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1 The Research + Innovation Program in Netherlands’ development cooperation 4th annual meeting of ASADI, London 4-5 November 2008 Science Academies as.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Research + Innovation Program in Netherlands’ development cooperation 4th annual meeting of ASADI, London 4-5 November 2008 Science Academies as."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Research + Innovation Program in Netherlands’ development cooperation 4th annual meeting of ASADI, London 4-5 November 2008 Science Academies as Partners for Improving the Impacts of Policies in Africa Fon van Oosterhout Research and Communication Division, DGIS

2 2 Results: ‘more/ better’ of: - Anchoring knowledge for innovation (A: knowledge basis/ infrastructure) (A: knowledge basis/ infrastructure) - Bridging research and innovation (B: knowledge circulation/ networks) (B: knowledge circulation/ networks) - Creating open innovation context (C: knowledge conditions/ policies) (C: knowledge conditions/ policies) Focus on: systems, demand driven, ownership, valorizationstructural B. Knowledge circulation and networks C. Knowledge conditions and policy A. Knowledge basis and infrastructure Research & Innovation Program According to priorities of the Minister and MDGs Themes Growth & Distribution Food & Health Environment & Climate Governance for devopment

3 3 Research + Innovation Program Vision: a world in which knowledge contributes optimally to the conservation and enhancement of the quality of life Mission: promote that knowledge is created, shared and used for poverty reduction AND that capacities to do so are strengthened

4 4 Research + Innovation Program Objective: knowledge capacity is raised to contribute to problem solving > - create and use opportunities to reach development priorities better - knowledge’s contribution is structural

5 5 Research + Innovation Program Our roles: - S: financing activities - N: discourse and action in policy arenas - N: create synergy with internal knowledge management; internal role division - North-South partnerships (if added value)

6 6 Themes Growth & distribution –Agriculture & technology –Industrial innovation Food & health –(Improving health systems) Environment & climate –Climate technology, IP, bio-safety Governance for development –Connect research – policy, stability – fragility, migration policy

7 7 Knowledge capacity A. knowledge basis + infrastructure B. knowledge circulation + networks C. knowledge conditions + policies

8 8 Barriers to overcome

9 9 A Knowledge basis + infrastructure (Education column: quality throughout) Education/ training of knowledge workers Knowledge based institutions Reservoir (generation + adaptation) of knowledge

10 10 B Knowledge circulation and networks dissemination and communication (of needs, findings, results, outcome) knowledge management practices link research - policy making – dialogue action learning/ interactive progress

11 11 C Knowledge context policies (for IP, S+T collaboration, knowledge migration, etc.) (open) platforms of dialogue; arrangements for knowledge generation and dispersal financing for S+T (various sources) technology risks assessment; ethics external relations (European Research Area)

12 12 Valorization (ATPS case) ATPS chapters: identify needs -Members (researchers) -Stakeholders (policy makers, media analysts, CSOs, knowledge institutions, other knowledge users) ATPS SC: approves chapter plans –Donor is not SC member ATPS secretariat –Strengthens chapters’ capacities; action learning process –Coordinates network and links it externally –Monitors + checks feedback from users

13 13 Results: ‘more/ better’ of: - Anchoring knowledge for innovation (A: knowledge basis/ infrastructure) (A: knowledge basis/ infrastructure) - Bridging research and innovation (B: knowledge circulation/ networks) (B: knowledge circulation/ networks) - Creating open innovation context (C: knowledge conditions/ policies) (C: knowledge conditions/ policies) Focus on: systems, demand driven, ownership, valorizationstructural B. Knowledge circulation and networks C. Knowledge conditions and policy A. Knowledge basis and infrastructure Research & Innovation Program According to priorities of the Minister and MDGs Themes Growth & Distribution Food & Health Environment & Climate Governance for devopment

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