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Week 16 Reviewing.

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1 Week 16 Reviewing

2 Flow chart of collection

3 Flow chart of L/C

4 Methods of International Payment
Mail transfer (M/T) Telegraphic transfer (T/T) Remittance Demand draft (D/D) Document against payment (D/P) D/P at sight DocumentaryCollection D/P after sight Collection Document against acceptance (D/A) Clean collection Letter of Credit

5 Classification of Collection
托收的种类 Clean collection vs Documentary collection 光票托收 跟单托收

6 Classification of Collection
托收的种类 Document against payment/ Document against acceptance 跟单托收 付款交单 (D/P) 承兑交单 (D/A)

7 Classification of Collection
托收的种类 付款交单 D/P (D/P at sight) D/P after sight

8 Documentary Collections Collection(托收)
Types/classification 分类 - Documentary collection跟单托收 collection on financial instruments being accompanied by commercial documents or - Clean collection光票托收 collection on financial instruments without being accompanied by commercial documents 或有的当事人:需要时代理和提示行 浙江财经学院

9 Documentary Collections Collection(托收)
金融单据和商业单据的区别-概念 financial documents:金融单据是指汇票、本票、支票或其他类似的可用于取得款项支付的凭证。通常由银行开立。 Commercial documents(shipping documents):Bill of lading (提单),Invoice(发票),Insurance Policy (保单), Packing List(装箱单), Inspection report (商检报告)等。由公司、商户开立。 或有的当事人:需要时代理和提示行 浙江财经学院

10 Documentary Collections Collection(托收)
A bill of exchange 理解托收和信用证前必备的汇票相关知识: 汇票定义: 汇票(Bill of Exchange,Draft)是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见 票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。 出票人要付款人支付一定金额给收款人的命令! 或有的当事人:需要时代理和提示行 浙江财经学院

11 Procedure of Collecting payment
(1) Exporter (drawer/seller/principal) Importer (drawee/buyer/payer) (2) Shipping company (8) (10) (3) (5) (6) (7) (4) Remitting bank Collecting bank (9) (3) The exporter draws and sends the draft together with shipping documents to the remitting bank to make an application for collecting money on his behalf. (10) The remitting bank makes payment to the exporter. (7) The collecting bank hands over the documents to the importer. (2) The exporter dispatches the goods and receives shipping documents from the shipping company. (4) The remitting bank sends the draft and shipping documents to a correspondent bank overseas---the collecting bank. (5) The collecting bank presents the draft and documents to the importer for acceptance (D/A) and or payment (D/P). (6) The importer makes payment (D/P) or endorses the bill for acceptance. (8) The importer takes the goods with shipping documents from shipping company. (9) The collecting bank notifies the remitting bank of crediting the money to their account. (1) The exporter and importer sign a contract.

12 Note (1)The exporter and importer sign a contract. (2)The exporter dispatches the goods and receives shipping documents from the shipping company. (3)The exporter draws and sends the draft together with shipping documents to the remitting bank to make an application for collecting money on his behalf.

13 Note (4)The remitting bank sends the draft and shipping documents to a correspondent bank overseas---the collecting bank. (5)The collecting bank presents the draft and documents to the importer for acceptance (D/A) or for payment (D/P). (6)The importer makes payment (D/P) or endorses the bill for acceptance. (7)The collecting bank hands over the documents to the importer.

14 Note (8) The importer takes the goods with shipping documents from shipping company. (9) The collecting bank notifies the remitting bank of crediting the money to their account. (10) The remitting bank makes payment to the exporter.

15 Document Against Payment (D/P)
D/P calls for actual payment against transfer of shipping documents. Under this payment term, the exporter is to ship the goods ordered and deliver the relevant shipping documents to the buyer abroad through the remitting bank and the collecting bank with instructions not to release the documents to the buyer until the full payment is effected.

16 D/P at Sight Under this term, the seller draws a sight draft, and sends it with the shipping documents to the collecting bank. Then, the collecting bank presents the sight draft and shipping documents to the buyer. When the buyer sees them he must pay the money at once, then he can obtain the shipping documents. This method is also called “Cash against Documents”.

17 (5) The collecting bank hands over the documents to the importer.
Procedure of D/P at Sight Importer (buyer/payer) Exporter (seller/principal) Contract (5) (4) (3) (1) (7) (2) Importer’s bank (collecting bank) Exporter’s bank (remitting bank) (6) (1) According to the contract, the exporter loads the goods and draws a sight draft, then sends the draft together with shipping documents to his bank for collecting a documentary bill on his behalf. (2) The remitting bank sends the documentary bill to a correspondent bank overseas---the collecting bank for collecting money. (5) The collecting bank hands over the documents to the importer. (7) The remitting bank makes payment to the exporter. (6) The collecting bank notifies the remitting bank of crediting the money to their account. (3) The collecting bank presents the bill and documents to the importer for payment. (4) The importer makes payment.

18 Note (1)According to the contract, the exporter loads the goods and draws a sight draft, then sends the draft together with shipping documents to his bank for collecting a documentary bill on his behalf. (2)The remitting bank sends the documentary bill to a correspondent bank overseas---the collecting bank for collecting money. (3)The collecting bank presents the bill and documents to the importer for payment.

19 Note (4) The importer makes payment.
(5) The collecting bank hands over the documents to the importer. (6) The collecting bank notifies the remitting bank of crediting the money to their account. (7) The remitting bank makes payment to the exporter.

20 D/P After Sight Under this term, the seller draws a time (usance) draft. The collecting bank presents the time draft and shipping documents to the buyer. When the buyer sees them he just accepts the time bill and then effects payment at maturity of the draft. When receiving the money from the buyer, the collecting bank hands over the shipping documents to him.

21 Procedure of D/P After Sight
Importer (buyer/payer) Exporter (seller/principal) Contract (5) (4) (3) (1) (7) (2) Importer’s bank (collecting bank) Exporter’s bank (remitting bank) (6) (3) The collecting bank presents the bill and documents to the importer for acceptance. After the importer accepts the draft, the collecting bank takes back the draft and documents. (6) The collecting bank notifies the remitting bank of crediting the money to their account. (2) The remitting bank sends the documentary bill to a correspondent bank overseas--- the collecting bank. (1) According to the contract, the exporter loads the goods and draws a time draft, then sends the draft together with shipping documents to his bank for collecting a documentary bill on his behalf. (4) The importer makes payment when time falls due. (7) The remitting bank makes payment to the exporter. (5) The collecting bank hands over the documents to the importer.

22 Note (1)According to the contract, the exporter loads the goods and draws a time draft, then sends the draft together with shipping documents to his bank for collecting a documentary bill on his behalf. (2)The remitting bank sends the documentary bill to a correspondent bank overseas--- the collecting bank.

23 Note (3) The collecting bank presents the bill and documents to the importer for acceptance. After the importer accepts the draft, the collecting bank takes back the draft and documents. (4) The importer makes payment when time falls due. (5) The collecting bank hands over the documents to the importer. (6) The collecting bank notifies the remitting bank of crediting the money to their account. (7) The remitting bank makes payment to the exporter.

24 Document Against Acceptance (D/A)
D/A calls for delivery of documents against acceptance of the draft drawn by the exporter. This term of payment is applicable only to a time bill that is used in documentary collection. In which the collecting bank will release the shipping documents to the buyer without any payment but merely against the acceptance of the bill by the buyer to honor the draft at a certain future date agreed upon between the seller and the buyer.

25 (4) The importer makes payment when time falls due.
Procedure of D/A Importer (buyer/payer) Exporter (seller/principal) Contract (1) (6) (4) (3) (2) Importer’s bank (collecting bank) Exporter’s bank (remitting bank) (5) (3) The collecting bank presents the bill and documents to the importer for acceptance, after that, the collecting bank takes back the draft and gives the shipping documents to the importer. (1) According to the contract, the exporter loads the goods and draws a time draft, then sends the draft together with shipping documents to his bank for collecting a documentary bill on his behalf. (4) The importer makes payment when time falls due. (5) The collecting bank notifies the remitting bank of crediting the money to their account. (2) The remitting bank sends the documentary bill to a correspondent bank overseas--- the collecting bank. (6) The remitting bank makes payment to the exporter.

26 Note (1)According to the contract, the exporter loads the goods and draws a time draft, then sends the draft together with shipping documents to his bank for collecting a documentary bill on his behalf. (2)The remitting bank sends the documentary bill to a correspondent bank overseas--- the collecting bank.

27 Note (3) The collecting bank presents the bill and documents to the importer for acceptance, after that, the collecting bank takes back the draft and gives the shipping documents to the importer. (4) The importer makes payment when time falls due. (5) The collecting bank notifies the remitting bank of crediting the money to their account. (6) The remitting bank makes payment to the exporter.

28 CLEAN COLLECTION 与 Documentary Collection的中文版讲解
1.概念 光票托收是指出口商仅开具汇票而不附商业单据(主要指货运单据)的托收。 光票托收并不一定不附带任何单据,有时也附有一些非货运单据,如发票、垫款清单等,这种情况仍被视为光票托收。 光票托收的汇票,在期限上也应有即期和远期两种。但在实际业务中,由于一般金额都不太大,即期付款的汇票较多。

29 2.光票托收的程序 (1)由委托人填写托收申请,开具托收汇票一并交与托收行; (2)托收行依据托收申请制作托收指示,一并航寄代收行。
(3)对即期汇票,代收行收到汇票后应立即向付款人提示付款,付款人如无拒付理由,应立即付款。付款人付款后代收行将汇票交与付款人入账。 (4)对于远期汇票,代收行接到汇票后,应立即向付款人提示承兑,付款人如无拒绝承兑的理由,应立即承兑。承兑后,代收行持有承兑汇票,到期再作付款提示,此时付款人应付款。 (5)如遇付款人拒付,除非托收指示另有规定,代收行应在法定期限内作成拒绝证书,并及时将拒付情况通知托收行。

30 委托人 (出口商) 付款人 (进口商) (1)发货 (2)光票和托收申请书 (5)付款或承兑 (4)提示光票 (7)结汇 (3)托收委托书和光票 托收行 代收行/提示行 (6)付款(贷记通知)

31 二、跟单托收(Documentary Collection )
跟单托收是指附有商业单据的托收。卖方开具托收汇票,连同商业单据(主要指货物装运单据)一起委托给托收行。 跟单托收也包括不使用汇票的情况。 实质要件:代表货权的运输单据。

32 (1)合同 委托人 (出口商) 付款人 (进口商) (2)发货 (9)交出提单 轮船 公司 (10)提货 (3)取得单据 D/A承兑后到期付款 (7)提示跟单汇票 (8)D/P付款 (4) 汇票、单据和托收申请书 (12)结汇 (5) 回单 (6)托收委托书和跟单汇票 托收行 代收行/提示行 (11)付款(贷记通知)

33 Instruments of Payment (以下为支付工具) 注意区别支付方式和支付工具的不同概念
Currency of the seller’s country Currency 货币 Currency of the buyer’s country Currency of the third country Bill of Exchange 汇票 Bill 票据 Promissory Note 本票 Cheque (Check) 支票

34 The Parties to a Bill of Exchange
出票人 Drawer Exporter or his banker 受票人Drawee or 付款人Payer 收(受)款人 Payee Importer or his banker Drawer or his banker or his order or bearer

35 The Parties to a Bill of Exchange
Drawer: the person who writes the order and gives directions to the persons to make a specific payment of money. He is usually the exporter or his banker in import and export trade; usually, he is also a creditor of the drawee.

36 The Parties to a Bill of Exchange
Drawee (or the payer): the person to whom the order is addressed and who is to pay the money. He is usually the importer or the appointed bank under a letter of credit in import and export trade. In addition, when a time bill has been accepted by the drawee, he becomes an acceptor who is the same person as the drawee. The drawer and the acceptor must be different persons.

37 The Parties to a Bill of Exchange
Payee: the person (individual, firm, corporation, or bank) to whom the payment is ordered to be made. The drawer and payee may be often the same person. The payee is usually the exporter himself or his appointed bank in import and export trade. The payee may also be the bearer of the bill.

38 According to the time of payment
Sight (or Demand) Bill 即期汇票 Time (or Usance) Bill 远期汇票

39 Classification of Bill of Exchange/draft
Sight (or Demand) Bill: a draft which requires the drawee to pay the bill on demand or at sight. Time (or Usance) Bill: a draft which requires the drawee to accept it first and pay it at a fixed or determinable future time, in other words , requires the drawee’s acceptance before payment.

40 即期汇票(sight bill, demand bill)指持票人向付款人提示后对方立即付款,又称见票即付汇票。
远期汇票(time bill, usance bill)是在出票一定期 限后或特定日期付款。需要付款人的承兑。

41 按付款时间的不同可分为 即期汇票sight bill & 远期汇票Usance bill 汇票付款的时间,有以下规定方式:
(1) At sight , on demand or on presentation见票即付 (2) At … days after sight见票后若干天付款 (3) At … days after date出票后若干天付款 (4) At fixed date in the future说明日后若干天付款,又称板期

42 Use of Bill of Exchange in Foreign Trade
1.Drawing 出票 2.Presentation提示 5.Endorsement背书 3.Acceptance承兑 6. Dishonour拒付 4.Payment支付 7. Right of  Recourse 追索

43 Drawing Drawing means the act of the drawer in filling up the bill of exchange with particulars as to the name of the drawee, the amount payable, the date of payment and the name of the payee, and after signature, the drawer may present the bill to the drawee through the medium of the payee or a banker.

44 Presentation Presentation refers to the act of the holder of the bill of exchange presenting the bill to the drawee, asking the latter either to pay or to accept the bill. The drawee’s receiving or seeing the bill is called “sight”.

45 Acceptance Acceptance means the act of the drawee to show his responsibility by accepting the usance bill for payment at a fixed future date by writing the word “accepted”, marking the date of acceptance and signing on the face of the bill. Payment

46 Endorsement A draft like a check, may be endorsed by the drawer; this amounts to a declaration that the amount payable against the draft may be received by another party, to whom the draft is given. The endorsement is usually a signature on the back of the document.

47 Dishonour Right of Recourse
A draft is said to be dishonored when the drawee refuses to pay the amount due, or accept the draft. Right of Recourse

48 Transfer of Draft Forehand After-hand presentation Payment (if not)
Drawer Forehand After-hand recourse endorsement endorsement Payer Payee A B M N (Endorser) (Endorsee) (Bearer) (1st Endorser) (2nd Endorser) presentation Payment (if not)

49 Letter of Credit A letter of credit is an undertaking issued by a bank
for the account of the buyer(the Applicant) or for its own account, to pay the beneficiary the value of the draft and/or documents, provided that the terms and conditions of the documentary credit are complied with. 信用证是一种由银行为买方(开证申请人)或以自己的名义开立的一种保证,保证符合信用证的一切条件下,将汇票或者单据的金额支付给受益人。

50 Letter of Credit (L/C) Definition of Letter of Credit (L/C)
The letter of credit is a letter addressed to the seller, written and signed by a bank acting on behalf of the buyer.

51 Circulation of Letter of Credit
Importer (buyer/payer) Exporter (seller/principal) Contract (9) (8) (1) (3) (4) (5) (2) Reimbursing bank偿付行 Opening bank Advising bank Negotiating bank (6) (7) (2) The opening bank forwards the letter of credit to the advising bank. (7) The opening bank receives the documents and checks them. If the documents are in order and comply with the letter of credit, the opening bank credits the negotiating bank’s account. (1) The buyer makes application for a letter of credit with his bank and signs the opening bank’s agreement form. The opening bank approves the application and issues the actual letter of credit document. (4) Having examined the letter of credit, the beneficiary (seller) ships the goods to the buyer. After that, the beneficiary prepares documents, draws a draft and presents them to his bank. (6) The negotiating bank forwards the documents to the opening bank. (3) The advising bank delivers the letter of credit to the beneficiary. (9) After making payment, the buyer receives the documents and takes delivery of the goods. (5) The beneficiary’s bank negotiates the documents and pays funds to the beneficiary in accordance with the letter of credit. (8) The opening bank notifies the buyer to make payment for documents.

52 Note (1)The buyer makes application for a letter of credit with his bank and signs the opening bank’s agreement form. The opening bank approves the application and issues the actual letter of credit document. (2)The opening bank forwards the letter of credit to the advising bank. (3)The advising bank delivers the letter of credit to the beneficiary.

53 Note (4) Having examined the letter of credit, the beneficiary (seller) ships the goods to the buyer. After that, the beneficiary prepares documents, draws a draft and presents them to his bank. (5) The beneficiary’s bank negotiates the documents and pays funds to the beneficiary in accordance with the letter of credit. (6) The negotiating bank forwards the documents to the opening bank.

54 Note (7) The opening bank receives the documents and checks them. If the documents are in order and comply with the letter of credit, the opening bank credits the negotiating bank’s account. (8) The opening bank notifies the buyer to make payment for documents. (9) After making payment, the buyer receives the documents and takes delivery of the goods.

55 Major Parties Involved in a Letter of Credit
The opener (buyer, applicant): the person who asks a bank to open a letter of credit. The opening bank (the issuing, opening, establishing bank): the bank in the importer’s country issuing the letter of credit at the request of the importer.

56 Major Parties Involved in a Letter of Credit
The advising bank (notifying bank): the bank in the exporter’s country which advises the exporter of the establishment of letter of credit. The drawer (seller, exporter): the person who sells the goods and draws a draft on the opening bank or the buyer.

57 Major Parties Involved in a Letter of Credit
The drawee (buyer,importer): the person, usually the buyer, on whom a draft is drawn, is responsible for making payment when the draft falls due. The negotiating bank: the bank that pays or accepts the draft presented by the exporter.

58 Major Parties Involved in a Letter of Credit
The reimbursing bank: normally the issuing bank itself that repays the negotiating bank for the money given in advance by the latter. In some cases, it may be its reimbursing agent in a third country. The beneficiary: the party in whose favor the letter of credit is issued, in other words, the person who is entitled to draw a draft and receive the payment of the shipment.

59 Functions of L/C 对进口商:可以控制出口商按合同规定发货,付款后可以取得代表物权证书的单据。
对出口商:只要单据符合信用证规定,就可以取得货款,有利于加速资金周转,避免支付风险。 对开证行:贷出的仅是信用,而不是资金,可以收取开证手续费,扩大业务范围。 对议付行:有开证行信用保证,只要出口商所交单据符合信用证规定,就可以买单议付。

60 信用证的特点 L/C 是一种银行信用 是一种单据交易 是独立自足的文件

61 Types of Letter of Credits
保兑信用证 VS 不保兑信用证 跟单信用证 光票信用证 背对背信用证 可转让信用证 不可转让信用证 不可撤销信用证 可撤销信用证 循环信用证 即期信用证 远期信用证 L/C分类

62 Types of Letter of Credits
Documentary vs clean跟单 vs 光单 Irrevocable vs revocable 不可撤销 vs 可撤销 Sight vs usance 即期 vs 远期 Confirmed vs. unconfirmed 保兑与不保兑 Transferable vs non-transferable 转让与不可转让 L/C分类

63 Examples of Terms of Payment in Contract
例子: By Irrevocable L/C available by seller’s documentary draft at sight to be valid for negotiation in china until 15 days after date of shipment. The L/C must reach the sellers before xx.

64 在出口国装运港完成交货的三种术语 FOB:Free on Board (…named port of shipment)——装运港船上交货 – 成本(…指定装运港) CIF:Cost,Insurance and Freight (…named port of destination)——成本加保险费、运费(…指定目的港) CFR:Cost and Freight(…named port of destination)——成本加运费(…指定目的港) 2017/4/23 国际贸易实务

65 在出口国装运港完成交货的三种术语 2017/4/23 国际贸易实务

66 Short-answer questions 简答题
1. What entry modes do firms use to crack into foreign markets? Unit 1 2. What are the intermediaries of indirect exporting and in what ways can a company carry out direct exporting? Unit 1 3. Make a list all types of international financial flow that support technology transfer. Unit 4 4. What non-tariff barriers do countries usually practice? Unit 5 5. What goals does the technical barrier to trade aim to achieve? Unit 5 6. What is marketing mix and what is SWOT? Unit 7

67 Short-answer questions 简答题
7.The pricing strategy is based on the firm’s objectives. What are some common objectives that decide a firm’s pricing strategy? Unit 7 8.Please put the six steps in the phase of new product development in right sequence. Unit 7 9.Can you give some examples concerning the changes that have taken place in demographic structure and explain how these changes affect business decisions? Unit 8 10.What functions does advertizing serve? Unit 9 11.Explain these three terms respectively? FOB Ningbo, CFR Los angles, CIF Singapore. Unit 10 12. What are the main functions of foreign exchange market?

68 Short-answer questions 简答题
13.What does the employment process involve? Unit15 14. What is the purpose of conducting employee performance appraisal? Unit 15 15. What does a compensation system include and what are the purposes? Unit 15

69 Multiple-choice questions 选择题
与以下内容相关 1. Understand the degree of safety of each payment method. Unit 10 2. Functions of Spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate. Unit 11 3. Four types of international trade in services. Unit 3 4. Import tariffs and non-tariff barrier. Understand the way each non-tariff barrier works. Unit 5 5. Push strategy and pull strategy Unit 7

70 Multiple-choice questions 选择题
与以下内容相关 Understanding the differences between nine types of advertizing Unit 9 Advantages and disadvantages of each entry mode into foreign markets Unit 1 Various parties involved in technology transfer Unit 4 Marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) Unit 7 Understanding the circulation of L/C and collection and their classifications. Unit 10

71 Translating phrases and sentences翻译题
课后短语和长句翻译(Unit Unit10国际支付方式常用表达Word文档)

72 Translate the following into English Unit 1
专门从事出口销售的企业 Firms specializing in exports sales 控制了制造业贸易和投资的相当大的份额 Control a considerable share in manufacturing trade and investment 在生产技术方面具有相对的竞争优势 Enjoy relative competitive advantage in production and technology 遵守特许人的经营策略 Follow the operational strategy of the franchiser 收购东道国现有的企业 Acquire an on-going firm in the host country 丧失了对被许可方在技术上的控制 Lose control over the licensee on technology 充分吸收公司总部提供的最新技术知识 Fully assimilate the latest technology offered by the headquarters 在全球范围内从事经营 Engage in business on a global basis 将新产品推向外国市场 Launch /introduce the new products to foreign markets 持有合资企业半数以上的股权 Hold the majority share of the joint venture

73 Translate the following into English Unit 4
使各产业能获得科学和技术上的进步成果 Make scientific and technological developments accessible to all industries 寻求国际销售、市场份额以及更为低廉的产品成本 Seek international sales, market share, and cheaper production costs 具有特殊技能的人才流动 Migration of skilled personnel with knowledge of particular technologies 清除阻碍技术转让的各种障碍 Clear away barriers that impede technology transfers 通过适当的技术来改善当地的环境质量 Improve the quality of the local environment via appropriate technologies 为本土企业扩展海外市场 Expand foreign markets for their national firms 加强私有成分的参与 Enable private sector involvement 按合理的顺序来发展对外贸易 Develop foreign trade in a reasonable sequence 通过投资基金来购买国外公司的股票 Purchase of stock or shares of foreign companies through investment funds 建立健全全球的创新机制 Build and strengthen the system of innovation

74 Translate the following into English Unit 5
资源分配机制 价格扭曲 贸易保护政策 原材料和消费品的进口 具有竞争力的国内企业 市场准入 优惠政策 国内替代品 特定利益集团 行政手续

75 Translate the following into English Unit 10
用商业信用来处理国际结算业务 出口商的信用状况 在货物装运或服务提供之前 具有一定程度的风险 通过进口融资获得流动资本 作为托付行的代理行 一收到汇票和单证 向银行提交汇票 有利于国际贸易的顺利进行 确保履约或支付的工具

76 Translate the following into English Unit 11
为防范外汇风险提供安全保障 比较不同国家货物和服务的不通价格 将剩余现金短期内投入外汇市场 无限制地将本国货币兑换成外币 限制货币的可兑换性以保存外汇储备 货币贬值造成进口价格上涨 每笔交易获得10%的净利润 从日本进口便携式电脑 参与外汇市场

77 Matching terms with their definition连线题
All units.

78 Blank-filling 选词填空题 Unit

79 Translating business terms 商务术语中英互译

80 Reading comprehension
Four passages.

81 Click to edit company slogan .
Thank You ! Click to edit company slogan .

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