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EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 1 EU Project Proposal CERIF-SW Andrei S. Lopatenko Vienna University of Technology

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1 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 1 EU Project Proposal CERIF-SW Andrei S. Lopatenko Vienna University of Technology

2 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 2 Objectives  Research Knowledge Management at European scale  Providing access to distributed research data of independent institutions. Advanced information retrieval of documents with different structure, meaning  Discovery service for research sites and information systems in Europe.

3 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 3 Goals  Development of environment for Effective knowledge sharing and reuse Accessibility of Knowledge Inserting of Knowledge into work processes  So the project to create IR solution using SW technologies and to make steps to shift CRIS into Knowledge Management area

4 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 4 Architecture  Service Discovery Information System Expert system to answer users’ requests how to get information and which information systems use to get desired kind of service  Information Retrieval Getting documents, information about research on European scale Publishing and disseminating information Framework to solve vocabulary and structure problems

5 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 5 Service Discovery. Reasons. Impossible to collect all data from already running information systems Diversity of data structures, data meanings Different kind of services, the system valuable not only by its data, but also for its services Different fee, security, intellectual rights national law policies

6 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 6 Service Discovery Service What should provide to users  Which information systems/sites satisfy user needs  Examples: Which system will provide me information about applied chemical research in Europe. I need publication and project descriptions, better about developments in last two years

7 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 7 Service Discovery  More expert system, then Digital Library or database application  Easy to add new fact and news knowledge  Distributed  Different levels of trust

8 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 8 Service Discovery. Expert system. User: “I would like to get information about EU applied research in chemistry” Service Discovery: Step 1. EU Applied research. List of all databases which are directly marked as databases of EU, which contain data about applied research in chemistry

9 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 9 Service Discovery. Expert System. Step 2. EU applied research in chemistry. EU applied research is also financed by European funding organization. Return a list of information systems of EU funding organizations which provide access to data about applied research Step 3. A number of countries are member of EU. Return a list of national IS providing access to applied research

10 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 10 Service Discovery. Expert System. Step 4. Applied research in chemistry in EU Return a list of information systems of chemical companies, institutions, publishers which are belong to EU or to any country which is a member of EU Step 5. “Applied research” and “innovations” are related. Return list of EU innovation (IRC and others) networks and IS

11 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 11 Service Discovery. Distributed.  No one database in which all network participator should put information about themselves.  Web approach.  IS system publishes information about itself on site, Service Discovery agent collects information

12 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 12 Service Discovery. Trust.  Different organization deserve different level of trust  Some organizations (national centers) can annotate knowledge about others  User should know level of the trust to information one gets

13 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 13 Discovery Service. Technologies  DAML-S. DARPA Agent Markup Language Services. Markup constructs for describing properties and capabilities of IS in unambiguous, computer-intepretable form  UDDI, WSDL (?) to make more industry compatible (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)  Agent technologies  Logical engines

14 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 14 Data access  Distributed  “Webalized”  Primary functions: information retrieval, knowledge management  Diversity. Different vocabularies, data structures  Different level of trust  Different policies for data access

15 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 15 Data integration  Distributed  Access to data should be provided without dependence on their location  Solving schematic and semantic conflicts. How to deal with different vocabularies, structures?  How to identify objects in distributed environment

16 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 16 “Webalized”  Distributed networks is not closed Knowledge Management or database solution  Strong demands for data consistency or integrity of whole system are almost impossible to implement  Publishing of data as much easy as only possible

17 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 17 Diversity  In different countries/institutions different formats for research data uses  Should be possible to publish data in own structure describing meaning of its elements  Should be possible to use new classes for data description describing their meaning  Should be possible to use own vocabularies with new values describing their meaning

18 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 18 Diversity  If that possible using DAML + OIL notations really describe scientific data ontologies?  Which tools should be provided to end users for ontology management and evolving?

19 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 19 Diversity  Measure of information lacks in retrieval information. How it affects completeness of data and their relevance? How to represent this information

20 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 20 Different level of trust.  The networks is open. Any registration can participate in it and say anything  But trust should be different.  It should be taken into account meantime user requests

21 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 21 Technologies  DAML + OIL for ontology descriptions  RDF for data description  Ontology construction tools (OilEd, Protégé-2000, OntoEdit, OntoLingua)  Interontology mapping  Agent technologies  Logic engine

22 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 22 CERIF-2000  As a base ontology  A number of classes derived from CERIF-2000 entities and vocabulary terms (class: Event, subclass: Workshop event, Conference event)  Attributes and relations derived from CERIF-2000 model  The CERIF-2000 subdivision of model into metadata, exchange, full layers

23 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 23 General architecture  Microtheories model but with “well- known” CERIF-2000 ontology  Services for asserting data, database updates  Services for asserting ontologies

24 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 24 User interfaces for Informational Retrieval  How to accommodate different ontologies in presentation?  Different representations of retrieved data? How to specify?  Distributed reporting (WebScripter project)

25 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 25 Calendar plan 6 month  The development and testing ontology for research web services. Results of DAML-S project may be used  The development and testing of base ontology  Checking for consistency, ability to describe data according EU standard in these areas.  Query interfaces

26 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 26 Calendar plan. 6-18 months  Expressing knowledge about major EU research sites in terms of developed ontology. Building up expert system for Service Discovery  Publishing of research data into RDF in sites of project participants. Distributed solution for collecting data, for querying data. Testing if ontologies satisfy user needs  Operational system embracing main participators

27 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 27 Calendar plan. 24 month  Attracting new participants of information publishing, consumers of information in research and industry, evaluation, system improvements and dissemination of results

28 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 28 Related EU projects  ONTOKNOWLEDGE (Content-driven Knowledge Management through Evolving Ontologies )  iBROW (An Intelligent Brokering Service for Knowledge-Component Reuse on the World-Wide Web )  ONTO-LOGGING( Corporate Ontology Modeling and Management System)  LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Agent Platform )

29 EU Project proposal. Andrei S. Lopatenko 29 Open questions. Should be included into the project?  Semantic Web + Computational GRID (Data GRID)?

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