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NIH eRA COMMONS Principal Investigator Lab Regional Seminar Albuquerque April 2005.

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1 NIH eRA COMMONS Principal Investigator Lab Regional Seminar Albuquerque April 2005

2 April 6, 20052 Today’s Agenda  COMMONS Overview  COMMONS Demonstration Site  Demonstration of COMMONS systems  Hands-on exercises  Wrap-up and Questions

3 April 6, 20053 COMMONS Overview  On-line connection to NIH for information on pending applications and awarded grants.  Get timely information regarding a pending review, its results, summary statements, and award information.  Links to NIH staff: Scientific Review Administrator, Program Official, Grants Management Officer and Specialist.

4 April 6, 20054 COMMONS Overview  Registering your Institution  Must be done by an official in the business office.  Information is entered on-line and electronically sent to NIH  A copy of the page is printed, signed, and faxed to the eRA Commons Help Desk  Upon NIH verification, the Business Office official can begin creating accounts for Institution staff

5 April 6, 20055 COMMONS Overview  Explanation of Commons “Roles”  SO – Signing Official Has the authority to submit information to NIH, create/maintain accounts, and view limited information for all of the institution’s grantees  AO – Administrative Official Can create/maintain AO, PI, and ASST accounts; can view limited information for all of the institution’s grantees; can be part of the institution’s approval workflow process when submitting electronic applications to NIH

6 April 6, 20056 COMMONS Overview  Commons Roles (cont)  PI – Principal Investigator Can view information for all of his/her grants and applications at NIH, including access to summary statement, Notice of Grant Award (NGA), create a “pre-printed” face page for non-competing continuation, and much more  ASST – Administrative Assistant Can be delegated authority to access/update eSNAP and X-Train information for a PI

7 April 6, 20057 COMMONS Overview  Commons Roles (cont)  IAR – Internet Assisted Review Can participate as a reviewer for NIH Peer Review committee; Does not have to be affiliated with an institution  FSR – Financial Status Report Administrator Can update and submit FSR’s to NIH

8 April 6, 20058 COMMONS Overview  Commons Roles (cont)  AA – Account Administrator Can create, maintain, and delete accounts for the institution; Role is granted by the SO

9 April 6, 20059 Systems We’ll Be Covering Today  Institution Profile (View-only for PI Role)  Account Administration  Personal Profile (PPF)

10 April 6, 200510 Systems We’ll Be Covering Today  Status  eSNAP  Just in time (JIT)  IAR

11 April 6, 200511 COMMONS Demonstration Site  Created to emulate the production COMMONS system  Allows access to anyone who has an interest in the NIH eRA COMMONS, no need to be affiliated with a registered institution

12 April 6, 200512 Institution Profile  View-only access for all roles other than SO  Basic Information Page  Assurances and Certifications Page

13 April 6, 200513 Account Administration  Functions: Delegate PI; Delegate PPF; Change Password; Verify NIH Support  Hands-on Exercise 1: Administer Your Account

14 April 6, 200514 Personal Profile (PPF)  Single Point of Ownership  You are responsible for keeping your information current and correct  Very few staff members at NIH have access to change information (for emergencies only)

15 April 6, 200515 Personal Profile (PPF)  Personal Information  Race/Ethnicity  Employments  Address for current employment is used for your grant application when entered into the eRA database

16 April 6, 200516 Personal Profile (PPF)  Reviewer Address  Residential Address  Degrees  Publications

17 April 6, 200517 Personal Profile (PPF)  Hands-on Exercise 2: Maintain your Personal Profile

18 April 6, 200518 Status  Status Hit List  Grant Number is hyperlink to full Status information  Detailed application information including:  Scientific Review Group meeting date/location  Scores, review results, access to Summary Statement and other relevant documents  Program and Grants Management staff contact information

19 April 6, 200519 Status  Person with PI role can only see his/her own grants  Currently cannot delegate this permission to another user  Hands-on Exercise 3: Using Status

20 April 6, 200520 eSNAP  electronic Streamlined Non-competing Application Process  First e-submission system at NIH  No longer in Pilot  Organization can self-register to use this function

21 April 6, 200521 eSNAP  eSNAP Hit List  Shows all of your grants at NIH  Hyperlink grant numbers are eSNAP eligible  Shows the due date, eSNAP status, and current reviewer

22 April 6, 200522 eSNAP  Functions of the different roles  PI – Initiate the eSNAP Work-In-Progress (WIP), edit business and scientific information, view the eSNAP report, route the eSNAP to an AO or SO  ASST – Can do everything that the PI can do EXCEPT route the eSNAP

23 April 6, 200523 eSNAP  AO – Can edit business information, view the eSNAP report, route to the PI or SO  SO – In addition to AO’s abilities, can submit the eSNAP to NIH  SO can grant permission to a PI to submit his/her own eSNAP to NIH

24 April 6, 200524 eSNAP  Initiate the eSNAP creates the WIP  PI becomes the current reviewer  Status is set to PI WIP  eSNAP Menu page  Status of Completion is information only! - not linked to actual data entered

25 April 6, 200525 eSNAP  Upload Science  Progress Report file  Research Accomplishments file  Other Documentation file  Citations/Publications

26 April 6, 200526 eSNAP  Edit Business  Organization Info (face page)  Performance Sites  Key Personnel  Research Subjects  SNAP Questions and Checklist

27 April 6, 200527 eSNAP  Inclusion Enrollment 2 versions of the form: 4/98 and 5/01 5/01 version contains multi-ethnic and multi- racial categories Part B. Hispanic Enrollment: Each category in this section is a subset of the total in Part A

28 April 6, 200528 eSNAP  Other functions:  View eSNAP Report  Validate  View Routing History  Route  Recall  Once the eSNAP is routed to the SO, s/he can submit it to NIH

29 April 6, 200529 eSNAP  Hands-on Exercise 4: Creating an eSNAP

30 April 6, 200530 Just in Time (JIT)  Availability depends on review outcome  This does not indicate a pending award  Items to submit  Other Support file  IRB date  Human Subjects education for Key Personnel  Must be submitted to NIH by SO

31 April 6, 200531 JIT  Hands-on Exercise 5: Just in Time Other Support Submission

32 April 6, 200532 IAR (Internet Assisted Review)  Ability to view application image on-line  Ability to submit critiques for applications in a meeting  Assign preliminary scores to applications to which you are assigned  Ability to read critiques submitted by other reviewers

33 April 6, 200533 IAR  Released in August 2003  Over 21,000 Commons Accounts with an IAR role  Over 1500 Meetings Conducted in FY 2005  Over 220,000 Critiques Submitted  Currently, IAR usage is approximately 75% of its projected future utilization.

34 April 6, 200534 IAR  Setting up a meeting  NIH Scientific Review Administrator (SRA) creates a roster of reviewers for a meeting and assigns applications to each reviewer  Meeting is set up in IAR and each reviewer is sent an email invitation to participate.

35 April 6, 200535 IAR  Invitation to join the meeting  Email is different depending on whether or not the reviewer is currently registered in COMMONS. If Reviewer doesn’t have a Commons account, a web site for creating an account will be provided.  Reviewer’s email address is from the Reviewer Address in Personal Profile

36 April 6, 200536 IAR  Meeting Phases  Submit Phase (mandatory)  Reviewers log in and submit critiques and preliminary scores for their assigned applications.  Reviewers can only see critiques and scores that they have submitted during this phase.  This phase usually ends a few days before the actual meeting.

37 April 6, 200537 IAR  Meeting Phases  Read Phase (mandatory)  Read phase begins after Submit phase (critique due date).  Reviewers are permitted to read other Reviewer’s critiques (if not in conflict).

38 April 6, 200538 IAR  If a reviewer has not submitted an assigned critique, the SRA may block the Reviewer from reading other critiques on that application until he/she submits

39 April 6, 200539 IAR  Meeting Phases – Read Phase continued  Reviewers may view the Score Matrix that indicates streamlined or lower-half applications as designated by the SRA. These lower-half applications may not be discussed at the actual meeting.  The Read phase usually begins a few days before the meeting and is open until the actual meeting is held.

40 April 6, 200540 IAR  Meeting Phases  Edit Phase (optional at SRA’s discretion)  Reviewers may submit updated critiques or critiques for unassigned applications.  Score submission is not permitted.  This phase is usually open for a few days to a week after the actual meeting.

41 April 6, 200541 IAR  Submitting Critiques and Preliminary Scores  Word or Text document types supported.  Preliminary Scores can be numeric (1.0-5.0) or alphanumeric (see Submit screen for guidance)  Reviewers should NOT include their Name as part of the critique file they upload.  To modify a previously submitted critique, simply resubmit a new file. Only the most recent critique is retained.

42 April 6, 200542 IAR  Conflicts  If Reviewer has an institutional conflict, he/she cannot submit or view critiques or scores on applications where conflicts exist.  In addition, if Reviewer is in competitive conflict, he/she also cannot view the online application image.

43 April 6, 200543 IAR  Hands-on Exercise 6: Using Internet Assisted Review (IAR)

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