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Published byAnabel O’Brien’ Modified over 9 years ago
NCI Nano WG & ISA-TAB-Nano Overview March 2014
What is the caBIG ® Nanotechnology Working Group? NCI: National Cancer Institute –caBIG ® : Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid ICR WS: Integrated Cancer Research Workspace –Nano WG: Nanotechnology Working Group Composition –Academia Stanford, Oregon State, MIT, Georgia Tech, Georgetown –Industry SAIC, BAH, RTI, I-A-I –Government DOE, NIH, NIST, EPA, CDC, FDA, DoD, Army Corps –International IANH, Univ College Dublin, IITB –Standards ISO, ASTM, OECD –Other NNN, IANH 2
Nano WG Scope 3
Nano WG High-Level Objectives Applying informatics to nanomedicine –Predictive models for nanomaterial activity –Rational design of nanomaterials Enabling nanomedicine informatics applications –Facilitating data exchange –Supporting data curation –Building a community of interest 4
Nano WG Current Areas of Focus ISA-TAB-Nano development (enabling) –Nanotechnology data sharing standards –Working draft ready –Community engaged –Need to focus on applications and standards NPO support and expansion (enabling) –Standard vocabulary and ontology for nanomedicine –Foundation established –Community engaged –Need to focus on support for ISA-TAB-Nano and other annotation projects Nano-QSAR (applying) –Structure-activity relationships for nanomaterial-biological interactions –New start with Nanoinformatics 2010 pilot project –Community engaged; participants identified –Many potential areas of focus 5
ISA-TAB-Nano for Nanomaterial Data Sharing May 2013
Target Audiences and Applications Audiences –Biomedical researchers –(Nano)-Materials scientists –Toxicologists –Regulatory scientists –Industrial hygienists –… Applications –Synthesis –Therapeutics, diagnostics, imaging –Bionics and prosthetics –Risk and exposure assessment –Toxicity prediction and reduction –Laboratory and occupational safety 7
Challenges: Diversity Combinatorial complexity in nanoparticle formulation Diversity of test systems –Ecosystem vs. organism vs. cell vs. test tube –Species, cell line –Age, gender, weight Diversity of measurements and assays –Physical and chemical: size, potential, surface chemistry, shape, aggregation, … –Biological: toxicity, recognition and association, uptake, delivery, … –Exposure: dose and concentration, timing, duration, … Diversity of data resources with lack of common standard for data exchange 8
Diversity in Composition and Formulation 9
Nanomaterials are Complex 3 rd Dimension to the Periodic Table 10
Nanomaterials are Complex Diversity of Zinc Oxide Particle 11
Assay and Data Diversity 12
Data Resource Diversity
ISA-TAB-Nano Goal 14 Develop a specification to facilitate the import/export of data on nanomaterials and their characterizations to/from nanotechnology resources
What is ISA-TAB-Nano? A standard tab-delimited format for describing data related to: –Investigations –Materials (Nanomaterials) –Studies (Specimens) –Assays Leverages and extends the Investigation/Study/Assay (ISA- TAB) format –Standard tab-delimited file format –Developed by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) for representing a variety of assays and technology types –Example: MAGE-TAB ISA-TAB-Nano supports ontology-based curation –Nanomaterials and concepts from the NanoParticle Ontology (NPO) as well as other ontologies 15
ISA-TAB Extensions for Nanotechnology ISA-TAB Extension Field NameISA-TAB FilePurpose Investigation DiseaseInvestigationTo capture and retrieve investigations associated with specific disease modalities such as cancer Investigation Disease Term Accession Number InvestigationTo enable semantic interoperability for disease terms Investigation Disease Term Source REFInvestigationTo enable semantic interoperability for disease terms Investigation OutcomeInvestigation To enable researchers to review the outcomes of investigations for assessing the utility of the investigation in achieving scientific endpoints MATERIALInvestigation Section header for the Material section. This section allows for the identification of materials used in the investigation and associated studies. Material File NameInvestigation The name of the ISA-TAB-Nano Material File, which lists information about the composition and characteristics of the nanomaterials or other small molecules. There can be only one file per cell. Material Source NameInvestigation A name of the nanomaterial or small molecule associated with the Material File. There can be only one Material Source Name per column. Study DiseaseInvestigationTo capture and retrieve studies associated with specific disease modalities such as cancer Study Disease Term Accession Number InvestigationTo enable semantic interoperability for disease terms Study Disease Term Source REFInvestigationTo enable semantic interoperability for disease terms Study OutcomeInvestigation To enable researchers to review the outcomes of studies for assessing the utility of the investigation in achieving scientific endpoints Study Assay Measurement NameInvestigationTo capture the variables measured in an assay to support cross study analysis Study Assay Measurement Name Term Accession Number InvestigationTo enable semantic interoperability for assay measurement names Study Assay Measurement Name Term Source REF InvestigationTo enable semantic interoperability for assay measurement names Measurement ValueAssayTo record the endpoint value of an assay measurement within the assay file All FieldsMaterialTo describe nanomaterials and small molecules 16
Uses and Benefits Address the data sharing challenges in nanomedicine Provide a standard means for identifying nanomaterials and characterizations Enable the submission and exchange of nanomaterial data to/from nanotechnology data resources ( e.g., NBI, caNanoLab, etc.) Empower organizations to adopt standards for representing data in nanotechnology publications Provide researchers with guidelines for representing nanomaterials and characterizations to achieve cross- material comparison 17
ISA-TAB-Nano Structure 18
ISA-TAB-Nano Structure (1) 19
ISA-TAB-Nano Investigation File Describes: –Primary investigation –Associated materials, studies, assays, and protocols Descriptive information about the study includes: –Design descriptors and factors –Publications –Assays and protocols –Contacts Vertical-based spreadsheet format with columns representing multiple values 20
Investigation File (1 of 4) ONTOLOGY SOURCE REFERENCE Term Source NameMONPO Term Source File Term Source Versionv. 2011-02-12 Term Source DescriptionMGED OntologyNanoParticle Ontology INVESTIGATION Investigation IdentifierNCL200612A Investigation TitleDendrimer-Based MRI Contrast Agents Investigation Description The goal of this investigation is to characterize a PAMAM dendrimer with an associated gadolinium chelate MRI contrast agent. Investigation Submission Date2002-11-30 Investigation Public Release Date2002-11-30 Investigation Disease Investigation Disease Term Accession Number Investigation Disease Term Source REF Investigation Outcome INVESTIGATION PUBLICATIONS Investigation PubMed ID18095846 Investigation Publication DOI10.2217/17435889.2.6.789 Investigation Publication Author List10.2217/17435889.2.6.789 Investigation Publication Title Characterization of nanoparticles for therapeutics Investigation Publication Statuspublished Investigation Publication Status Term Accession Number Investigation Publication Status Term Source REF INVESTIGATION CONTACTS Investigation Person Last NameDoe Investigation Person First NameJohn Investigation Person Mid InitialsE Investigation Person Investigation Person Phone1231231234 Investigation Person Fax Investigation Person AddressLaboratory Street, City, State 111111 Investigation Person AffiliationDoe Laboratories Investigation Person Rolesinvestigator Investigation Person Roles Term Accession Number Investigation Person Roles Term Source REFMO
Investigation File (2 of 4) MATERIAL Material File Namem_NCL-20.xlsm_NCL-21.xlsm_NCL-22.xlsm_NCL-23.xlsm_NCL-24.xlsm_NCL-25.xlsm_NCL-26.xls Material Source NameNCL-20NCL-21NCL-22NCL-23NCL-24NCL-25NCL-26
Investigation File (3 of 4) STUDY Study IdentifierNCL200612A-Size Study TitleHydrodynamic Size/Size Distribution via Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Study Description Dynamic light scattering(DLS) technique was used to measure the hydrodynamic size of dendritic nanomaterials. The effects of sample concentration, buffer and temperature on the hydrodynamic size (stability) also were measured. Study Submission Date2002-11-30 Study Public Release Date2002-11-30 Study Disease Study Disease Term Accession Number Study Disease Term Source REF Study Outcome Hydrodynamic size (diameter) of the dendrimer samples NCL22, NCL23 and NCL20 were measured in aqueous solutions using DLS at 25 °C and 37 °C. An instrument with a backscattering detector was used for these measurements in batch mode (no fractionation). This technique does not have the resolving power of differentiating monomers and dimers without fractionation. Samples were weighed, dissolved in deionized (DI) water, aliquoted, lyophilized and resuspended in desired buffer solutions to a final concentration of 1 mg/mL, and filtered through a 0.2-μm filter, unless otherwise indicated. The measurements were taken in saline (154 mM NaCl) and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.4. Three measurements were taken for each sample. For NCL22, the size is slightly larger when dispersed in saline compared to PBS. In PBS, the size is independent of temperature. This is in contrast to NCL23, which is larger in PBS than in saline. NCL23 also shows temperature dependence, as its size decreases slightly with increased temperature in PBS. Finally, NCL20 is larger when dispersed in PBS compared to saline. For each sample, the intensity weighted mean diameter (Z-avg) derived from the cumulants analysis and the diameter after conversion to volume-weighted distribution are provided on the following pages. Study File Names_size-DLS.xls STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS Study Design Typecomparison Study Design Type Term Accession Number Study Design Type Term Source REF STUDY PUBLICATIONS Study PubMed ID18095846 Study Publication DOI10.2217/17435889.2.6.789 Study Publication Author ListHall JB; Dobrovolskaia MA; Patri AK; McNeil SE Study Publication TitleCharacterization of nanoparticles for therapeutics Study Publication Statuspublished Study Publication Status Term Accession Number Study Publication Status Term Source REF STUDY FACTORS Study Factor Nametemperaturesolvent medium Study Factor Typetemperaturesolvent medium Study Factor Type Term Accession NumberPATO_0000146NPO_1855 Study Factor Type Term Source REFPATONPO
Investigation File (4 of 4) STUDY ASSAYS Study Assay Measurement Typehydrodynamic size Study Assay Measurement Type Term Accession Number Study Assay Measurement Type Term Source REF Study Assay Technology Typedynamic light scattering(DLS) Study Assay Technology Type Term Accession NumberNPO_1469 Study Assay Technology Type Term Source REFNPO Study Assay Technology Platform Study Assay Measurement Namehydrodynamic diameter; peak size; PDI Study Assay Measurement Name Term Accession Number; ; NPO_1155 Study Assay Measurement Name Term Source REF; ; NPO Study Assay File Namea_size-DLS.xls STUDY PROTOCOLS Study Protocol NameMeasuring the size of nanoparticles in aqueous media using batch-mode dynamic light scattering Study Protocol Type sample preparation procedure; particle size measurement procedure Study Protocol Type Term Accession Number Study Protocol Type Term Source REF Study Protocol Description This assay protocol outlines procedures for sample preparation and the determination of mean nanoparticle size (hydrodynamic diameter) using batch-mode dynamic light scattering (DLS) in dilute aqueous suspensions. Although particle size is the primary determinant of the measured diffusion coefficient, other parameters can impact these measurements and influence the measured size. Therefore, guidelines for making successfully size measurements in the nanosize range are provided, as well as a discussion of relevant standards and data analysis. This protocol can be applied to any suitable DLS instrument with batch measurement capability. Study Protocol URINCL_Method_PCC-1.pdf Study Protocol Version1.1 Study Protocol Parameters NamepH; NaCl concentration; particle concentration Study Protocol Parameters Name Term Accession NumberUO_0000196; ; NPO_1830 Study Protocol Parameters Name Term Source REFUO; ;NPO Study Protocol Components NameMastersizer 2000 (Malvern DLS) Study Protocol Components TypeDLS instrument Study Protocol Components Type Term Accession NumberNPO_1766 Study Protocol Components Type Term Source REFNPO STUDY CONTACTS Study Person Last NameSmith Study Person First NameJane Study Person Mid InitialsK Study Person Study Person Phone1231231235 Study Person Fax Study Person AddressLaboratory Street, City, State 111111 Study Person AffiliationDoe Laboratories Study Person Rolesinvestigator Study Person Roles Term Accession Number Study Person Roles Term Source REFMO
ISA-TAB-Nano Structure (2) 25
ISA-TAB-Nano Study File Provides mapping between the study samples, materials, and processing events Samples can be: –Biological materials –Nanomaterials –Small molecules For physical-chemical characterizations of nanomaterials, the sample is the nanomaterial For in vitro and in vivo characterizations, the sample is the biological specimen (cell line, animal, etc.) Horizontal spreadsheet describing the biological materials and association with the nanomaterials described in the Material file 26
Study File 27 Sample Name Factor Value[nanoparticle sample] Factor Value[particle concentration]UnitTerm Accession NumberTerm Source Ref Factor Value[time of exposure]Unit LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-1NCL-220.004mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-2NCL-220.008mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-3NCL-220.016mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-4NCL-220.032mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-5NCL-220.064mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-6NCL-220.128mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-7NCL-220.256mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-8NCL-220.512mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour LLC-PK1-6h-NCL22-9NCL-231mg/mLUO_0000176UO6hour Source NameMaterial TypeCharacteristics[cell type{NCIt:C12508}] Characteristics[ATCC#{NCIt:C15661} ]ProviderProtocol REFPerformer LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe LLC-PK1biospecimenporcine proximal tubule cellsCL-101Doe Technologiescell preparation in four 96-well platesJane Doe
ISA-TAB-Nano Material File Primary file for describing: –Nanomaterial composition and formulation –Physical properties –Structure Allows for: –Comparison of nanomaterials across nanotechnology resources –Association with optional files; e.g., a Structure file for representing the 3D structure of the nanomaterial Horizontal spreadsheet describing the nanomaterial sample, associated components, material characteristics, and material linkages 28
Material File (1 of 2) Material Source NameMaterial NameMaterial DescriptionMaterial Synthesis Material Design Rationale Material Intended Application NCL-22g45_coona_dendrimer G4.5 COONa terminated PAMAM dendrimer delivery of image contrast agent NCL-23 g45_coona_dendrimer_ma gnevist_complex G4.5 COONa terminated PAMAM dendrimer-Magnevist® complex MRI NCL-24magnevist gadolinium based image contrast agentMRI contrast agent Material TypeTerm Accession NumberTerm Source REF Material Chemical Name Term Accession NumberTerm Source REF Characteristics[dendrimer branch] dendrimer; conjugated componentNPO_735; NPO_1826NPO;NPO 1-4 nanoparticle sampleNPO_1404NPO small molecule; imaging payload agent; conjugated component NCIt_C48809; NPO_1534; NPO_1826NCIt;NPO;NPO gadopentetate dimeglumine31797ChEBI
Material File (2 of 2) Characteristics[dendrimer generation]Characteristics[molecular weight]Unit Term Accession NumberTerm Source REFCharacteristics[molecular formula] 4.526.28kDaUO_0000222UO [Gd+3].CNC[C@H] (O) [C@@H] (O) [C@H] (O) [C@H] (O) CO.CNC[C@H] (O) [C@@H] (O) [C@H] (O) [C@H] (O) CO.OC(=O) CN(CCN(CCN(CC(O) =O) CC([O- ] ) =O) CC([O- ] ) =O) CC([O- ] ) =O Material Constituent Material Linkage Type Term Accession Number Term Source REF Material Data File Material Data File Type Term Accession Number Term Source REF Material Data File Version Material Data File Description g45_coona_dendri mer; magnevistcovalent linkageNPO_563NPOmagnevist.jpgimageNCIt_C48179NCIt
Structure File (Optional)
ISA-TAB-Nano Structure (3) 32
ISA-TAB-Nano Assay File Describes the protocol parameters and factors, including: –Temperature –Media/solvent –Concentration Provides references or links to assay results, including: –Measurements –Instrumentation –Derived data files Templates available for the “top Nano WG assays” –Size by DLS (Physico-Chemical) –Zeta Potential (Physico-Chemical) –Hemolysis (In Vitro) –Hepatocarcinoma Cytoxicity (MTT and LDH) (In Vitro) –Caspase 3 Apoptosis (In Vitro) –Toxicity (ADME, Single/Repeat Dose) (In Vivo) –Your assay here! 33
Assay File Size by DLS Sample Name Protocol REFPerformerAssay NameFactor Value[temperature ] Term Accession Number Term Source Ref UnitTerm Accession Number Term Source Ref Factor Value[solvent medium] NCL-20-1 Measuring the size of nanoparticles in aqueous media using batch-mode dynamic light scattering John Doe size by DLS assay25PATO_0000146PATOcelsiusUO_0000027UOsaline NCL-20-1 Measuring the size of nanoparticles in aqueous media using batch-mode dynamic light scattering John Doe size by DLS assay25PATO_0000146PATOcelsiusUO_0000027UOPBS NCL-22-1 Measuring the size of nanoparticles in aqueous media using batch-mode dynamic light scattering John Doe size by DLS assay25PATO_0000146PATOcelsiusUO_0000027UOsaline NCL-22-1 Measuring the size of nanoparticles in aqueous media using batch-mode dynamic light scattering John Doe size by DLS assay25PATO_0000146PATOcelsiusUO_0000027UOPBS NCL-22-1 Measuring the size of nanoparticles in aqueous media using batch-mode dynamic light scattering John Doe size by DLS assay37PATO_0000146PATOcelsiusUO_0000027UOPBS Measurement Value[z- average(hydrodynamic diameter)] UnitTerm Accession Number Term Source Ref Measurement Value[peak size] UnitTerm Accession Number Term Source Ref Measurement Value[pdi] Derived Data File 5.2nmUO_0000018UO4.4nmUO_0000018UO0.122 NCL-Dendrimer- Based_MRI_Contrast_Agent.pdf 8.6nmUO_0000018UO6.2nmUO_0000018UO0.211 NCL-Dendrimer- Based_MRI_Contrast_Agent.pdf 8.5nmUO_0000018UO6nmUO_0000018UO0.2 NCL-Dendrimer- Based_MRI_Contrast_Agent.pdf 6.6nmUO_0000018UO5.2nmUO_0000018UO0.214 NCL-Dendrimer- Based_MRI_Contrast_Agent.pdf 7.9nmUO_0000018UO5.1nmUO_0000018UO0.282 NCL-Dendrimer- Based_MRI_Contrast_Agent.pdf
Getting Started NCI Nano WG ISA-TAB-Nano Site: 1.Contact us for help! 2.Use ISA-TAB-Nano template to create ISA-TAB-Nano files: 3.Leverage template glossary for definitions: 4.View example files: 5.Navigate the BioPortal ontology for terms: 6.Complete ISA-TAB-Nano files and send to the ISA-TAB- Nano Listserv: 35
ISA-TAB-Nano Template Glossary 36 TermDefinition Material Source Name The unique identification name of the source from which the material sample is derived. Its value is used as the value for “Source Name” in ISA-TAB-Nano Study files, thereby linking the ISA-TAB-Nano Material file and the study file. This concept is introduced in ISA-TAB-Nano. Material Name The unique identification name for the sample and its different components. This concept is introduced in ISA-TAB-Nano. Manufacturer Lot Identifier A distinctive numeric, alpha, or alpha-numeric identification code assigned by the manufacturer or distributor. It is assigned to a specific quantity of manufactured material or product that is produced in a manner that is expected to render it homogeneous.This concept is introduced in ISA-TAB-Nano. Material Description A textual description of the material sample. This concept is introduced in ISA-TAB-Nano. Material Synthesis A text or a single term description of how the material was made. This concept is introduced in ISA-TAB-Nano. Material Design Rationale A text description for the underlying design rationale is the property, process or phenomenon taken into consideration when formulating a nanoparticle or other substance in order to achieve the intended use of the formulation. This concept is introduced in ISA-TAB-Nano. Material Intended Application The application for which a drug, nanoparticle or other substance is formulated and tested (e.g., MRI). This concept is introduced in ISA-TAB-Nano. Term Accession Number Identification number of a term selected from an ontology or a controlled vocabulary, if the term is entered as a value for Material Intended Application. Term Source REF The name which identifies the source from where the term for Material Intended Application is selected. This name should match one of the names entered in the Term Source Name field.. Material Type One or more terms used to classify the type of material sample. Multiple terms are entered as a semicolon-delimited list.
ISA-TAB-Nano Future 37 ASTM ballot –Target May 16 –Format write-up User guide –Basic descriptions of elements, glossary –Organized collection of examples –Tutorials Easier NPO annotation/integration
ISA-TAB-Nano is a Community-Driven Effort 38
References and Project Team 39 ISA-TAB-Nano Project Site: y/ICR/ISA-TAB-Nano y/ICR/ISA-TAB-Nano ASTM nano-TAB Work Item WK28974: ASE.CART/WORKITEMS/W K28974.htm ASE.CART/WORKITEMS/W K28974.htm ISA-TAB: caBIG ICR Nano WG Data Standards Document: y/ICR/ISA-TAB-Nano y/ICR/ISA-TAB-Nano NanoParticle Ontology (NPO): http://www.nano- ontology.orghttp://www.nano- ISA-TAB-Nano Project Team Nathan Baker, PNNL Dennis Thomas, PNNL Amy Bednar, ERDC Elaine Freund, 3 rd Millennium Marty Fritts, NCL Sharon Gaheen, SAIC Sue Pan, SAIC Liz Hahn-Dantona, Lockheed Martin Stacey Harper, Oregon State University Mark Hoover, NIOSH Fred Klaessig, Pennsylvania Bio Nano Systems Juli Klemm, NCI CBIIT Mervi Heiskanen, NCI CBIIT David Paik, Stanford University Grace Stafford, The Jackson Laboratory Todd Stokes, Georgia Tech ISA-TAB-Nano Project Team Nathan Baker, PNNL Dennis Thomas, PNNL Amy Bednar, ERDC Elaine Freund, 3 rd Millennium Marty Fritts, NCL Sharon Gaheen, SAIC Sue Pan, SAIC Liz Hahn-Dantona, Lockheed Martin Stacey Harper, Oregon State University Mark Hoover, NIOSH Fred Klaessig, Pennsylvania Bio Nano Systems Juli Klemm, NCI CBIIT Mervi Heiskanen, NCI CBIIT David Paik, Stanford University Grace Stafford, The Jackson Laboratory Todd Stokes, Georgia Tech
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