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Can Students Really Learn Microbiology Online? Biology Scholars Program 2008 Lucy Kluckhohn Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Can Students Really Learn Microbiology Online? Biology Scholars Program 2008 Lucy Kluckhohn Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can Students Really Learn Microbiology Online? Biology Scholars Program 2008 Lucy Kluckhohn Jones

2 What’s Your Problem? Resistance to Online Delivery Problem vs. Problem –Bass (1999) changed my thinking about what constituted a “problem.” (Randy Bass. 1999. The Scholarship of Teaching: What’s the Problem? Inventio, vol. 1, no. 1, –Alisauskas (2007) started me thinking about the effect of using technology. (Alisauskas, Rita. 2007. “The love triangle” forging links to students using digital technology to deliver content in microbiology classes. Focus on Microbiology Education ハ 13(2):13-15.

3 Teaching Microbiology Online Nursing Grant –Provided a mentor to convert nursing prerequisite courses to online delivery. Online delivery Spring 2007 –Hybrid course Lecture entirely online by PowerPoint with voiceover Laboratory (6 hours/week) on campus –Time intensive preparation –Exams were taken during lab sessions Serendipity for SoTL Exploration

4 So What’s My Problem? Pre-Biology Scholars Program –My research problem derives from many years of classroom teaching followed by a year of teaching online: How does online delivery of microbiology lecture information compare to traditional classroom delivery? Present Iteration –Can students in online hybrid course learn as effectively as in a traditional classroom?

5 M&Ms The Plan--Use old exams –Compare test results from Fall 2006 (on ground) with test results from Spring 2007 (online) Method –Score questions for Bloom’s or other taxonomy –Compare results on taxonomic level, as well as content.

6 Tools Biology in Bloom ASMCUE 2008, Clarissa Dicks Biology Scholars 2008, Mary Pat Wenderoth Biology in Bloom: Implementing Bloom ’ s Taxonomy to Enhance Student Learning in Biology Alison Crowe 1, Clarissa Dirks 2, and Mary Pat Wenderoth 1-- submitted June 2008 to Cell Biology Education Takayama 2008. Taxonomy of Learning

7 Build a Rubric? Elmendorf 2008. Learning Taxonomies –Bennett and Dewar 2007 (Curtis Bennett and Jackie Dewar. 2007. Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, courtesy Heidi Elmendorf, Biology Scholars Program 2008) Benson 2008. BSCI106 Lab Report Draft Scoring Rubric -- Spring 2007

8 Coding the Questions Examine each question –Bin/Categorize questions –Code for Bloom (or other taxonomic) level Compare results by taxonomic level and content

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