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W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Oxford University Library Services – Information Skills Training Fulltext Electronic Journals.

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Presentation on theme: "W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Oxford University Library Services – Information Skills Training Fulltext Electronic Journals."— Presentation transcript:

1 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Oxford University Library Services – Information Skills Training Fulltext Electronic Journals in Oxford Louise Colver 15 th November 2005

2 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Overview of session  An introduction to the E-journals available in oxford through TDNet  Viewing and printing journals online  Accessing journals from outside Oxford  Keeping up to date with new electronic journals

3 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources OxLIP  Oxford Library Information Platform  Gateway to all electronic resources available in Oxford, including;  Electronic journals (under All Subjects) 

4 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources

5 Ejournal providers  Universities:  John Hopkins  Stanford  Publishers:  Elsevier  Oxford University Press  Blackwells  Wiley  Other organisations  JSTOR (Mellon Foundation)  EBSCO / Business Source Premier  DOAJ – Dictionary of Open Access Journals  PCI Fulltext

6 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources TDNet  Primary source for E-journals in Oxford  Pulls together all E-journals from other sources. 8,000-9,000 journal titles currently available  Ensures you are accessing quality journal articles  Full-text journal articles – for viewing on screen or printing  Some links from OLIS, but not complete yet

7 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources

8 Basic functions of TDNet  Very simple to use  Can browse journal titles or search by journal title  Summary tables gives years of online coverage  Click on publisher link to access journal  Variety of formats but most available as pdf files – need Adobe Acrobat installed

9 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Search e.g. World Politics

10 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Downloading, printing etc.  Printing varies between libraries but most use OULS photocopy card and charge 5p per printed side. Print release stations adjacent to printers. Some libraries may use a cash system instead  Alternatively you can save to disk or email records

11 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Search TDNet  Search facility allows you to search within the journals available on TDNet e.g. to find articles on a particular topic  Advantage – the fulltext of all the results you find will be available electronically in Oxford  Disadvantage – search facility is not as sophisticated as that on many bibliographic databases e.g. Web of Knowledge

12 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources MyTDNet  Use MyTDNet to create a personal profile and register your interest in particular journals or keywords  You then receive a weekly email with details of relevant articles

13 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Other Alerting Services - ZETOC  ZETOC Alerts is similar to MyTDNet but covers all electronic journals held by the British Library and sends an email alert the day new records of relevance are added to the database

14 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Finding references  If you have a reference already e.g.  ''The performance of pastoral politics: Britten's "Albert Herring"'', History Workshop Journal. Vol 55 (2003)  OLIS - Some E-journals are listed on OLIS  But they’re not all on OLIS yet so you may also want to go directly to TDNet  In both cases remember to enter the journal title not the article title

15 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Finding references  If you have a subject and want to find references in that area you are best to use a bibliographic databases.  Then:  Use TOUR button to check for holdings  Or open TDNet

16 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Journal Citation Reports - WoK  For Sciences and Social Sciences  This is a measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a particular year. The impact factor will help you evaluate a journal's relative importance, especially when you compare it to others in the same field  From within a record you can click on Journal Citation Reports to view the impact factor of the journal  Or you can view and compare impact factors of all journals within your subject area

17 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources Access from outside Oxford  Remote access though OUCS  Also use Athens registration for some functions e.g. MyTDNet

18 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources ELISO  Increased investment in improving our electronic journals  “ELISO will provide Oxford students and staff with maximum access to electronic publications and resources worldwide” 

19 W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic R esources More information   For details of new journal titles acquired and a list of subject reps to whom suggestions can be made.

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