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What vs. Why The Attribution Process. On the importance of attributions.

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Presentation on theme: "What vs. Why The Attribution Process. On the importance of attributions."— Presentation transcript:

1 What vs. Why The Attribution Process

2 On the importance of attributions

3 Outline Basic distinction: internal vs. external attributions Kelley’s covariation model* Discounting vs. augmentation The Self – Personal attributional style (pessimistic vs. optimistic) – Ability vs. effort on task performance/ intelligence Biases in attributions

4 Internal vs. external attributions

5 Discounting vs. augmentation

6 pessimistic vs. optimistic attributional styles Pessimists explain/see negative events as – Global Nothing goes right in my life I’m a loser I can’t do anything right – Internal it’s always my fault… – Stable it’ll always be that way…

7 Some amazing data: Peterson, Seligman, & Valliant (1988) How explanatory styles can predict health decades later…

8 Attributions about performance and general intelligence: Ability vs. effort Carol Dweck’s work on male vs. female styles – Dweck, Davidson, Nelson, & Enna (1978)

9 Biases in attributions Self-serving bias – Ubiquitous (e.g. athletics)

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