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Sociocultural theory (SCT)has its origins in the writing of the russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky and his colleagues. SCT argues that human mental functioning.

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2 Sociocultural theory (SCT)has its origins in the writing of the russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky and his colleagues. SCT argues that human mental functioning is fundamentally a mediated process that is organized by cultural artifacts, activities and concepts.

3  Mediation: Vygotsky developed a unified theroy of human mental functioning, he argue that to create a truly unified psychology requiered a completely new way of thinking about human mental development.  Regulation: when children learn language, words not only function to isolate specific objects and actions, they also serve to reshape biological perceotion into cultural preception and concepts.

4  Mediation by simbolic artifacts: Vygotsky reasoned that humans also have the capacity to use symboils as tools not to control the physical environment but to mediate theri own psychological activity.

5  The primary way in which we use language to regulate our mental functioning is through private speech.  Vygoysky suggested that private speech, as is the case of social speech between people who have a great deal of share knowledge, need not be fully syntactic in its form.

6  From this topic we can conclude that humans born with the capacity to acquire any language but with the appropriate exposition to the same.  The acquisition ofa language is stimulated by the context and its modeled by several stimulus.  Little children acquire concepts without knowing their specific meaning.  There are also symbos that help us to communicate and we use them as tools to control the environment.

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