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#2: Lassiez-Faire (p. 27) zPolitical: y“Hands-off” Government zSocial: y If a seller wants to sell it, and the buyer wants to buy it - let them zHistorical:

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Presentation on theme: "#2: Lassiez-Faire (p. 27) zPolitical: y“Hands-off” Government zSocial: y If a seller wants to sell it, and the buyer wants to buy it - let them zHistorical:"— Presentation transcript:

1 #2: Lassiez-Faire (p. 27) zPolitical: y“Hands-off” Government zSocial: y If a seller wants to sell it, and the buyer wants to buy it - let them zHistorical: yThere was a time in the United States when all drugs were “legal”

2 #3: D.A.W.N. System - Describe zD.A.W.N. - Drug Abuse Warning Network yThis system collects data on drug-related crises from several hundred hospital emergency rooms in metropolitan areas around the country.

3 #3: D.A.W.N. System - Information zTwo basic types of information: yA. Drug-related ER visit yB. Drug-related death

4 #3: Drug-related ER Visit zIf an individual goes to an ER with any problem that is determined to be drug- related, then each drug involved in recorded as “mentioned.” zRefer to Table 2.2 (p. 30)

5 #3: Drug-related Death zIf a drug is involved in someone’s death, the Coroner is expected to report their findings to the DAWN system. zRefer to Table 2.2 (p. 30)

6 #4: Why Drug Use Could Cause Crime z#1 - Drug use somehow changes the individual’s personality in a lasting way. (p. 37) yMuch of the research shows that there are many other factors in defining a “criminal type” of personality. yRegardless, there is some current brain research that is investigating the link between drug use and permanent damage in the frontal lobes.

7 Why Drug Use Could Cause Crime z#2 - People commit crimes while “under the influence….” (p. 38) yMuch of the research shows that alcohol is clearly linked with violent crime: x40% - assaults x33% - forcible rape x33% - child-molestation

8 Why Drug Use Could Cause Crime z#3 - Crimes are carried out to obtain drug money. (p. 38) yMuch of the research shows that heroin addicts constitute the largest proportion of those arrested for robbery. x33% - Robberies & burglaries x25% - Fraud x20% - Drug trafficking

9 Why Drug Use Could Cause Crime z#4 - Illicit drug use is a crime. (p. 39) y1 million arrests each year in the U.S. is for drug-law violations. yMore than 1/2 of all federal prisoners are convicted on drug charges.

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