Too low, do not work efficiently Effect of temperature on membranes of cells and organelles: Too low, membranes become rigid and fragile Too high, membranes become too fluid 39

40 Temperature and Bacterial Growth

41 Five categories of microbes based on temperature ranges for growth
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Minimum Psychrophile Maximum Optimum Psychrotroph Mesophile Thermophile Extreme thermophile Rate of Growth -20 -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Temperature °C Which category do human pathogens usually fall into? Why?

42 Environmental Factors: Gases
Two gases that most influence microbial growth Oxygen O2 has the greatest impact on microbial growth O2 is an important respiratory gas and a powerful oxidizing agent Carbon dioxide Waste for bacteria Carbon source for others (non-pathogens)

43 Oxygen Requirements As oxygen enters cellular reactions, it is transformed into several toxic products highly reactive and excellent oxidizing agents Resulting oxidation causes irreparable damage to cells by attacking enzymes and proteins 43

44 Oxygen Requirements As oxygen enters cellular reactions, it is transformed into several toxic products: singlet oxygen (O) superoxide ion (O2-) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) hydroxyl radicals (OH-) Most cells have enzymes that scavenge and neutralize reactive oxygen byproducts Two-step process requires two enzymes:

45 Oxygen Requirements If bacteria do not have superoxide dismutase or catalase they can not tolerate oxygen. Catalase Test

46 Oxygen Requirements Aerobes Anaerobes Facultative anaerobes
Aerotolerant anaerobes Microaerophiles 46

47 Determining Oxygen Requirements
Thioglycollate broth to demonstrate oxygen requirements. Oxygen levels throughout the media are reduced via reaction with sodium thioglycolate. Producing a range of oxygen levels in the media that decreases with increasing distance from the surface

48 Oxygen Requirements: Obligate Aerobe
Requires oxygen for metabolism Have enzymes that neutralize toxic oxygen metabolites Ex. Most fungi, protozoa, and bacteria, such as Bacillus species and Mycobacterium tuberculosis

49 Oxygen Requirements: Facultative Anaerobe
Does not require oxygen, but can grow in its presence During oxygen free states, anaerobic respiration or fermentation occurs Possess superoxide dismutase and catalase Ex. Many Gram-negative pathogens Prefer oxygenated environments because more energy is produced during aerobic respiration compared to anaerobic respiration or fermentation Why is this the “best” for pathogens?

50 Oxygen Requirements: Obligate Anaerobes
Cannot use oxygen for metabolism Do not possess superoxide dismutase and catalase The presence of oxygen is toxic to the cell and will kill it Ex. Many oral bacteria, intestinal bacteria

51 Oxygen Requirements: Aerotolerant
Can live with, but do not use oxygen Able to break down peroxides (not using catylase) Ex. Some lactobacilli and streptococci

52 Oxygen Requirements: Aerotolerant
Can live with, but do not use oxygen Able to break down peroxides (not using catylase) Ex. Some lactobacilli and streptococci

53 Oxygen Requirements: Microaerophiles
Require small amounts of oxygen Ex. H. pylori

54 Culturing Technique for Anaerobes

55 Environmental Factors: pH
Most cells grow best between pH 6-8 strong acids and bases can be damaging to enzymes and other cellular substances Pathogens like our neutral pH Yeast & Molds like acidic conditions

56 Environmental Factors: pH
Acidophiles thrive in acidic environments. Ex. Helicobacter pylori Alkalinophiles thrive in alkaline conditions Ex. Proteus can create alkaline conditions to neutralize urine and colonize and infect the urinary system

57 Example of the use of a selective medium for pH
Bacterial colonies Fungal colonies pH 7.3 pH 5.6

58 Environmental Factors: Water
Microbes require water to dissolve enzymes and nutrients Water is important reactant in many metabolic reactions Most cells die in absence of water Some have cell walls that retain water Endospores cease most metabolic activity Two physical effects of water Osmotic pressure Hydrostatic pressure 58

59 Environmental Factors: Water
Osmotic pressure: Halophiles (Salt lovers) Requires high salt concentrations Withstands hypertonic conditions Ex. Halobacterium Facultative halophiles Can survive high salt conditions but is not required Ex. Staphylococcus aureus

60 Other Physical Factors Influencing Microbial Growth
Radiation- UV, infrared Barophiles – withstand high pressures Spores and cysts- can survive dry habitats Microbes require different nutrients and different environments specific to survive. They are very specialized!

61 Associations Between Organisms
Organisms live in association with different species Often involve nutritional interactions Antagonistic relationships Synergistic relationships Symbiotic relationships Associations Between Organisms Symbiotic Non symbiotic Organisms live in close nutritional relationships; required by one or both members. Organisms are free-living; relationships not required for survival. Mutualism Obligatory, dependent; both members benefit. Commensalism The commensal benefits; other member not harmed. Parasitism Parasite is dependent and benefits; host harmed. Synergism Members cooperate and share nutrients. Antagonism Some members are inhibited or destroyed by others. 61

62 Associations Between Organisms
Antagonism: free-living species compete Antibiosis: the production of inhibitory compounds such as antibiotics The first microbe has a competitive advantage by increasing the space and nutrients available to the competitor Remember importance of microflora?! A biocontrol agent on the right (a bacteria) is making a material that is keeping the pathogen on the left (a fungus) from growing.

63 Associations Between Organisms
Synergism: free-living species benefits together but is not necessary for survival Together the participants cooperate to produce a result that none of them could do alone Gum disease, dental caries, and some bloodstream infections involve mixed infections of bacteria interacting synergistically

64 Associations and Biofilms
Complex relationships among numerous species of microorganisms Many microorganisms more harmful as part of a biofilm Quorum sensing: used by bacteria to interact with members of the same species as well as members of other species that are close by Plaque (biofilm) on a human tooth 64

65 Associations and Biofilms
Benefits of biofilm large, complex communities form with different physical and biological characteristics the bottom may have very different pH and oxygen conditions than the surface partnership among multiple microbial species cannot be eradicated by traditional methods

66 Now that you know more about the nutritional needs of bacteria let’s look at using this information to ID bacteria! 66

67 Survey of Microbial Diseases
How to identify bacteria in patient specimens or in samples from nature? Or the MM project;) phenotypic: considers macroscopic and microscopic morphology, physiology, and biochemistry immunologic: serological analysis genotypic: genetic techniques increasingly being used as a sole resource for identifying bacteria Data from these methods can provide a unique profile for any bacterium

68 Survey of Microbial Diseases:
Phenotypic Methods Physiological/Biochemical Characteristics Traditional mainstay of bacterial identification Enzyme production and other biochemical properties are reliable ways to ID microbes Dozens of diagnostic tests exist for determining the presence of specific enzymes and to assess nutritional and metabolic activities: fermentation of sugars capacity to digest complex polymers production of gas sensitivity to antibiotics nutrient sources

69 Blood agar as a differential medium
Beta-hemolysis Blood agar as a differential medium Alpha-hemolysis No hemolysis (gamma-hemolysis)

70 Tests for fermentation and gas production
Survey of Microbial Diseases: Phenotypic Methods Tests for fermentation and gas production Durham tube (inverted tube to trap gas) No fermentation Acid fermentation with gas

71 Phenotypic Methods: Direct Examination of Specimen
Direct observation of fresh or stained specimen Stains most often used Gram stain acid-fast stain

72 Survey of Microbial Diseases:
Phenotypic Methods Isolation Media and Morphological Testing Selective media: encourage the growth of only the suspected pathogen Differential media: used to identify definitive characteristics and fermentation patterns

73 MacConkey Agar: Selective and Differential
Selects for Gram-negative and tells you if the bacterium ferments lactose

74 Phenotypic Methods: Biochemical Testing
Physiological reactions: indirect evidence of enzymes present in a species. If bacteria tests + for cytochrome c oxidase what does that tell you?

75 Phenotypic Methods: Biochemical Testing
Unknown microbe + different substrates DNPG ADH LDC ODC | CIT | H2S URE TDA IND | VP | | GEL | GLU MAN INO SOR RHA SAC MEL AMY ARA Results (+/–) + + + + Enzyme-mediated metabolic reactions often visualized by a color change microbe is cultured in a medium with a special substrate, then tested for a particular end product microbial expression of the enzyme is made visible by a colored dye

76 Flowchart: We will use this to ID our MM!
Cocci Gram (+) Gram (–) Catalase (+), irregular clusters, tetrads Catalase (–), pairs, chain arrangement Aerobic, oxidase (+), catalase (+) Anaerobic, oxidase (–), catalase (–) Streptococcus Strictly aerobic Facultative anaerobic Neisseria Branhamella Moraxella Veillonella Micrococcus Staphylococcus Planococcus

77 Phenotypic Methods: Phage Typing
Testing for sensitivity to various phage groups a lawn of bacterial cells is inoculated onto agar, mapped off into blocks, and phage are exposed to each block cleared areas corresponding to lysed cells indicate sensitivity to that phage Ex. S. aureus Phage Group I vs. Group II

78 Determining Clinical Significance of Cultures
Important to rapidly determine if an isolate from a specimen is clinically important or if it is merely a contaminant or normal biota a few colonies of E. coli in a urine sample can indicate normal biota, but several hundred can mean an active infection a single colony of a true pathogen such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a sputum culture, or an opportunist in a sterile site, is highly suggestive of disease repeated isolation of a relatively pure culture of any microorganism can mean it is an agent of disease

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