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Fall 2013 Reading Retake Technology Coordinator Training Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2013 Reading Retake Technology Coordinator Training Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2013 Reading Retake Technology Coordinator Training Materials

2 Overview These training materials are based on the Fall 2013 Reading Retake Test Administration Manual and are available at 2

3 Overview These training materials are designed to highlight important information regarding test administration policies and procedures. Not all information from the test administration manual is included in this presentation, so it is imperative that district and school staff read and familiarize themselves with all information in the manual in addition to using these training materials. 3

4 Test Administration Manual Included in the manual for the Fall 2013 Reading Retake administration are instructions and scripts for administering computer-based (CBT), paper- based (PBT), and accommodated forms. 4

5 Test Administration Schedule October 7–11 FCAT 2.0 Reading RetakeTwo half-day sessions over two days* 5 *Each FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake session may last no longer than half the length of a typical school day. Fall 2013 Reading Retake Schedule

6 Test Administration Schedule FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake Districts will administer the CBT FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake during October 7 – 11, 2013. Any paper-based tests must be administered during October 7 – 11, 2013, with make-up testing administered as needed. 6

7 What’s New FCAT Mathematics Retake The FCAT Mathematics Retake was administered for the last time in Spring 2013. Students who entered grade 9 in the 2009-2010 school year or earlier and who have not yet earned a passing score on the Grade 10 FCAT Mathematics test must earn a concordant score on the ACT or SAT to satisfy this requirement. 7

8 What’s New Session Information Students must complete Session 1 of the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake before taking Session 2. Any students who are absent for Session 1 may NOT take Session 2 of the test until they have completed Session 1. These students should still be tested in two sessions over two days. 8

9 What’s New Testing Rules Acknowledgment The last portion of the testing rules read to students now reads, “After the test, you may not discuss the test items with anyone. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to blogs or websites like Facebook or Twitter. If you are found sharing information about test items, even without the intent to cheat, your test will be invalidated.” Students and their parents/guardians should be made aware of this clarification to the testing rules prior to testing. 9

10 What’s New CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide The CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide (formerly Appendix D of the manual) has been removed from the manual and is available at 10

11 What’s New CBT Worksheets For students taking the computer-based Reading Retake, CBT Worksheets MUST be provided to students. The worksheet is an 8½ × 11 page that may be copied and distributed to students at the beginning of a test session. 11

12 What’s New CBT Worksheets (cont.) Students must be given a new, unused worksheet at the beginning of each test session. The worksheet is located in Appendix D of the manual and posted on PearsonAccess. Used worksheets must be handled as secure materials. 12

13 What’s New Required Administration Information The list of required administration information has been updated to include both the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students during the test administration. The blank Administration Record/Security Checklist has been updated to include fields for recording both accommodations provided and accommodations used. 13

14 Reminders Inappropriate actions by school or district personnel before, during, or after test administration may result in consequences such as test invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification. ALL test administrators must be certified educators. All personnel involved in test administration must read and sign an FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement, provided in Appendix D of the Fall 2013 Retake Manual. Test administrators must sign a Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement, also provided in Appendix D. 14

15 Reminders Leaving Campus If a student begins a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment, illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. No exceptions will be made once the student leaves the school’s campus, so students and parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy. If you have concerns about a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, arrange to administer the test to that student on a make-up day. 15

16 Reminders Electronic Devices Policy If a student is found with ANY electronic device(s), including, but not limited to, cell phones and smartphones, during testing OR during breaks (e.g., restroom breaks, lunch), his or her test must be invalidated. School personnel must ensure that students who will return to complete a test session do not have access to their cell phones or other electronic devices even if the devices are turned off or the students do not use them. The best practice would be for students to leave devices at home or in their lockers on the day of testing. Students and parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy prior to testing. 16

17 Reminders Practice Tests (ePATs) Schools must administer a practice test to all students to be tested using the appropriate ePAT script; however, if a student has previously participated in an ePAT for Grade 10 Reading or the Reading Retake, the student is not required to participate in an ePAT for this administration. Accommodated and non-accommodated ePATs and scripts are posted separately at The link to the ePATs should be provided to all students and their parents/guardians prior to testing so that they can practice on their own at any time. 17

18 Reminders TestHear Accommodated computer-based test forms (large print, color contrast, zoom, assistive devices) are available for eligible students who have such accommodations identified in their individual educational plans (IEPs) or Section 504 plans. These forms are accessed using the TestHear software. Separate instructions and a script for administering accommodated forms are provided in Appendix A of the Fall 2013 Retake Manual. Students who require accommodated CBT forms must practice using the TestHear ePAT for the specific accommodated form or form combination that they will use during testing. 18

19 Reminders Paper-Based Materials Paper-based test materials (Reading Passage Booklets, regular print, braille) are available for eligible students who have such accommodations identified in their IEPs or Section 504 plans. Paper-based large print test materials are available as a unique accommodation. Reading Passage Booklets for computer-based Reading tests are available for eligible students with this accommodation indicated in their IEPs or Section 504 plans. 19

20 Reminders Virtual School Students Districts must make arrangements to test Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Full-Time public school students, as well as other virtual program students, per Section 1002.45(6)b, Florida Statutes (F.S.). 20

21 Reminders The following resources for this administration can be found at Test administration manual Forms to report test irregularities/security breaches and missing materials Training materials Student tutorials Comment forms Blank Administration Record/Security Checklist Security Log Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement Test Materials Chain of Custody Form FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement Parent/Guardian Letters Materials Return List Braille script 21

22 Glossary of Terms PearsonAccess A website used for almost all test preparation (e.g., PreID), setup, administration, and reporting tasks. Requires a username and password. Verify that you are working in the correct test administration each time you log in. Links to support materials: PearsonAccess will timeout after 14 minutes of inactivity. 22

23 Glossary of Terms Accessed from the Training Center tab on the PearsonAccess Home page. Provides an opportunity to −Practice PearsonAccess tasks. −Manage the Infrastructure Trial in preparation for testing. Requires a username and password (different from operational site). 23 PearsonAccess Training Center

24 Glossary of Terms TestNav 6.9 (TestNav) Platform for Florida’s high- stakes computer-based statewide assessments. Software application installed over a file server. 24

25 Glossary of Terms TestHear (TestHear) Platform used to deliver accommodated forms (e.g., large print, zoom, color contrast, screen reader, assistive devices) for Florida’s high-stakes computer-based statewide assessments. Software application installed on each computer that will be used to test students who require computer-based accommodations. TestHear will operate on Windows PC workstations and on Macintosh workstations that have Mac OS X10.5 or later installed and are running Windows (e.g., via Boot Camp). TestHear will not work on Mac OS X10.4 or on Macs that cannot also run Windows. Contact Veronica Gonzalez for download instructions. 25

26 Pearson Support and PearsonAccess Contact Veronica Gonzalez before contacting Pearson. Contact Pearson Support at: 1-877-847-3043 ( Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 8:30 pm EST) 26

27 Students to be Tested Students who entered Grade 9 in the 2009-2010 school year or after and are pursuing a standard Florida high school diploma must earn a passing score on the Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading test or obtain a concordant score on the ACT or SAT as one of the requirements for graduation. The following students are eligible to participate in this administration: –Retained Grade 10 or Grades 11 – Adult (AD) regular high school students who have not yet passed the Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading test. Passing scale score of 245. –Students who enrolled in Grade 9 prior to the 2009 – 2010 school year but have not yet passed the Grade 10 FCAT Reading test. (Because the FCAT Reading Retake is no longer offered, these students will participate in the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake.) Passing Scale Score of 241. 27

28 Students to be Tested Students who have received a GED diploma are not eligible to participate in FCAT 2.0 administrations. Students enrolled in grade levels below Grade 10 MAY NOT participate in the Reading Retake. 28

29 Students to be Tested Special Program Students Make arrangements to test special program students. Ensure that these students are tested under the correct school number, according to the chart on page 4 of the Fall 2013 Retake Manual. PBT – Ensure that grid sheets and Document Count Forms for these students are completed properly, according to the chart. 29

30 Proctors When testing a large group of students, proctors must be assigned to the room. Refer to the table below for the required number of proctors. * FDOE strongly encourages the use of proctors in all testing rooms, even those with 25 or fewer students. 30 1-25 studentsTest Administrator* 26-50 studentsTest Administrator and 1 Proctor 51-75 studentsTest Administrator and 2 Proctors

31 Test Security Per Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and Florida State Board Rule, 6A-10.042, FAC, inappropriate actions by school or district personnel can result in student or classroom invalidations, loss of teaching certification, and/or involvement of law enforcement. Examples of prohibited activities include the following: Reading or viewing the passages or test items before, during, or after testing Revealing the passages or test items Copying the passages or test items Explaining or reading passages or test items for students Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items Copying or reading student responses Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported 31

32 Test Irregularities/ Security Breaches Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive students, loss of Internet connectivity) and possible security breaches to the school assessment coordinator immediately. If a test irregularity or security breach is identified, the school assessment coordinator must contact the district assessment coordinator to discuss possible test invalidations. 32

33 For test irregularities requiring further investigation by the district and for security breaches, a written report must be submitted within 10 calendar days after the irregularity or security breach was identified. The report must include: –The nature of the situation –The time and place of the occurrence –The names of the persons involved –A description of the communication between the district assessment coordinator’s office and school personnel –How the incident was resolved –What steps are being taken to avoid future test irregularities or security breaches A form to report test irregularities and security breaches can be found at 33 Test Irregularities/ Security Breaches

34 Missing Materials Schools must investigate ANY report of missing materials and report missing secure materials (e.g., Reading Passage Booklet, Student Authorization Ticket, used worksheet, Session Roster) to the district assessment coordinator immediately. Within 30 calendar days of the incident, a written report must be submitted to the FDOE. The report must include : −The nature of the situation −The time and place of the occurrence −The names of the persons involved −A description of the communication between the district assessment coordinator’s office and school personnel −How the incident was resolved −What steps are being implemented to avoid the future losses A form to report missing materials can be found at 34

35 Test Invalidation District assessment coordinators will advise schools of the appropriate course of action if invalidation is being considered. Remember that the purpose of invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. If a situation listed in the “Test Invalidation” section on pages 17-18 of the manual occurs, test administrators should discuss the situation with the school assessment coordinator, and the school assessment coordinator must contact Janine, Veronica, or Nereida. 35

36 Technology Coordinator Before Testing Checklist  Read the test administration manual and the 2013–2014 Technology Coordinator Guide.  Read the Test Administration Policies and Procedures and sign the FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement.  Ensure all workstations meet the minimum requirements at  Confirm TestNav 6.9 software has been installed on all computers to be used for testing.  Install TestHear on all computers to be used for testing students requiring accommodated CBT forms.  Ensure all student workstations have successfully loaded the Infrastructure Trial.  Meet with the school assessment coordinator to discuss the administration of computer-based tests, walk through test administration procedures, and discuss plans for handling possible technical interruptions during testing. 36

37  Evaluate the testing locations in the school to ensure availability of sufficient electrical outlets and network jacks.  Ensure appropriate security protocols are used.  Ensure you disable any necessary applications prior to testing.  Confirm that the computers used for test administration have the appropriate required version of a standard Internet browser based on the operating system in use on the computer and the pop-up blocker is disabled (see Appendix B).  Ensure the school has a high-speed connection to the Internet AND the connection is not over-allocated. 37 Technology Coordinator Before Testing Checklist

38  Ensure a printer is available for printing the Student Authorization Tickets, seal codes, and Session Rosters (color is not required).  Analyze the network to determine whether network bottlenecks exist.  Confirm that student computers have not been updated with any additional software and will not be updated before testing begins. 38 Technology Coordinator Before Testing Checklist

39  Verify that the performance of your Internet connection is consistent with expected levels of performance for computer- based testing.  Verify, as needed, that no high bandwidth network activity other than computer-based testing will be occurring during the computer-based testing window. 39 Technology Coordinator Before Testing Checklist

40  Ensure that each computer station is equipped with a keyboard and mouse (or other pointing device).  Disable instant messaging, email notification, screen savers, power savers, and remote desktop.  Disable or delay anti-virus, auto-scan and/or auto-update, system restore utilities, Windows Security Firewall, web content filtering, or other software that may impact CPU speed or scan/block information transferred between the workstation and the servers.  Alert the school to the dates and times for computer-based testing and require students not testing and teachers to refrain from using any streaming media or other high-bandwidth applications while students are testing. 40 Technology Coordinator Before Testing Checklist

41  Ensure that test administrators are familiar with how to access TestNav and TestHear software from student workstations and how to access the student comment forms. The student comment form is available at: 41 Technology Coordinator Before Testing Checklist

42 Technology Coordinator Before Testing 42 Monitor Display and Shading To ensure students will see all of the content in the test, students are asked to confirm that they can see 15% shading on the Test Group Code screen when they first log in to the test. If students cannot see the shading, they must exit the test and their monitor settings must be adjusted. General instructions for adjusting monitor settings are provided in the 2013-2014 Technology Coordinator Guide. The steps for changing contrast and brightness settings will vary depending on the manufacturer and model of each individual monitor.

43 Technology Coordinator Before Testing TestNav ePATs Students are required to participate in a practice test using the ePAT to familiarize students and staff with the format, item types, and tools on the computer-based assessments. Instructions for installing and running TestNav ePATs are provided in the 2013-2014 Technology Coordinator Guide. 43

44 Technology Coordinator Before Testing TestHear ePATs Students are required to participate in a practice test using the ePAT with the same accommodations that will be provided to them on the operational assessment. The accommodated ePATs must be downloaded and installed on the computer workstation that will be used for the practice test. TestHear ePATs will only operate on Windows PC workstations and on Macintosh workstations that have Mac OS X 10.5 or later installed and are running Windows (e.g., via Boot Camp). TestHear ePATs will not work on Mac OS X 10.4 or on Macs that cannot also run Windows. Instructions for installing and running TestHear ePATs are provided in the 2013-2014 Technology Coordinator Guide. 44

45 Technology Coordinator Before Testing TestNav Once TestNav has been properly installed and tested, it should continue to be successful on student workstations through the test administration, as long as no incompatible software updates are made. 45

46 Technology Coordinator Before Testing TestHear TestHear software must be installed locally on all computers that will be used by students requiring accommodated CBT forms (e.g., large print, zoom, color contrast, assistive devices). Instructions for downloading and installing TestHear are provided in the 2013-2014 Technology Coordinator Guide. TestHear will only operate on Windows PC workstations and on Macintosh workstations that have Mac OS X 10.5 or later installed and are running Windows (e.g., via Boot Camp). TestHear accommodated Reading forms are larger than TestNav forms. To help determine bandwidth requirements and to provide an opportunity to practice loading TestHear forms, accommodated test data has been added to the Testing Volume Calculator in the TestNav System Check ( and to the Infrastructure Trial in the Training 46

47 Technology Coordinator During Testing Checklist  Adjust monitors that are not correctly displaying test items with shading.  Monitor each testing room to ensure that there are no technical issues.  Be available during testing to answer questions from test administrators. 47

48 Technology Coordinator After Testing Checklist  Complete the Technology Coordinator comment form at 48

49 Appendices Appendices in the Fall 2013 Retake Manual include: –Appendix A—Accommodations –Appendix B—Pearson Support and PearsonAccess –Appendix C—Test Security Statute and Rule –Appendix D—Forms, Cover Sheets, Checklists, Signs 49

50 Appendix A: Accommodations Appendix A provides specific information and instructions regarding the following: –Accommodations for Students with Disabilities –Accommodations for English Language Learners –TestHear (Accommodated CBT Forms)—functionality information and administration scripts –Regular Print Paper-Based Accommodations—administration scripts and scripts for gridding or verifying student grid sheets –Special Documents—Braille and Large Print Test Administrator Responsibilities Before, During, and After Testing School personnel responsible for administering tests to students with accommodations must familiarize themselves with all relevant information in Appendix A before testing. 50

51 Appendix B: Pearson Support and PearsonAccess Refer to Appendix B for the following: Information needed prior to contacting Pearson Support Information regarding PearsonAccess (operational site and training center) – Recommended operating system and browser combinations for workstations – Logging in for the first time – Resetting password – Training center Test Setup Exercise 51

52 Appendix C: Test Security Statute and Rule Appendix C of the manual contains the following: – Florida Test Security Statute (s. 1008.24, F.S.) – Florida State Board of Education Test Security Rule (6A-10.042) All personnel involved in testing activities, including handling and maintenance of test materials, must read and understand the information in Appendix C prior to signing a Security Agreement. The Statute and Rule in Appendix C are printed on perforated pages that may be removed for use during trainings. 52

53 Appendix D: Forms, Cover Sheets, Checklists, Signs Appendix D contains the following forms, cover sheets, checklists, and signs to be copied and used before, during, or after testing: FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement Test Materials Chain of Custody Form Security Log Blank Administration Record/Security Checklist Test Administrator, School Assessment Coordinator, Technology Coordinator, and District Assessment Coordinator Checklists Do Not Disturb Sign Session 1 and Session 2 Signs Electronic Devices Sign Cover Sheets (for organizing paper-based materials after testing) CBT Worksheet 53

54 Comment Forms 54 After testing, test administrators, school assessment coordinators, technology coordinators, and district assessment coordinators are encouraged to complete the appropriate comment form located at FDOE and Pearson appreciate feedback from district and school personnel.

55 Thank you for ensuring a secure and successful Fall 2013 Reading Retake administration. Questions? 55

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