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Ashley Theron Dept of Social Development Presentation to the Justice Portfolio Committee on the implementation implications of the Child Justice Bill for.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashley Theron Dept of Social Development Presentation to the Justice Portfolio Committee on the implementation implications of the Child Justice Bill for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashley Theron Dept of Social Development Presentation to the Justice Portfolio Committee on the implementation implications of the Child Justice Bill for the National & Provincial Departments of Social Development February 2003 February 2003

2 Scope of Presentation  Introduction & Background  Progress made  Statistics  Key DSD responsibilities:  Probation Services  Diversion  Children in detention  MTEF allocations  Challenges  Way forward

3 1995: 1995: Uncoordinated release of 2000Children awaiting trial in prison/police cells to Places of Safety. Social Developmentcould not handle number of children. Uncoordinated release of 2000Children awaiting trial in prison/police cells to Places of Safety. Social Developmentcould not handle number of children. No secure care centres in South Africa No secure care centres in South Africa 1996: 80 social workers doing probation work 1996: 80 social workers doing probation work Diversions mostly done by Nicro:approx 3565 per year Diversions mostly done by Nicro:approx 3565 per year Historical background

4 Inter Ministerial Committee: - various pilots: one stop child justice centre, reception, assessment and referral centre, family group conferencing & life centres Inter Ministerial Committee: - various pilots: one stop child justice centre, reception, assessment and referral centre, family group conferencing & life centres R 33 million from RDP funds to provide for secure care centres in each province R 33 million from RDP funds to provide for secure care centres in each province Amended Child Care Act to include secure care Amended Child Care Act to include secure care Training of, probation officers, social workers and child and youth care workers Training of, probation officers, social workers and child and youth care workers Home based supervision programs for children awaiting trial Home based supervision programs for children awaiting trial Progress made

5 Personnel Admin Standards for probation officers and child and youth care workers Personnel Admin Standards for probation officers and child and youth care workers Professional Board for Probation Services; Professional Board for Probation Services; Specific tertiary qualifications for probation officers and child and youth care workers Specific tertiary qualifications for probation officers and child and youth care workers Probation Services Amendment Act, 35 of 2002 Probation Services Amendment Act, 35 of 2002 Substantial increase in diversion programmes Substantial increase in diversion programmes Increase in no Probation Officers (including generic social workers rendering probation services: from 80 to 525 - practitioners only Increase in no Probation Officers (including generic social workers rendering probation services: from 80 to 525 - practitioners only Presentations made at DSD/Treasury 10X10 and Joint MinMEC meetings Presentations made at DSD/Treasury 10X10 and Joint MinMEC meetings Progress made

6 Progress made - Donor Funding Appointment of assistant probation officers, Appointment of assistant probation officers, Increase no children awaiting trial in home based supervision R5m Support for the Integrated Justice System R3m Support for the Integrated Justice System R3m Services to child victims R1,5m Services to child victims R1,5m Establishment of Probation Services Board Establishment of Probation Services Board and Standard Generation BodyR0,83m Training of Probation & Ass probation officersR1m Training of Probation & Ass probation officersR1m Children in detention: programs, services etcR6m Children in detention: programs, services etcR6m Minimum standards for diversion R1m Minimum standards for diversion R1m Training Family Group Conferencing & Training Family Group Conferencing & Restorative JusticeR0,8m Running costs R1m Running costs R1m Total: R20m

7 Dept Soc Dev: Provincial breakdown: Children Awaiting Trial

8 Comparison of July 2002 Stats Social Dev & Correctional Services: More children in DSD facilities

9 Probation Service Assessment of child offenders including family finding; Pre-trial reports Assessment of child offenders including family finding; Pre-trial reports Provide for diversion programs or conversion into children’s court inquiry Provide for diversion programs or conversion into children’s court inquiry Investigate circumstances of an accused person Investigate circumstances of an accused person Pre-sentence reports, supervision of pre-trial and sentenced children Pre-sentence reports, supervision of pre-trial and sentenced children Assessment within 48 hours (already doing this at one stop youth justice centres and RAR) Age estimation Preliminary inquiry Diversion on different levels (provide programs on all levels) Current functions New functions

10 Probation Services: Reception, Assessment and Referral, and One-Stop Centres ProvinceCurrentPlanned EC1 OSC 4 RARs FS1 OSC5 RARs GT4 RARs KZN2 RARs LP1 RAR1 OSC MP2 RARs4 RARs NC5 RARs 1 OSC 19 RARs NW10 RARs12 RARs WC26 RARs3 RARs TOTAL53 RARs 3 OSCs 43 RARs 1 OSC

11 Diversion Current situation: UN Child Justice Project: Provincial Indabas held to encourage development of programs and audit UN Child Justice Project: Provincial Indabas held to encourage development of programs and audit of programs) of programs) Data Base Data Base Planned: Min Standards Min Standards Data Base-maintain Data Base-maintain Equal access / increase in diversion programs in urban & rural areas Equal access / increase in diversion programs in urban & rural areas Website Website Monitoring of programs Monitoring of programs Network of volunteers in nodal points to support diversion programs Network of volunteers in nodal points to support diversion programs

12 Services and Programme per province (includingDiversion)

13 Western Cape: Services and Programs  Assistant Probation Officers (10)  Family Finding  Diversion Programs  Developmental Assessments  Crime Prevention Programs  Supervision services-PO  Home based supervision program (House Arrest)  Youth Empowerment Camps  20 RAR Services

14 Western Cape Services and programmesPresentNo of children Home-based supervision4128 pm DiversionYES SayStop Nicro 3216 (Excluding Nicro) Crime Prevention Programmes 104200 Services to children in Prisons 12558 Family Conferencing5300

15 Mpumalanga: Services and Programs  Assistant Probation Officers (21)  Newly created Probation Officer posts  Family Finding  Diversion Programs (Dept & Nicro)  Family Group Conferencing  Developmental Assessments  Life Skills programmes  Drug & Alcohol Prevention Programs  Crime Prevention Programs  Supervision services  Monitoring of cases-home visits  Visits to SAPS & DCS Holding facilities

16 Mpumalanga Province Services and programmes PresentNo of children Diversion VOM, YES962 Family Conferencing 1 programme Visits to prisons and police cells Done by 21 Assistant POs Say no to drugs programme in schools Continuous Placement under supervision of PO 4 districts300

17 Limpopo : Services and Programs  Assistant Probation Officer (1)  Family Finding  Diversion Programs-Dept & Nicro  Developmental Assessments  Drug & Alcohol Prevention Programs  Crime Prevention Programs  Supervision services  Monitoring of cases  Visits to SAPS & DCS Holding facilities

18 Limpopo Province Services and programmes PresentNo of children Diversion VOM, YES, Youth Offender School 3150 (Only 4 districts) Family Conferencing 1 programme Visits to prisons and police cells 89 police cells and 4 prisons Say no to drugs programme in schools Continuous Placement under supervision of PO 2040 children

19 Gauteng: Services and Programs  Probation Services  RAR services  Diversion programs  NGO Partnerships…continue  Nicro :- Diversion Programs-different  Youth for Christ:- Monitoring of CAT in DCS facilities; Life Skills; Spiritual & personal enrichment  Othandweni:- serve as guardians for children whose parents cannot be traced; res services for CAT; rehabilitation services; diversion services  Life Line:-Monitor Police cells

20 Gauteng: Services and Programs  NGO Partnerships…continue  Dyambu Youth Dev Centre:-  Diversion (Sexual offender program& Breaking cycle of violence)  Occupational Therapy & Psych Services  Trauma Debriefing  Skills Training- program reg with Seta  Entrepreneurial skills  Linking children to resources after acquittal (e.g. employment agencies, education)  Assistant Probation Officer X1 Alexandra (pilot)

21 KZN: Services and Programs Pietermaritzburg Region  Pietermaritzburg Region  Probation Services:  RAR services  Diversion  Social Aux Worker seconded to DSC facility– family/ home finding, dev programs  Residential care programs:  Health & Therapeutic  Developmental assessments  Youth Justice forum

22 KZN: Services and Programs Region  Durban Region  Probation Services:  RAR services  Diversion  Child & Youth Care Workers seconded to DSC facility:–  Action plan for Westville YDC  Training & Capacity building (Dev Assessment; VOM; FGC; Fam Pres; Rest Justice;  Residential care programs:  Health & Therapeutic; Abet; Poverty Red Program; Violence prevention  Developmental assessments

23 KZN: Services and Programs Midlands Region  Midlands Region  Probation Services:  RAR services  Diversion programs  Visits to CAT in DCS facilities  Education & Life Skills Programs  NGO Partnerships:  Khulisa Ubuntu Workshop-train youth leaders as mentors  Planned appointments 55 POs

24 N/Cape: Services and Programs  NGO Partnerships  Nicro :- Diversion Programs (YES, Journey, Pre- trial; FGC; Crime Prevention  NG Welsyn:- Diversion program (Youth in action) Parenting Skills program  Famsa:- School based life skills programs  Life Line:-Monitor Police cells  ACVV:- Diversion programs  MOO:- Diversion programs  People against misuse(P.A.M):- Crime prev & Early Intervention Programs  Nehemia Spiritual Group:- Recreational programs

25 N/Cape: Services and Programs  Probation Services:  RAR services  Diversion programs  ADP Life Centre  Prof Foster Care  Residential care programs:  Health & Therapeutic  Developmental assessments  Vocational skills  Parental skills  VOM ( SW & CYCW)

26 N/Cape: Services and Programs  NGO Partnerships NGOAreaType of Program Nr. of children involved 2002 NicroKimberley, De Aar, Upington, Springbok, Okiep Diversion3 647 NG WelsynKimberleyParenting skills20 FAMSAUpingtonLife skills ACVVKimberley, UpingtonDiversion Noupoort Community Dev. Prog. NoupoortDiversion35 People against misuse Victoria WestCrime Prevention Prog Nehemia Spiritual Group PrieskaRecreational Crime Prev.

27 N/Cape: Services and Programs Probation Services: Residential care programs: ServicesAreaType of services/prog. Nr. of children involved 2002 RAR servicesProvinciallyR.A.R.± 2 350 Diversion ProgramsProvinciallyDiversion3 686 ADP Life CentreKimberley areaLife skills231 Prof. Foster CareKimberley, Douglas, Hartswater 22 ServicesAreaType of services/ prog. Nr. of children involved 2002 Health & TherapeuticKBY, UpingtonTherapeutic182 Developmental Ass.KBY, UpingtonAssessment182 Vocational skillsKBY, UpingtonVocational skills45 Parental skillsKimberley areaParenting skills22 VOM (SW & CYCW)KimberleyV.O.M.14

28 North West: Services and Programs  Probation Services:  RAR services  Diversion programs  Family Preservation Programs  Training & Capacity building (Dev Assessment; VOM; FGC; Fam Pres; Rest Justice)  House Arrest Program- Lichtenburg  Residential care programs:  Health & Therapeutic  Developmental assessments

29 N/West: Services and Programs  NGO Partnerships  Nicro :- Diversion Programs (YES, Journey, Pre- trial; FGC; Crime Prevention)  SAVF:- Life Skills programs  Teenagers Against Drug Abuse (TADA) Programs

30 North West Province Services and programmesPresentNo of children Home-based supervision4128 pm DiversionYES, Nicro SayStop Journey Public Procecutor runs a diversion programme 3216 (Excluding Nicro) Crime Prevention Programmes3000 Services to children in Prisons348 Family Conferencing200 Life Centres140 pm Family Preservation programme160

31 Free State: Services and Programs  Probation Services:  RAR services  Diversion programs  Developmental assessments  Residential care programs:  Health & Therapeutic  Developmental assessments & IDP’s  Life Skills  Recreational  Skills Development

32 Free State: Services and Programs  NGO Partnerships  Nicro :-  Diversion Programs (YES, Journey, Pre- trial; FGC; Crime Prevention)  Assessments

33 Free State Services and programmesPresentNo of children Home-based supervisionPlanned DiversionYES, Nicro Journey 1440 Planned appointments of POs5 Pos 10 APOs Services to children in Prisons233 Family Conferencing Life Centres140 pm Family Preservation programme160

34 E/Cape: Services and Programs  NGO Partnerships  Nicro :- Diversion Programs (YES, Journey, Pre- trial Comm Service; FGC; Say Stop; Community Service Orders; VOM  Nicro: Training of service providers in VOM  One Stop Youth Justice Centre  Relocation to Nerina House POS  Services:  RAR services  Probation services  Community Crime prevention programs  School based Parenting skills programs

35 E/Cape: Services and Programs  Probation Services:  RAR services  Diversion programs  Pres Awards-Choices  Home Supervision Program- Engcobo  Residential care programs:  Health & Therapeutic  Developmental assessments  Life skills  Parental skills  Comm Based Programmes  Art

36 E/Cape: Services and Programs  DCS Residential care programs:  Secondment of CYCW to St Albans  Family finding  Monitoring CAT  Dev Programs  Assistant Probation Officers x9

37 No of PO per Prov 19962002 PO & or Generic SW 2002 Est of f/time equiv posts required 2005 Est of f/time equiv posts required EC1178103100 FS455 (10)3058 GT157767299 KZN208257147 LP-323050 MP-23 (22)4969 NC2553545 NW-292474 WC289495232 TOTAL805254901072

38 No of PO per Prov 19962002 PO & or Generic SW 2002 PO appointed 2002 Est of f/time equiv posts req 2005 Est of f/time equiv posts req EC117871103100 FS455103058 GT15774567299 KZN20822857147 LP-32253050 MP-230(22)4969 NC255213545 NW-29152474 WC28946095232 TOTAL805252754901072

39 Personnel: Assistant Probation officers

40 Children in detention Provide secure care facilities and places of safety and detention for children awaiting trail Current and New function Province 2002200320042005Total2,0462,4122,8263,145 Total number of places to be provided for MTEF Period

41 TYPE OF CENTRES POSSecure Care Youth Centres TotalSC Centres to be built EC2151 FS1121 GT3227 KZN51171 LP11 MP11 NC123 NW112 WC31151 TOTAL16114314



44 NUMBER OF CAT IN DSD CENTRES Places of Safety Secure Centres Total EC27126153 FS203959 GT35855890 KZN27126153 LP12 MP71 NC6592157 NW52530 WC126323 (+ 128)449 (+128) TOTAL3051669 (+128)1974 (+128)

45 Children in detention Manager to ensure: Manager to ensure: Training staff in places of safety, secure care and youth development facilities Training staff in places of safety, secure care and youth development facilities Projects and services to children in detention Projects and services to children in detention Monitoring of children awaiting trial Monitoring of children awaiting trial Inter-sectoralprojects Inter-sectoralprojects Coordination of all secure care related business Coordination of all secure care related business

46 Budget Estimates for YJ processes Province R’000 2002Projected 2003 Indicative 2003 Difference EC1329114923120821841 FS790419675136506025 GT4200351401650005599 KZN29463293626585336491 LP6933799166741315 MP77388808112532445 NC47701108290002082 NW83901623663689868 WC5336766486

47 Total525673760835 2002200320042005 Total50,47564,32073,41479,046 Nr of Probation officers Increase in assessments Total076,550105,543136,436 Preliminary inquiries Total30,93755,17469,46181,855 Increase in diversions Implementation implications for Social Development over MTEF period

48 Financial implications for Social Development over MTEF period Total2,7666,334 200320042005TOTAL Total52,82785,342115,979254,148 National Department ProvincialDepartments 1,7581,810

49 Channelling of Provincial MTEFallocations Channelling of Provincial MTEFallocations Sufficient innovative diversion programmes and services to cover both rural and urban areas Sufficient innovative diversion programmes and services to cover both rural and urban areas Monitoring and implementation strategies at provincial level Monitoring and implementation strategies at provincial level Well trained inter-sectoral teams at all levels Well trained inter-sectoral teams at all levels Proper information management systems Proper information management systems Challenges

50  Formalise inter-departmental Service Level Agreements  Implement Amendments to Probation Services Bill  Strengthen Inter-Sectoral Committee on Child Justice  Roll-out: Home based supervision program  Appointment of probation and assistant probation officers Way Forward


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