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Hebrews 11: 23-29. Moses’ Parents faced with King’s Demand: Israel’s baby boys to be cast out and killed (v. 23; Exodus 1:16, 22; Acts 7:19) Faith Works.

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Presentation on theme: "Hebrews 11: 23-29. Moses’ Parents faced with King’s Demand: Israel’s baby boys to be cast out and killed (v. 23; Exodus 1:16, 22; Acts 7:19) Faith Works."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hebrews 11: 23-29

2 Moses’ Parents faced with King’s Demand: Israel’s baby boys to be cast out and killed (v. 23; Exodus 1:16, 22; Acts 7:19) Faith Works in Stressful Times

3 Moses’ Parents faced with King’s Demand: Israel’s baby boys to be cast out and killed (V. 23; Exodus 1:16, 22; Acts 7:19) – Faith Hid child in own house for three months - saw “goodly” child (Acts 7:20) Did not fear King’s commandment Faith Works in Stressful Times

4 Moses’ Parents faced with King’s Demand: Israel’s baby boys to be cast out and killed (V. 23; Exodus 1:16, 22; Acts 7:19) – Faith Hid child in own house for three months - saw “goodly” child (Acts 7:20) Did not fear King’s commandment Turned it over to God – Cast out and child saved! (Acts 7:21, Ex. 2:3-4) Faith Works in Stressful Times

5 :10 Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter (v. 24) – Faith Choosing to share ill treatment with people of God – instead of pleasures of sin for a season (v.25) Accounting Approach of Christ greater riches than riches of Egypt (v.26, Matt. 5:11) Faith Works in Stressful Times

6 :10 Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter (v. 24) – Faith Choosing to share ill treatment with people of God – instead of pleasures of sin for a season (v.25) Accounting Approach of Christ greater riches than riches of Egypt (v.26, Matt. 5:11) Looked unto the recompense of reward (Heb. 11:6; Heb. 11:1, Matt. 5:12, 2 Tim. 4:10) Faith Works in Stressful Times

7 :10 Moses refused Egypt (v.27, Exodus 2:15) – Faith Not fearing the wrath of the King? (Exodus 2:14-15, Acts 7:29) Faith Works in Stressful Times

8 :10 Moses refused Egypt (v.27, Exodus 2:15) – Faith Not fearing the wrath of the King? (Exodus 2:14-15, Acts 7:29) Endured - The course to take continued in faith – not just begin out of fear (2 Tim. 4:8, 2 Tim. 2:11-12) Seeing the Invisible God (Heb. 11:1,6) Faith Works in Stressful Times

9 :10 Moses Kept the Passover (v. 28) – Faith Sprinkling of the blood (Ex. 12:5-11; 21-22) That the destroyer not touch their first born (Exodus 12:12-14; 23-28) Faith Works in Stressful Times

10 :10 Moses Kept the Passover (v. 28) – Faith Sprinkling of the blood (Ex. 12:5-11; 21-22) That the destroyer not touch their first born (Exodus 12:12-14; 23-28) Obedience regarding a promise not seen as yet. Faith Works in Stressful Times

11 :10 Moses passed through Red Sea (v. 29) – Faith in the midst of fear – death is certainly ahead of them (Exodus 14:10-12) See the “salvation of Jehovah”; “Jehovah will fight for you”; “God’s honor” on Pharaoh (Exodus 14:13-14; 18) Faith Works in Stressful Times

12 :10 Moses passed through Red Sea (v. 29) – Faith in the midst of fear – death is certainly ahead of them (Exodus 14:10-12) See the “salvation of Jehovah”; “Jehovah will fight for you”; “God’s honor” on Pharaoh (Exodus 14:13-14; 18) Israelites “walked on dry land in the midst of sea” (Exodus 14:29); army goes into the same sea, and destroyed (Exodus 14:24-25; 28) Faith Works in Stressful Times

13 Hebrews 11: 23-29 Trust Reward Endured Obedience

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